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Eesti noorte 2020. aasta meistrivoistlused - U18

Last update 29.01.2020 16:32:36, Creator/Last Upload: Estonian Chess Support Organization

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Final Ranking crosstable after 8 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1FMChukavin Kirill2336EST 22w1 8b1 17w1 6b1 3w1 2b0 5w½ 4b16,5034,531
2Aga Rihard2057EST 23b1 11w½ 15b1 5w½ 4b½ 1w1 3b½ 9w1603531
3Pedoson Georg Aleksander2241EST 18b1 12w1 7b½ 4w½ 1b0 6w1 2w½ 5b½503733
4Andrijashkin Deniss1955EST 13w1 6b½ 9w1 3b½ 2w½ 5b½ 8w1 1w0503732,5
5Protassov Vlad1957EST 21b1 15w½ 11b½ 2b½ 22w1 4w½ 1b½ 3w½503531,5
6Sadekov Maksim1874EST 27b1 4w½ 12b1 1w0 14b½ 3b0 25w1 16w15031,528,5
7Uibokant Mathias Robert2126EST 20w1 9b½ 3w½ 22b½ -0 13w1 10b½ 14b1503127,5
Rychagov Nikita1953EST 26b1 1w0 18b½ 13b½ 20w1 14w1 4b0 12b1503127,5
9Vaino Nikita1894EST 24b1 7w½ 4b0 18w1 11b½ 17w1 12w½ 2b04,5032,529
10Olde Karl Erik1940EST 17w0 14b1 13w0 19b½ 23w½ 20b1 7w½ 25b14,5027,524,5
11Pedmanson Albert1915EST 19w1 2b½ 5w½ 17b1 9w½ 12b½ -0 -04033,530
12Pedmanson Herman1931EST 28b1 3b0 6w0 21w1 16b1 11w½ 9b½ 8w0403228,5
13Uibokant Karl Oskar1714EST 4b0 27w1 10b1 8w½ -0 7b0 22w1 18w½4031,528,5
14Shnurov Daniil1752EST 16b½ 10w0 24b1 15w1 6w½ 8b0 17b1 7w04031,528
15Nikitin Arseni EST1878EST 25w1 5b½ 2w0 14b0 17w0 21w1 23b½ 24b1402825
16Orgse Karl Kristofer1969EST 14w½ 17b0 19w½ 23b1 12w0 22b1 24w1 6b0402623
17Kull Tormi1668EST 10b1 16w1 1b0 11w0 15b1 9b0 14w0 19w½3,5032,528,5
18Snitsarenko Igor1818EST 3w0 28b1 8w½ 9b0 19w½ 25b0 26w1 13b½3,5027,525,5
19Padari Tuudur Jakob1629EST 11b0 23w½ 16b½ 10w½ 18b½ 24w0 28w1 17b½3,5026,523,5
20Rikas Artur1809EST 7b0 24w½ 23b½ 27w1 8b0 10w0 21b½ 28w13,502624,5
21Tomson Mihkel1727EST 5w0 25b1 22w0 12b0 28w1 15b0 20w½ 27b13,502422,5
22Savinov Matvei1857EST 1b0 26w1 21b1 7w½ 5b0 16w0 13b0 23w½303229
23Nazarov Vladislav1761EST 2w0 19b½ 20w½ 16w0 10b½ 28b½ 15w½ 22b½3028,525,5
24Raide Sivert1607EST 9w0 20b½ 14w0 25b½ 26w1 19b1 16b0 15w03026,523,5
25Naestema Joonas Aditya1563EST 15b0 21w0 26b½ 24w½ 27b1 18w1 6b0 10w03025,523,5
26Makarov Gleb1671EST 8w0 22b0 25w½ 28b0 24b0 27w1 18b0202119,5
27Savustyan Arseniy1461EST 6w0 13b0 28w1 20b0 25w0 26b0 21w01,5123,521,5
28Kuldmaa Tanel1666EST 12w0 18w0 27b0 26w1 21b0 23w½ 19b0 20b01,502321

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)