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Semifinala Campionatului National - Braila

Last update 16.02.2020 16:58:02, Creator/Last Upload: jugaru lucian

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Final Ranking crosstable after 9 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1CMGhimpu Samuel-Timotei2287ROU 18w1 7b1 10w1 8b½ 4w½ 6b1 9w1 3w1 5b184723200
2IIIstrate Ioan1638ROU 39w1 3b½ 6w0 21b1 18w½ 22w1 25b1 8b+ 7b½6,54316670
3ILupu Ovidiu1999ROU 26b1 2w½ 14b1 5w1 8w½ 7b½ 10w1 1b0 4w½64919920
4CMCoca Cristi-Iulian2144ROU 22w1 15b1 12w1 1b½ 8b½ 7w1 5w0 3b½64820660
5IBonciu David1923ROU 29w1 17b½ 21w1 3b0 25b1 13w1 8w½ 4b1 1w064619690
6IIBarbu Simon-Alexandru1739ROU 33b1 14w½ 2b1 11w½ 13b½ 1w0 20b1 15w1 8b½64618160
7IIIfrim Mihai1677ROU 30b1 1w0 26b1 27w1 12b1 3w½ 4b0 16w1 2w½64518200
8CMIsfan Ioan-Marius2218ROU 27b1 13w1 11b1 1w½ 3b½ 4w½ 5b½ 2w- 6w½5,54921000
9IIOncescu Vlad-Norin1468ROU 21b½ 28w1 16b1 11w1 1b0 10b½ 17w½5,54517320
10IZanfir Iulian1720ROU 32b1 35w1 1b0 19w½ 14b1 12w1 3b0 9w½ 11b½5,544,517040
11NMTufa Mihai1863ROU 20w1 24b1 8w0 6b½ 17w1 9b0 21w1 19b½ 10w½5,543,517010
12IIDobrescu Cosmin-Ionut1733ROU 28w1 41b1 16w1 4b0 7w0 10b0 22w1 18b1 14w½5,542,516570
13IITudoroiu Razvan-Catalin1688ROU 37w1 8b0 17w1 24b1 6w½ 5b0 19w0 34b1 25w+5,54116340
14IGazdaru Rares1437ROU 44w1 6b½ 3w0 31b1 10w0 17b½ 28w1 25w1 12b½5,54115640
15IAndres Marina-Corina1635ROU 36b+ 4w0 29b1 18b½ 19w½ 26w1 16b½ 6b0 24w15,54015690
16CMDan Cristian-Mihaita1897ROU 34b1 25w1 12b0 9w0 29b1 27w1 15w½ 7b0 19w15,539,516530
17IIChipaila Cristian-Florin1589ROU 42b1 5w½ 13b0 33w1 11b0 14w½ 26b1 27w1 9b½5,53915440
18IICervis Jean-Mihai1253ROU 1b0 31w1 35b1 15w½ 2b½ 25w0 29b1 12w0 30b154114140
19IIJitea Andrei-Cristian1360ROU 32w1 10b½ 15b½ 20w½ 13b1 11w½ 16b0540,515640
20IIPaiovici Andreea1035ROU 11b0 23w1 25b0 30w1 24w1 19b½ 6w0 21b½ 34w1539,513320
21ICalinoiu Constantin1434ROU 38b1 9w½ 5b0 2w0 43b1 33w1 11b0 20w½ 26b153813940
22IIGazdaru David1221ROU 4b0 30w1 40b1 25w0 32w1 2b0 12b0 38w1 31b1536,513230
23Enache Sorin0ROU 24w0 20b0 39w1 28b0 37b1 34w0 43b1 29w1 27b1531,511430
24IIGiugiuc Andrei-Calin1450ROU 23b1 11w0 34b1 13w0 20b0 36w1 33w1 15b04,53713110
25IIAncuta Eduard-Gabriel1629ROU 43w1 16b0 20w1 22b1 5w0 18b1 2w0 14b0 13b-44314790
26IIFlorea Adrian (St.)1183ROU 3w0 39b1 7w0 36b1 35w1 15b0 17w0 28b1 21w0438,512660
27IIDatcu Adrian-Iulian1234ROU 8w0 37b1 41w1 7b0 28w1 16b0 35w1 17b0 23w0438,512350
28FCCirnu Luca-Andrei1011ROU 12b0 38w1 9b0 23w1 27b0 30w1 14b0 26w0 33b143711970
29IIVasilescu Ciprian-George1097ROU 5b0 42w1 15w0 41b1 16w0 32b1 18w0 23b0 39w1435,511510
30FCRadu Victor Mihai1001ROU 7w0 22b0 42w1 20b0 38w1 28b0 39w1 36b1 18w0434,510900
31IVRadulescu Larisa-Stefania1031ROU 18b0 43w1 14w0 33b0 37b1 34w½ 35b1 22w0433,510910
32FCLipovenschi Antonio-Dorian1001ROU 10w0 44b+ 19b0 40w1 22b0 29w0 33b0 42w1 38b143211000
33IIChirila Carmen-Maria1100ROU 6w0 43b½ 37w1 17b0 31w1 21b0 32w1 24b0 28w03,53611710
34IILeu Dragos Stefan1068ROU 16w0 36b1 24w0 35b0 41w1 23b1 31b½ 13w0 20b03,53610810
35FCOprea Paul Angel Andrei1001ROU -1 10b0 18w0 34w1 26b0 43w1 27b0 31w0 37b½3,533,510450
36Badara Nicolae0ROU 15w- 34w0 38b1 26w0 40b1 24b0 30w0 42b13,530,510500
37FCParlog Sorin-Gabriel1001ROU 13b0 27w0 33b0 42b1 23w0 31w0 40b1 41w1 35w½3,53010370
38Marin Ioan-Eduard0ROU 21w0 28b0 36w0 39b1 30b0 44w+ 41w1 22b0 32w03318910
39FCToporau David-Stefan1001ROU 2b0 26w0 23b0 38w0 44b1 40w1 30b0 43w1 29b03309770
40Burduja Bogdan-Cosmin0ROU 22w0 32b0 36w0 39b0 37w0 44b1 43w1329,58740
41Enache Mihai0ROU 45b+ 12w0 27b0 29w0 34b0 42w1 38b0 37b0 44w1328,59490
42Burtea Andrei0ROU 17w0 29b0 30b0 37w0 -1 41b0 44w1 32b0 36w02297640
43Burtea Alexandru0ROU 25b0 33w½ 31b0 44w1 21w0 35b0 23w0 39b0 40b01,5318600
44Stefan Eric-Gabriel0ROU 14b0 32w- 43b0 39w0 38b- 42b0 40w0 41b00,526,52730
45IIBlanaru Ciprian-Georgian1469ROU 41w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -002600

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Performance (variable with parameter)
Tie Break3: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)