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Stockholms Schacksallskap open blitz 180109

Last update 14.01.2020 21:07:12, Creator/Last Upload: Stockholms Schacksallskap

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.Rd10.Rd11.Rd12.Rd13.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Dock Lars2165SWE 11b1 6w1 4b0 8w0 10b1 7b½ 18w1 2w0 3b0 19w1 17b1 5b½ 14w1850,577
2Douhan David2117SWE 12w1 7b1 3w1 4b0 5w1 11b1 6w1 1b1 20w1 15b1 13w1 8b½ 10w111,510116
3Pettersson Alexander2062MLT 13b1 8w1 2b0 10w1 6b0 9w1 4w1 11b0 1w1 7b1 5w1 20b1 15b11030107
4Marder Simon2007SWE 14w1 9b1 1w1 2w1 8b1 6w½ 3b0 7b0 5w1 20b1 11b1 15w1 17b110,520107
5Johansson Nicklas2000SWE 15b1 10w1 6b0 9w½ 2b0 13w1 11w1 12b1 4b0 8w1 3b0 1w½ 7w1860,576
6CMHelin Mikael1924SWE 16w1 1b0 5w1 20b1 3w1 4b½ 2b0 8w1 7w1 13b1 15w0 14w1 11b19,54096
7Andersson Bjorn 19611766SWE 17b1 2w0 11b½ 12w1 9b1 1w½ 20b1 4w1 6b0 3w0 8b0 16w1 5b0710067
8Lindblom Peter1722SWE 18w1 3b0 12w1 1b1 4w0 20b0 15w1 6b0 9w1 5b0 7w1 2w½ 19b17,57076
9Devisti Mogouei Mohammad1691IRI 19b1 4w0 13b1 5b½ 7w0 3b0 12w0 17w1 8b0 14w1 16b1 10w0 18b16,511067
10Ivanyuhin Valeri1629SWE 20w1 5b0 14w1 3b0 1w0 18b0 19w1 15b0 16b1 17w½ 12w1 9b1 2b06,512067
11Hahne Christofer1608SWE 1w0 16b1 7w½ 14b1 18w1 2w0 5b0 3w1 13b0 12b1 4w0 19w1 6w06,513065
12Stoilov Bojan1605SWE 2b0 17w1 8b0 7b0 16w0 19w1 9b1 5w0 14b1 11w0 10b0 18b1 13w0515057
13Ohlund Anders1568SWE 3w0 18b1 9w0 16b1 20w0 5b0 14w1 19b1 11w1 6w0 2b0 17w1 12b179076
14Dillen Sten1544SWE 4b0 19w1 10b0 11w0 15b0 17w1 13b0 16w1 12w0 9b0 18w1 6b0 1b0416047
15Golkhar Salim1543SWE 5w0 20b0 18w0 17b1 14w1 16b1 8b0 10w1 19b1 2w0 6b1 4b0 3w0614067
16Nikander Jovan1513SWE 6b0 11w0 19b1 13w0 12b1 15w0 17b0 14b0 10w0 18b½ 9w0 7b0 20w02,519027
17Franzen Anders1363SWE 7w0 12b0 20w0 15w0 19b1 14b0 16w1 9b0 18w1 10b½ 1w0 13b0 4w03,517136
18Baath Erik1250SWE 8b0 13w0 15b1 19w1 11b0 10w1 1b0 20w0 17b0 16w½ 14b0 12w0 9w03,518036
19Liljemark Kerstin1240SWE 9w0 14b0 16w0 18b0 17w0 12b0 10b0 13w0 15w0 1b0 20w0 11b0 8w0020006
20Astier Timothee0SWE 10b0 15w1 17b1 6w0 13b1 8w1 7w0 18b1 2b0 4w0 19b1 3w0 16b178077

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: The greater number of victories (variable)
Tie Break3: Most black