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2020 Frodsham Congress Under 160

Last update 02.02.2020 19:15:08, Creator/Last Upload: alexholowczak

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Final Ranking crosstable after 5 Rounds

Rk. NameRtg1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.RdPts.
Groves Barry155 22b1 8w0 19b1 24w1 13b14
Clissold Richard S150 18w1 31b1 25w1 3b½ 4w½4
Potter Steven150 35b1 16w1 8b1 2w½ 5b½4
Bridgeman Niamh144 30w1 17b1 20w1 2b½4
Barber Andrew M154 12b½ 33w1 22b1 3w½3,5
Clegg Robert151 20b0 31w1 29b1 14w13,5
Colville Philip J150 35w1 10b0 26w1 20b13,5
Connor Michael I147 19w1 1b1 3w0 25b1 9w½3,5
Laurence Geoff146 21b1 14w½ 24b½ 10w1 8b½3,5
Hankey Chris P151 23w1 25b0 7w1 9b0 22w13
Kelly Richard145 14b0 21w1 22b0 33w1 24b13
Banerjee Sanjoy K136 5w½ 13b0 28b1 17w½ 25w13
Parry Haydn J133 12w1 34b½ 15b1 1w03
Gorman John A159 11w1 9b½ 20w0 27b1 6b02,5
Lloyd Stephen M147 25b0 32w1 26b½ 13w0 30b12,5
Williams Ray147 28w1 3b0 27w½ 17b½2,5
Lee Michael A138 29b1 4w0 12b½ 16w½2,5
Fisher Peter S136 2b0 22w0 33b½ 32w1 31b12,5
Clare Steve133 8b0 -1 1w0 21b½ 29w12,5
Hawthorne Julian N128 6w1 14b1 4b0 7w02,5
Barnes David123 9w0 11b0 35b1 19w½ 33b12,5
Teague David139 1w0 18b1 11w1 5w0 10b02
Roberts Anthony J138 10b0 28w½ 30b½ 31w½ 26b½2
Whale Michael134 34b1 9w½ 1b0 11w02
Ashton David N128 15w1 10w1 2b0 8w0 12b02
Bridgeman Matthew R123 27b½ 15w½ 7b0 23w½2
Barnett Douglas J136 26w½ 16b½ 14w0 -01,5
Farthing Michael129 16b0 23b½ 12w0 30w½ 32b½1,5
Jayawarna Tarini125 17w0 32b1 6w0 19b01,5
Kirklys Domantas125 4b0 23w½ 28b½ 15w01,5
Coles Martin116 -1 2w0 6b0 23b½ 18w01,5
Barrett Mike D132 15b0 29w0 18b0 28w½1
Szwajkun Richard130 5b0 18w½ 11b0 21w01
Beswick Andrew111 24w0 13w½ -0 -01
Stanfield David Snr134 3w0 7b0 21w0 -0 -00