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Zonal Sueca (Val) - XXXVIII Jocs Esportius de la Comunitat Valenciana

Última actualización01.02.2020 13:49:29, Propietario/Última carga: IA Vicente Fernando Gomez Roca

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Cuadro cruzado por ranking inicial

No.Nombre1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts.Rk. Des 1  Des 2  Des 3 
1Navarro Aliaga Mario 35w1 22b0 39w1 24b1 20w1 5w1 3b1622730,526,50
2Palomero Munoz Maria 36b+ 21w1 13b½ 18b1 7w0 8b½ 33w½4,51328,531,519,75
3Saez Ortiz Dario 37w1 24b1 14w1 11b1 10w1 7b1 1w06130,533,527,50
4Ferragud Hernandez Joan 38b1 23w1 15b0 27w1 21b0 17w1 22b1510252819,50
5Sanchis Almagro Francisco 39w1 25b1 18w½ 63b1 8w1 1b0 6w15,5528,530,522,00
6Jimenez Delgado Marc 40b0 49w1 41b1 31w1 15b1 11w0 5b04202728,514,00
7Martinez Artero Ethan 41w1 28b1 20w1 22b1 2b1 3w0 11b056293220,00
8Urendes Llorens Javier 42b1 29w½ 17b1 13w1 5b0 2w½ 21b1592627,518,25
9Lopez Cervera Marcos 43w1 30b1 22w0 28b1 67w1 33b1 10w163252824,00
10Topoleanu Varcagiu Gabriel 44b1 40w1 46b1 15w1 3b0 21w1 9b057273018,00
11Mellado Sais Carles 45w1 34b1 67w1 3w0 22b1 6b1 7w1642527,521,50
12Chorro Pons Xavi 47b1 46w0 40b1 33w0 39b0 45w1 38b142921,524,512,00
13Galcin Plitnikas Artiom 48w1 51b1 2w½ 8b0 30w1 18b0 29w14,51823,524,512,50
14Muedra Gonzalez Marcos 49b1 53w1 3b0 46w1 33b0 31w1 27b151123,52514,00
15Olaso Cervero Jose Vicente 50w1 62b1 4w1 10b0 6w0 30b1 18w½4,51625,52715,50
16Roger Vicente Francisco 51b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -006616,517,50,00
17Cebrian Granados Fran 52w1 63b½ 8w0 42b1 57w1 4b0 46w14,5172425,513,25
18Garcia Colomar Agustin 54b1 68w1 5b½ 2w0 63b1 13w1 15b½582728,519,50
19Ghazaryan Khamamiryan Hakob 55w1 67b0 43w1 30b0 45w1 46b0 65w143120,523,513,00
20Sanchis Almagro Jesus 56b1 69w1 7b0 54w1 1b0 39w1 41b0421262711,00
21Sanchis Almagro Jorge 57w1 2b0 45w1 34b1 4w1 10b0 8w042225,52814,00
22Cuco Remigia David 58b1 1w1 9b1 7w0 11w0 43b1 4w0419323519,00
23Elenkov Olmo Ivan 59w1 4b0 51w1 67b0 43w0 50b1 55w1432202210,00
24Antoneac Antoneac Pablo Silviu 60b+ 3w0 53b1 1w0 41b0 52b1 67w142425,527,511,00
25Cebrian Granados Guille 61w+ 5w0 54b0 53w1 46b0 55b0 52w½2,54821,523,56,75
26Lopez Torres Andreu 62b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -006716,517,50,00
27Martinez Cañadilla Ramiro 63w0 48b1 52w1 4b0 55w1 67b1 14w042723249,50
28Palacios Adan Izan 64b1 7w0 55b1 9w0 47b1 41w0 39b03372627,57,50
29Asaftei Andrea Maia 65w1 8b½ 63w0 57b0 59w1 54w1 13b03,53324,52712,00
30Fos Garcia Vicente 66b1 9w0 68b1 19w1 13b0 15w0 40b142623,524,59,50
31Garcia Soriano Eric 67w0 50b1 62w1 6b0 52w1 14b0 43w03432122,56,50
32Martirosyan David 68b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -006816,517,50,00
33Bernardo Arastey Izan 69w- 70b1 65w1 12b1 14w1 9w0 2b½4,5152628,516,50
34Gascon Guiot Esther 70b1 11w0 69b1 21w0 54b0 40w0 53w½2,54921,522,54,50
35Guerra Penissi Martin Javier 1b0 54w0 56b1 58w½ 70b1 63w0 59b13,53422,524,58,50
36Maleza Piera Rafael 2w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -006916,517,50,00
37Muñoz Esteban Alejandro 3b0 55w0 58b0 44w1 64b1 47w1 54b03412223,57,50
38Sebi Vila Arnau 4w0 52b0 50w1 55b0 51w1 56b1 12w034619216,50
39Torres Guix Ignacio 5b0 56w1 1b0 66w1 12w1 20b0 28w142524,525,510,00
40Van Den Broeck Alonso Gabriel 6w1 10b0 12w0 52b0 62w1 34b1 30w03392223,58,00
41Vorozbits Moisejevs Daniels 7b0 58w1 6w0 65b1 24w1 28b1 20w151222,525,516,50
42Cruz Rosell Hugo 8w0 57b½ 59w1 17w0 58b0 65b0 70w01,56121,5244,25
43Harutyunyan Kirakosyan Marc 9b0 64w1 19b0 68w1 23b1 22w0 31b142822,52410,00
44Sarbast Hasan Isaak 10w0 59b½ 57w0 37b0 69b1 70w1 58b½34519,520,56,25
45Singh Mateu Manvir 11b0 66w1 21b0 69w1 19b0 12b0 56w134421224,00
46Veinat Zahonero Matias -1 12b1 10w0 14b0 25w1 19w1 17b042325,527,513,50
47Ahullana Martí Blai 12w0 65b0 64w1 62b1 28w0 37b0 68w13471617,54,50
48Bou Vendrell Neus 13b0 27w0 66b0 56w0 61b0 -1 69w½1,5631616,54,00
49Gregori Marco Merce 14w0 6b0 70w0 59b0 -1 64w- -016518,519,53,50
50Guzman Perez Alejandro 15b0 31w0 38b0 61w1 66b1 23w0 64b½2,55219,520,55,25
51Guzman Perez Sofia 16w+ 13w0 23b0 70w½ 38b0 59b0 62w12,55119,5216,25
52Huerta Martinez Pau 17b0 38w1 27b0 40w1 31b0 24w0 25b½2,55021237,00
53Moldovan Madalina -1 14b0 24w0 25b0 65w0 66w1 34b½2,55319205,75
54Muñoz Dodim Jordi 18w0 35b1 25w1 20b0 34w1 29b0 37w143021,523,511,00
55PIera Andrés Isaac 19b0 37b1 28w0 38w1 27b0 25w1 23b034221238,00
56Sebi Vila Marta 20w0 39b0 35w0 48b1 68b1 38w0 45b025819202,50
57Tomas Aranda Hugo 21b0 42w½ 44b1 29w1 17b0 58w1 63b03,53522,52410,25
58Torres Esteve Vicent 22w0 41b0 37w1 35b½ 42w1 57b0 44w½3402223,57,75
59Yin Zhieng 23b0 44w½ 42b0 49w1 29b0 51w1 35w02,55417,5195,00
60Badia Ferri Vicent 24w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -007016,517,50,00
61Garcia Colomar Enzo 25b- -0 -0 50b0 48w1 68b0 66w126015,516,52,00
62Gonzalez Camilleri Leo 26w+ 15w0 31b0 47w0 40b0 69w1 51b025918,519,54,50
63Lopez Cervera Paula 27b1 17w½ 29b1 5w0 18w0 35b1 57w14,5142629,516,75
64Pascual Cebolla Hugo 28w0 43b0 47b0 -1 37w0 49b+ 50w½2,5561718,56,25
65Peñalvo Martínez Paula 29b0 47w1 33b0 41w0 53b1 42w1 19b033822,5246,50
66Piera Sarrio Sergi 30w0 45b0 48w1 39b0 50w0 53b0 61b016419201,00
67Torres Biosca Roberto 31b1 19w1 11b0 23w1 9b0 27w0 24b033627,530,511,00
68Vendrell Martorell Pau 32w+ 18b0 30w0 43b0 56w0 61w1 47b025722,524,57,00
69Martinez Cañadilla Marcos 33b+ 20b0 34w0 45b0 44w0 62b0 48b½1,56217185,50
70Torres Sendra Xuso 34w0 33w0 49b1 51b½ 35w0 44b0 42b12,55517,5194,00

Desempate 1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempate 2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempate 3: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable