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Novogodisnji brzopotezni turnir - Trstenik 2020

Last update 14.01.2020 17:57:11, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of central Serbia

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Final Ranking crosstable after 11 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.Rd10.Rd11.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1FMIvic Matija2384SRB 10w1 9b1 3w0 18b1 4w1 2b½ 5w1 8w1 6b½ 11b1 7w1967,505
2Radisavljevic Dalibor2186SRB 13b1 11w1 8b1 4w1 3b1 1w½ 6b1 7w0 5b½ 18w1 12b1966,503
3Tasic Vladimir2237SRB 19b1 7w1 1b1 6w½ 2w0 5b1 4w½ 11b1 12b1 8w½ 13w18,56702
4FMSuljovic Sulejman2217SRB 22w1 18b1 5w1 2b0 1b0 12w1 3b½ 13w1 7b1 6w½ 8b186704
5CMCvetanovic Uros2390SRB 14b1 6w1 4b0 11w1 7b1 3w0 1b0 12w1 2w½ 13b1 15w17,567,504
6FMBzenic Dejan2180SRB 21w1 5b0 12w1 3b½ 8w½ 18b1 2w0 9b1 1w½ 4b½ 11w1767,503
7Djokic Slavoljub2113SRB 16w1 3b0 14w1 19b1 5w0 8b0 18w1 2b1 4w0 9b1 1b0667,503
8Markovic Sasa2126SRB 23b½ 12w1 2w0 20b1 6b½ 7w1 9w0 1b0 17w1 3b½ 4w05,567,503
9Djurdjevic Dejan2014SRB 15b1 1w0 19b0 23b½ 21w1 11w½ 8b1 6w0 18b½ 7w0 20b15,554,501
10Rakovac Miroslav1850SRB 1b0 23w½ 24b1 13w0 20b0 22w0 21b1 15w0 16w1 19b1 18b15,54801
11Jovanovic Zoran B2012SRB 17w1 2b0 23w1 5b0 14w½ 9b½ 16w1 3w0 19b1 1w0 6b056603
12Popovic Mladen D1940SRB 20w1 8b0 6b0 16w1 19w1 4b0 14w1 5b0 3w0 17b1 2w056504
13Radovanovic Zoran M1784SRB 2w0 20b½ 21w1 10b1 18w0 14b½ 17w1 4b0 23w1 5w0 3b056103
14Colic Aleksandar1910SRB 5w0 16b1 7b0 15w1 11b½ 13w½ 12b0 19w0 22b0 24w1 21b155002
15Boskovic Goran0SRB 9w0 22b1 18w0 14b0 17w0 24b1 20w0 10b1 21b1 23w1 5b054801
16Belojica Cedomir (Milorad)0SRB 7b0 14w0 17b1 12b0 23w1 19w1 11b0 21w0 10b0 22w1 24b1546,513
17Pajovic Hristivoje0SRB 11b0 19w0 16w0 24b1 15b1 20w1 13b0 22w1 8b0 12w0 23b1546,502
18Ristic Dejan D1977SRB 24b1 4w0 15b1 1w0 13b1 6w0 7b0 20b1 9w½ 2b0 10w04,564,500
19AIMMilojevic Boban1845SRB 3w0 17b1 9w1 7w0 12b0 16b0 24w1 14b1 11w0 10w0 22b½4,55402
20Raskovic Sasa (Rasko)0SRB 12b0 13w½ 22b1 8w0 10w1 17b0 15b1 18w0 24b0 21w1 9w04,54802
21Tosic Dragoljub1766SRB 6b0 24w½ 13b0 22w1 9b0 23b1 10w0 16b1 15w0 20b0 14w03,549,511
22Percevic Velimir1807SRB 4b0 15w0 20w0 21b0 24w1 10b1 23w0 17b0 14w1 16b0 19w½3,549,502
23Unic Slavoljub1605SRB 8w½ 10b½ 11b0 9w½ 16b0 21w0 22b1 24w1 13b0 15b0 17w03,548,501
24Petrovic Dragan M1838SRB 18w0 21b½ 10w0 17w0 22b0 15w0 19b0 23b0 20w1 14b0 16w01,54601

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break2: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break3: Greater number of victories/games variable