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Cupa Unirii

Last update 22.01.2020 16:58:03, Creator/Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 12)

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Balasescu Antonio0ROU 21w0 20b1 9w0 27b½ 12w½2360110
2Barsu Luca0ROU 23w0 28b1 24b1 16w0 9w02270211,5
3Borea Octavian0ROU 25b1 24w1 33b0 18w0 13b13140313,5
4Bugan Iustin0ROU 26w0 30b0 20w1 28b1 23w13170310,5
5Butoi Stefan0ROU 27b1 29w1 37b0 26w0 17b13120315
6Cealera Tiberiu0ROU 28w1 26b0 30w½ 40b0 27w½2310113,5
7Costea Flavius0ROU 29b0 22w1 27b1 39w0 24w13160312
8Costea Gabriel0ROU 30w1 34b1 40w1 37b0 33w03100319,5
9Costof Alexandru0ROU 31b½ 35w1 1b1 41w0 2b13,580314
10Dascalina Razvan0ROU 33b0 25w½ 35b0 11w1 15b½2340111
11Dobroiu Daniel0ROU 34w0 32b0 28w0 10b0 14w00420010
12Draghici Ioan0ROU 35b½ 15w0 25b1 31w0 1b½2330111,5
13Fodor Robert0ROU 36w1 40b0 32w1 34b0 3w02240214
14Fotu Raluca0ROU 37b0 27w0 22b0 25w0 11b11380111,5
15Geambazu Sotir0ROU 38w½ 12b1 42w0 30b0 10w½2320112,5
16Ghenescu Edwin0ROU 39b1 33w0 29b1 2b1 37w03110317
17Ghinea Matei0ROU 32w1 42b0 34w0 38b1 5w02230214
18Iliescu Dalian0ROU 40w0 36b1 38w1 3b1 34w03150313
19Manoliu Robert0ROU 41b0 39w0 36b0 20w1 35b01370113,5
20Marusciac Gabriel0ROU 42w0 1w0 4b0 19b0 36w00410012
21Matea Antonio0ROU 1b1 37w0 31b½ 35w1 39b02,5180216
22Mocanu Dragos0ROU 24w0 7b0 14w1 32b0 38w1228029
23Negrila Fabian0ROU 2b1 41w0 39b0 29w1 4b02220216
24Negrisan Ioana0ROU 22b1 3b0 2w0 36w1 7b02260212
25Ochesel Ionut0ROU 3w0 10b½ 12w0 14b1 32w12,5200210
26Pavel Codrin0ROU 4b1 6w1 41b0 5b1 40w1430416
27Peta Selena0ROU 5w0 14b1 7w0 1w½ 6b½2350111
28Petrov Alek0ROU 6b0 2w0 11b1 4w0 29b0139019
29Popa Andrei0ROU 7w1 5b0 16w0 23b0 28w12250212
30Popa Tudor0ROU 8b0 4w1 6b½ 15w1 31b13,590312,5
31Pricop Rares0ROU 9w½ 38b½ 21w½ 12b1 30w02,5210112,5
32Pufleanu Zoe0ROU 17b0 11w1 13b0 22w1 25b0229028,5
33Radulescu Sebastian0ROU 10w1 16b1 3w1 42b0 8b1440415
34Rafte Alexandru0ROU 11b1 8w0 17b1 13w1 18b1470410
35Roschi Ionut0ROU 12w½ 9b0 10w1 21b0 19w12,5190211
36Rosioru Sorin0ROU 13b0 18w0 19w1 24b0 20b1230028
37Sonuvar Turan-Can0ROU 14w1 21b1 5w1 8w1 16b1520512,5
38Taranescu Alice0ROU 15b½ 31w½ 18b0 17w0 22b01400011,5
39Vasilescu Rares0ROU 16w0 19b1 23w1 7b1 21w1460411,5
40Vintilescu Andreea0ROU 18b1 13w1 8b0 6w1 26b03130314
41Vlasceanu Radu0ROU 19w1 23b1 26w1 9b1 42w1510514,5
42Zabava Calin0ROU 20b1 17w1 15b1 33w1 41b0450413

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: The greater number of victories (variable)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)