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Klasifikācijas turnīrs 2. sporta klasēm 21.02. - 23.02.2020. (RŠS)

Last update 23.02.2020 14:57:00, Creator/Last Upload: savieniba

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Aleksejevs Daniils1277LAT 19w1 14b1 15w½ 23b0 11w0 30b1 22w14,51023,52518,5
2Bomis Raitis1253LAT 20b0 25w1 23w0 27b0 32b0 33w1 30w132022,5239
3Maskalans Nils1240LAT 21w1 15b0 24w1 16b1 9w½ 4b½ 11w15324,52619,5
4Sergejevs Germans1225LAT 36b1 16w0 28b1 14w½ 22b1 3w½ 15w1542325,519
5Augstkalns Martins1221LAT 22b1 20w0 29b0 28w1 -0 -0 -022923,52611
6Muzis Renars1207LAT 23w½ 35b½ 30w½ 29b1 15w0 26b½ 31w14132224,515
7Kuchina Polina1206LAT 24b0 26w½ 18b½ 22w0 36b½ -0 -01,5341921,57
8Daineko Pjotrs1186LAT 25w1 24b1 16w1 10b½ 23w0 15b0 27w14,58262921
9Dabolins Davis1170LAT 26b1 28w1 20b0 34w1 3b½ 14w1 10b04,552931,520,5
10Jeronovics Toms1159LAT 27w1 30b1 34w1 8w½ 20b1 23b1 9w16,512729,526
11Ozolins Kristaps1133LAT 28b0 27w1 33b1 37w1 1b1 20w0 3b04112424,518
12Labecka Maria1128LAT 29w1 34b0 -0 32w1 30b½ 22w0 36b13,51819,52213,5
13Treimanis Ernests1127LAT 30b0 29w0 26b1 36w1 34b+ 27b0 35w141519,52213
14Jermaks Maksims1123LAT 31w1 1w0 36b1 4b½ 35w1 9b0 29w14,5923,52618
15Rasimenoka Marija1120LAT 32b1 3w1 1b½ 20w0 6b1 8w1 4b04,562931,520,5
16Dorofejevs Demids1119LAT 33w1 4b1 8b0 3w0 29w0 35b0 37w13192323,514
17Mierina Lauma1104LAT 34b0 32w1 37b- -0 -0 -0 -013519216
18Dankovs Ruslans1089LAT 35w½ 23b0 7w½ 25b½ 28w1 29b½ 26w03222022,512
19Liepins Henrijs1073LAT 1b0 36w0 27b0 26w0 21b- -0 -003718190
20Petrovs Arsenijs1064LAT 2w1 5b1 9w1 15b1 10w0 11b1 23w16227,530,525
21Rasimenoks Pavels1061LAT 3b0 37w0 32b0 31w0 19w+ 28b0 33b12321616,54
22Shmins Andrejs1053LAT 5w0 31b1 35w½ 7b1 4w0 12b1 1b03,5162325,514,5
23Rezniks Boriss1052LAT 6b½ 18w1 2b1 1w1 8b1 10w0 20b04,5728,531,521,5
24Obrazcovs Nikita1044LAT 7w1 8w0 3b0 33b1 -0 -0 -023022,52311
25Zuravlovs Rodions1026LAT 8b0 2b0 31w1 18w½ 26b- -0 -01,5332022,57
26Zilbers Tomass1004LAT 9w0 7b½ 13w0 19b1 25w+ 6w½ 18b14142021,512
27Freibergs Raimonds1003LAT 10b0 11b0 19w1 2w1 37b1 13w1 8b041223,52514
28Ambarcumjans Grairs0LAT 11w1 9b0 4w0 5b0 18b0 21w1 32b½2,52522,5249,5
29Azevs Aleksandrs0LAT 12b0 13b1 5w1 6w0 16b1 18w½ 14b03,51722,525,515
30Bickovs Aleksandrs Adrians0LAT 13w1 10w0 6b½ 35b½ 12w½ 1w0 2b02,52425,528,513
31Bogdanovs Aleksandrs0LAT 14b0 22w0 25b0 21b1 33w1 32w1 6b03231919,59
32Bulgakov Alexander0LAT 15w0 17b0 21w1 12b0 2w1 31b0 28w½2,52720,5228,5
33Jesilevskis Aleksandrs0LAT 16b0 -1 11w0 24w0 31b0 2b0 21w01361920,56
34Lacis Niks0LAT 17w1 12w1 10b0 9b0 13w- -0 -0228262913
35Matisons Janis Mihaels0LAT 18b½ 6w½ 22b½ 30w½ 14b0 16w1 13b032121,52413
36Radionovs Genrihs0LAT 4w0 19b1 14w0 13b0 7w½ 37b1 12w02,52621,5239,5
37Vidrusks Jekabs0LAT -0 21b1 17w+ 11b0 27w0 36w0 16b023120,52211

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Fide Tie-Break