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Semifinala Campionatului National Bucuresti 15.02-23.02.2020

Posledná aktualizácia 23.02.2020 18:06:19, Creator/Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 4)

Search for player Hladaj

Konečná tabuľka po 9 kolách

Por.TMenoEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdBody TB1  TB2  TB3 
1CMMartian Dragos-Daniel2228ROU 28w1 31b1 32w1 6b½ 5w1 3b½ 4w1 2b½ 7w½747,522380
2CMLuca Ionel2032ROU 44w1 19b1 7w1 5b½ 4w½ 18b1 3w½ 1w½ 12b½6,548,521540
3CMSandu Marian-Catalin2149ROU 46b1 41w1 16b½ 25w1 11b1 1w½ 2b½ 6w½ 4w½6,54621420
4ICnejev Vladimir-Alexandru2072ROU 54b1 34w1 16w1 2b½ 12w1 1b0 10w½ 3b½646,521310
5NMNeagu Liviu2039ROU 52b1 33w1 18b1 2w½ 1b0 14w1 10b0 31w1 9w½646,520810
6ISerban Cristian-Stefan2009ROU 48b1 68w1 10b1 1w½ 12b0 9w½ 33w1 3b½ 13w½64621130
7CMBulau Andrei-Cristian2197ROU 24b1 23w1 2b0 26w1 14b½ 40w1 16b½ 12w½ 1b½64620640
8IICojocaru Filip1647ROU 15w1 17b½ 9w½ 59b½ 25b½ 13w½ 35w1 32b+ 10b½64420750
9IStefan Mihai2066ROU 29w1 8b½ 23w1 6b½ 17w½ 16w1 5b½64420210
10IVoinescu David-Ioan2156ROU 39w1 35b1 6w0 31b½ 21w1 17b½ 5w1 4b½ 8w½64420190
11ITurlea Constantin2045ROU 27w1 21b½ 43w1 17b1 3w0 12b0 33w1 22b1643,519760
12IIgnat Matei-Marius1961ROU 62w1 42b½ 58w½ 45b1 6w1 4b0 11w1 7b½ 2w½642,520000
13CMCreanga Robert-Ionut2191ROU 34b0 30w1 43b1 31w½ 8b½ 18w1 20w1 6b½641,519840
14IIustin Silviu1964ROU 42w1 46b1 7w½ 5b0 19w1 24b½ 27w1640,519760
15CMLefterache Daniel2057ROU 8b0 37w1 22b1 47w1 18b0 16w0 29b1 43w1 26b1640,518730
16IDumitrescu Daniel1875ROU 49b1 53w1 3w½ 4b0 44w1 15b1 7w½ 9b0 17w½5,54419860
17IBerechet Stefan-Mario1922ROU 55b1 8w½ 20b1 11w0 58b1 10w½ 9b½ 22w½ 16b½5,543,519170
18IGheorghiu Alexandru-Dan1864ROU 38w1 70b1 5w0 53b1 15w1 2w0 13b0 36b½ 24w15,54218590
19IPalamar Theodor1765ROU 57b1 2w0 65b1 32w½ 14b0 54w1 35b15,53918330
20IBursuc Mihai1791ROU 63b1 17w0 36b½ 45w1 52w1 13b0 38w15,537,517500
21WCMDidiliuc Dariana-Gabriela1806ROU 64b1 11w½ 25b0 55w1 10b0 22w0 45b1 52w1 36b15,53717880
22IIVasilescu Rares-Cristian1658ROU 15w0 61b1 34w½ 21b1 23w1 17b½ 11w0541,518980
23IRadu David (Cr)1845ROU 51w1 7b0 27w1 9b0 29w1 22b0 39b½ 43w1540,518070
24IISaioc David1711ROU 7w0 38b1 70w1 32b½ 40b0 41w1 25b1 14w½ 18b054018730
25CMCirlan Ionut-Gheorghe1944ROU 36w1 43b½ 21w1 3b0 8w½ 52b½ 24w0 30b½ 42w154017860
26CMNastase Stefan1810ROU 45w1 7b0 36w1 32b0 44w1 42b1 15w0539,518380
27IPitigoi Sabina-Andreea1603ROU 11b0 63w1 23b0 69w1 41b½ 43w½ 59b1 40w1 14b053517980
28ISpiridon Mihai-Zoltan1721ROU 1b0 50w1 53b0 65w1 -0 61b1 41w1534,518830
29ICraciun Gheorghe1687ROU 9b0 64w1 40b0 50w1 23b0 56w1 15w0 60b1 47w153417210
30AIMUlian Andrei-Octavian1757ROU 70w0 49b0 13b0 63w1 64b½ 55w1 53b1 25w½ 40b1531,516550
31IPopescu Ioan-Romulus1859ROU 50b1 1w0 48b1 10w½ 13b½ 34w1 32w½ 5b0 -04,54419790
32IDorache Florin1993ROU 71b+ 47w1 1b0 24w½ 19b½ 26w1 31b½ 8w- -04,54319160
33IPrelipcean Eric-Matei1800ROU 56w1 5b0 36w½ 37b1 47w1 6b0 11b0 39w½4,540,517490
34IStoica Liviu (M.)1849ROU 37b½ 13w1 4b0 42w½ 22b½ 31b0 38w0 53w1 54b14,53917110
35IMatei Adrian1827ROU 65b1 10w0 55b½ 54w1 8b0 46b1 19w04,53816960
36IITariceanu Victor1544ROU 25b0 69w1 33b½ 20w½ 26b0 67w1 47b1 18w½ 21w04,53617000
37ISpiridon Anisia1469ROU 34w½ 15b0 62b1 33w0 -0 49b1 52b14,535,517470
38IICraciun Sasha-Matei1493ROU 18b0 24w0 63b1 41w0 69b1 53w½ 34b1 59w1 20b04,533,516700
39IBarbu George-Emilian1705ROU 10b0 65w0 51b1 44b½ 64w1 23w½ 33b½4,533,516430
40CMDone Stefan-Daniel1957ROU 29w1 44b½ 24w1 7b0 42w½ 27b0 30w043917020
41CMSalcu Laurentiu1829ROU 61w1 3b0 44w0 38b1 27w½ 24b0 48b½ 58w1 28b0438,516170
42IVlaicu Aurel1726ROU 60b1 12w½ 14b0 34b½ 59w½ 48w1 40b½ 26w0 25b043817700
43IRata Anamaria1740ROU 69b1 25w½ 11b0 13w0 66w1 27b½ 60w1 15b0 23b043816960
44IISementov Andrei1603ROU 2b0 57w1 41b1 40w½ 16b0 39w½ 26b0 48w½ 45b½437,516560
45IICruceru-Uceanu Tudor-Mihai1366ROU 26b0 52w1 68b1 12w0 20b0 21w0 64b1 44w½43716180
46CMButolo Alexandru-Mircea1699ROU 3w0 61b1 60w1 14w0 59b½ 54b½ 35w0 48b½435,516650
47ICristescu Ion1783ROU 66w1 32b0 49w1 15b0 53w1 33b0 36w0 62b+ 29b0435,515510
48IIIloiu Liviu-Matei1546ROU 6w0 56b1 31w0 55b1 42b0 41w½ 44b½ 46w½434,516590
49IICraciun Dorian-Raul1496ROU 16w0 30w1 47b0 60b0 56w0 65b1 67b1 37w0 61w143014260
50IIBunda Daniel1484ROU 31w0 28b0 67w1 29b0 70w+ 54b0 61w0 63b1 60w143013610
51AFMBeciu Silviu1472ROU 23b0 59w0 39w0 -0 69b1 67w1 62b+42814450
52IMihalea Stefan1605ROU 5w0 45b0 56w1 70b1 68w+ 25w½ 20b0 21b0 37w03,538,514750
53Marinescu Mihai (I)1001ROU -1 16b0 28w1 18w0 47b0 38b½ 30w0 34b0 64w13,53815620
54IIDanila Tudor-Gabriel1564ROU 59b½ 4w0 66b1 35b0 50w1 46w½ 19b0 34w03,535,516370
55WCMMaria Lia-Alexandra1612ROU 17w0 67b1 35w½ 21b0 48w0 30b0 63w½ 56b½ 66w13,53314520
56IIMavrodin Marin1338ROU 33b0 48w0 52b0 57w1 49b1 29b0 62w0 55w½ 67b13,531,514090
57IIIvascu Andreea-Catalina1197ROU 19w0 44b0 61w0 56b0 63b½ 66w½ 69w1 65b13,525,512860
58IITeodorescu Luca-Nicolae1685ROU 59w1 12b½ 17w0 -0 41b0 -0338,518310
59IDavidescu Adrian-Mirel1959ROU 54w½ 58b0 51b1 8w½ 42b½ 46w½ 27w0 38b0 -033515430
60IIDimitriu Filip1098ROU 42w0 -1 46b0 49w1 43b0 29w0 50b0333,512220
61IIGrasu Gigi1409ROU 41b0 46w0 57b1 22w0 50b1 28w0 49b033314230
62ICitra Anton-Valeriu1520ROU 12b0 37w0 66b0 69w1 56b1 47w- 51w-332,513490
63IIPopescu Alexandru-Mihai1296ROU 20w0 27b0 38w0 30b0 57w½ -1 55b½ 50w0 69b1332,512960
64IIMarin Alexia-Iuliana1285ROU 21w0 29b0 30w½ 66b1 39b0 45w0 53b02,53413660
65ACMDadal Cristinel-Gelu1371ROU 35w0 39b1 19w0 28b0 67b0 49w0 -1 66b½ 57w02,53213280
66IIAnghelescu Teodor-Stefan1248ROU 47b0 54w0 62w1 43b0 64w0 57b½ 65w½ 55b02,528,512880
67IIISomodi Vlad-Alexandru1090ROU 68b0 55w0 50b0 -1 65w1 36b0 49w0 51b0 56w0229,511840
68IIrimia Horia-Ion1730ROU 67w1 6b0 45w0 52b- -0 -0 -0 -01,531,500
69IISoare Andrei1128ROU 43w0 36b0 -1 27b0 38w0 62b0 51w0 57b0 63w0132,56450
70IIOlteanu Gabriel-Luca1161ROU 30b1 18w0 24b0 52w0 50b- -0 -0 -0 -0131,513680
71IMoroianu George1568ROU 32w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -002600

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break2: Performance (variable With parameter)
Tie Break3: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)