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IV Torneo Infantil Centro Comercial El Encinar. Sub 12 y 14

Última actualización22.02.2020 21:24:53, Propietario/Última carga: Club Ajedrez V Centenario S. S. Reyes

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Cuadro cruzado por ranking inicial

No.Nombre1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts.Rk. Des 1  Des 2  Des 3 
1Karunanithi Bharath 17w1 12b1 6w1 4b1 2w0 8b1 9w163202923,00
2Lozano Hernanz Rodrigo 18b1 13w1 9b1 3w1 1b1 5w½ 11b½612332,527,25
3Lopez Carrazana Darvin Alejandro 19w+ 16b1 8w1 2b0 12w1 11w1 5b05521,530,518,50
4Solanilla Olcese Ada 20b1 26w1 11b1 1w0 5b0 18w1 21b154223119,00
5Jolani Parnian 21w½ 7b1 10w1 6b1 4w1 2b½ 3w162233227,00
6Lopez-Ibarra Perdones Miguel 22b1 30w1 1b0 5w0 21b0 27w1 10w03192027,57,00
7Xia Zhe 23w0 5w0 28b1 27b1 25w1 20b1 8w15617,524,514,00
8Sanchez Villodres Mario 24b1 33w1 3b0 18w1 9b1 1w0 7b04122027,512,00
9Garcia Estebanez Diego 25w1 23b1 2w0 17b1 8w0 12b1 1b0410223115,00
10Sanabria Gris Pol 26b0 24w1 5b0 29w1 23b½ 13w1 6b14,591724,513,25
11Corchon Granero Mateo 27w1 31b1 4w0 21b1 14w1 3b0 2w½4,57192714,50
12Kohn Garcia Alejandro 28b1 1w0 22b1 30w1 3b0 9w0 17b141416,523,59,00
13Fernandez Aguado Marcos 29w1 2b0 21w½ 16b1 20w0 10b0 14w13,5161826,510,50
14Aguilar Serrano Ivan 30b0 28w1 26b1 20w½ 11b0 23w0 13b02,5261823,55,75
15Barrio Ballesteros Gonzalo 31w0 21b0 27w0 28b1 26w0 29b0 -122912172,00
16Canales Bravo Antonio 32b1 3w0 30b0 13w0 29b1 31w1 18b032217237,50
17Canduela Mayor Rodrigo 1b0 32w1 33b1 9w0 30b1 21w0 12w03201825,57,50
18Cruz Gamo Noah 2w0 25b1 23w1 8b0 31w1 4b0 16w1411202914,00
19De Aniceto Lopez Hector 3b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -003212,517,50,00
20Gomez Lopez Hector 4w0 27b1 31w1 14b½ 13b1 7w0 23b03,51518,525,59,75
21Hernandez Garcia Ivan 5b½ 15w1 13b½ 11w0 6w1 17b1 4w04131926,512,25
22Jimenez Gutierrez Asier 6w0 29b1 12w0 31b0 27w0 -1 33b022813,5194,50
23Martin Lopez Pablo 7b1 9w0 18b0 26w1 10w½ 14b1 20w14,581926,516,25
24Montero Gonzalez Marcela 8w0 10b0 29w0 32b1 33b0 28w½ 31b01,5301419,52,00
25Munoz Garcia Ruben 9b0 18w0 32b1 33w1 7b0 30w½ 27b13,5171622,57,75
26Pascual Lazaro Santiago 10w1 4b0 14w0 23b0 15b1 33w1 30b032117,5248,50
27Pflueger Cabo Arturo 11b0 20w0 15b1 7w0 22b1 6b0 25w02271622,53,00
28Rivero Alamillo Jorge 12w0 14b0 7w0 15w0 -1 24b½ 29w01,53112,518,51,75
29Romero de las Heras Gonzalo 13b0 22w0 24b1 10b0 16w0 15w1 28b13251116,54,00
30Sanchez Sanchez Guillermo 14w1 6b0 16w1 12b0 17w0 25b½ 26w13,51815,52210,25
31Sanchez Sierra Marcos 15b1 11w0 20b0 22w1 18b0 16b0 24w132413,519,54,50
32Tobar Roig Pablo 16w0 17b0 25w0 24w0 -0 -0 -00331115,50,00
33Vargem Corredera Marcos -1 8b0 17w0 25b0 24w1 26b0 22w13231419,56,00

Desempate 1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Desempate 2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Desempate 3: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable