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Mega Mall ChessCraft Arena - Etapa I - 2 februarie 2020 - U14, Rapid, FIDE

Last update 07.02.2020 08:46:21, Creator/Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 48)

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4 
1INegrean AndreiROU 47b1 34w1 7b1 13w1 4b1 8b1 6w½6,5253427,56
2IIParaschiv AlexandraROU 38b1 30w1 24b1 4w0 9w1 17b1 10w162332,5246
3Demciuc VasileMDA 53w1 29b1 28w1 9b0 22w1 25b1 8w1621,529,5246
4ICoicev Matei-AndreiROU 23w1 37b1 25w1 2b1 1w0 13b1 5w½5,52535,524,55
5IITanasie CosminROU 32b1 36w1 11b1 6w0 15b1 9w1 4b½5,524,53423,55
6IISava Robert-GabrielROU 59w1 45b1 20w1 5b1 8w0 14w1 1b½5,523,53324,55
7IIPetrica Dan-AndreiROU 79w1 27b1 1w0 36b½ 46w1 21b1 11w15,52129,5215
8AIMUlian Andrei-OctavianROU 55b1 31w1 14b1 12w1 6b1 1w0 3b0525,535255
9IGales Randi-IoanROU 52w1 26b1 10w1 3w1 2b0 5b0 27w1524,533,5235
10IPaunescu Stefan-VladROU 54b1 15w1 9b0 21w1 34b1 16w1 2b0523,532,5225
11IILeu Dragos StefanROU 82w1 48b1 5w0 45b1 20w1 12w1 7b052229225
12IIMihalea Maria-IoanaROU 57w1 22b1 35w1 8b0 29w1 11b0 37w1521,529,5225
13IAnghel Teodor-AndreiROU 67w1 51b1 39w1 1b0 27w1 4w0 31b1520,530225
14IIMilitaru Andreea-ElenaROU 58b1 44w1 8w0 46b1 51w1 6b0 29w1519,528215
15IBadica ArianaROU 84w1 10b0 79w1 39b1 5w0 33b1 25w151926,5195
16IICalin Mihai-OctavianROU 86w1 33b0 57w1 28b1 26w1 10b0 32w151926205
17IIPandelescu Maria-CatalinaROU 63b1 24w0 47b1 50w1 42b1 2w0 30b1518,527,5205
18IIRadu Alex-FlorinROU 87w1 35b0 54w1 27b0 53w1 28b1 26w151823185
19IIFinta Marc-AlexandruROU 41w1 28b0 23w½ 71b1 36w1 20b½ 22w½4,52128183
20IIMicu StefanROU 64b1 40w1 6b0 24w1 11b0 19w½ 45b14,520,529194
21IIBibis Vlad-AndreasROU 72b1 46w½ 33w1 10b0 23b1 7w0 40b14,520,528,5194
22IIIMoraru Mircea-AntoniuROU 91b1 12w0 72b1 38w1 3b0 47w1 19b½4,519,52618,54
23IIBortun Radu-ValentinROU 4b0 64w1 19b½ 73b1 21w0 46w1 56b14,518,526,515,54
24IIParaschiv Andrei (C.)ROU 43w1 17b1 2w0 20b0 41w1 45b½ 36w½421,53117,53
25IIBurcea AndreiROU 70b1 50w1 4b0 44w1 30b1 3w0 15b0421,530,5204
26IIIStanescu David-StefanROU 80b1 9w0 40b1 31w1 16b0 34w1 18b0421,528,5184
27IINecula Vlad-EduardROU 62b1 7w0 80b1 18w1 13b0 56w1 9b042128,5184
28IIICalugareanu Ioana-DenisaROU 66b1 19w1 3b0 16w0 63b1 18w0 60b1420,529,5174
29IISirbu NicolaeROU 83b1 3w0 65b1 55w1 12b0 39w1 14b042028184
IIIMatei-Catruna AndreiROU 76w1 2b0 41w1 33b1 25w0 52b1 17w042028184
31IVPetroff VladROU 61w1 8b0 32w1 26b0 57w1 35b1 13w042028174
32IVTucanu David-AndreiROU 5w0 88b1 31b0 66w1 44b1 42w1 16b042026154
33IIUrsan Matei-AdrianROU 49b1 16w1 21b0 30w0 78b1 15w0 62b1419,526,5174
34IITabacaru Matei StefanROU 81w1 1b0 67w1 35b1 10w0 26b0 59w141927,5174
35FCSeremet GabrielROU 78b1 18w1 12b0 34w0 65b1 31w0 63b141926174
36IVPitulice Lucas-AndreiROU 88w1 5b0 77w1 7w½ 19b0 71w1 24b½418,524,516,53
37IVGhetu Matei-AdrianROU 60b1 4w0 58b0 64w1 38b1 50w1 12b041826,5164
38IIRadu Rebecca-AimeeROU 2w0 76b1 48w1 22b0 37w0 61b1 51w141826144
39IICarp AlbertROU 68b1 56w1 13b0 15w0 72b1 29b0 52w141825,5174
40FCVasile MateiROU -1 20b0 26w0 87b1 59w1 51b1 21w0417,523163
41FCDivisevici Luca AndreiROU 19b0 62w1 30b0 68w1 24b0 78w1 50b141723,5134
42IIRadulescu Theodor-AndreiROU 71w½ 73b½ 52w1 53b1 17w0 32b0 54w1415,52316,53
43FCSirbu Ilinca-MariaROU 24b0 63w1 50b0 70w1 47b0 69w1 55b1415,522,5134
44FCIlie Daria-ElenaROU 90w1 14b0 75w1 25b0 32w0 77b1 58w1415,521154
45IVDinca Andrei (C.)ROU 74b1 6w0 69b1 11w0 58b1 24w½ 20w03,519,527,5163
46IIIordache Rares-MihailROU 85w1 21b½ 71w1 14w0 7b0 23b0 66w13,519,526,5163
47FCVoica TudorROU 1w0 81b1 17w0 77b1 43w1 22b0 48w½3,51927,513,53
48IVIon David-AndreiROU 65b1 11w0 38b0 72w0 83b1 64w1 47b½3,5162312,53
49FCTufeanu Rares-AndreiROU 33w0 -1 55b0 65w0 74b½ 79b1 71w13,513,519,510,52
50FCPopescu Diana-AndreeaROU 75w1 25b0 43w1 17b0 67w1 37b0 41w031926,5153
51FCLuca Cristiana-CatincaROU 89b1 13w0 60b1 58w1 14b0 40w0 38b0318,524,5163
52FCBodnar Calin-LucianROU 9b0 66w1 42b0 85w1 55b1 30w0 39b031824,5133
53FCMarcu Pavel-AlexandruROU 3b0 74w1 56b1 42w0 18b0 60w0 83b1317,525,5123
54IITanasie RaresROU 10w0 84b1 18b0 60w1 56b0 72w1 42b0317,524,5123
55IIBadea Andrei-MihaiROU 8w0 61b1 49w1 29b0 52w0 81b1 43w031724133
56FCStanica AndreiROU 77w1 39b0 53w0 61b1 54w1 27b0 23w031723,5143
57IVGrigore Tudor AlexandruROU 12b0 83w1 16b0 89w1 31b0 62w0 74b1316,522,5113
58FCZurbagiu Sebastian-NicolasROU 14w0 90b1 37w1 51b0 45w0 76b1 44b0316,522133
59FCCornea Adina-ElenaROU 6b0 60w0 83b1 74w1 40b0 65w1 34b031623,5113
60FCDima Eric-AndreiROU 37w0 59b1 51w0 54b0 75w1 53b1 28w031622,5113
61FCDemesco Alexandru-RaduROU 31b0 55w0 62b1 56w0 68b1 38w0 80b13162293
FCNicolaina MariaROU 27w0 41b0 61w0 84b1 79w1 57b1 33w03162293
63FCBrinza Dragos-GabrielROU 17w0 43b0 88w1 75b1 28w0 82b1 35w031621,5113
64FCCostea David-AndreiROU 20w0 23b0 90w1 37b0 73w1 48b0 82w13162193
65FCBursucanu RaduROU 48w0 82b1 29w0 49b1 35w0 59b0 76w1315,521113
66FCRusu AnastasiaROU 28w0 52b0 81w1 32b0 87w1 67b1 46b0315,520,5103
67IVMiu Andrei-CristianROU 13b0 91w1 34b0 80w1 50b0 66w0 78b131419,5113
68FCTancu Mihai-RobertROU 39w0 86b1 73w0 41b0 61w0 87b1 77w1313,518,593
69FCAtmane InemROU 73w1 71b0 45w0 76b0 89w1 43b0 84w1312,517,5113
70FCCornea Mihai AlexandruROU 25w0 75b0 76w0 43b0 90w1 89b1 81w1311,51663
71FCMilitaru VladimirROU 42b½ 69w1 46b0 19w0 76w1 36b0 49b02,517,52412,52
72FCCodreanu-Vanderdi MihneaROU 21w0 85b1 22w0 48b1 39w0 54b0 75w½2,517,523,510,52
73FCIordachescu Xonia StefaniaROU 69b0 42w½ 68b1 23w0 64b0 74w0 87b12,515,52192
74FCDutescu Alexandru-CostinROU 45w0 53b0 82w1 59b0 49w½ 73b1 57w02,514,519,58,52
75FCRusu IoanaROU 50b0 70w1 44b0 63w0 60b0 91w1 72b½2,514,5198,52
76FCIlie Nicolas-CristianROU 30b0 38w0 70b1 69w1 71b0 58w0 65b021622,592
77FCCebotari IoanROU 56b0 78w1 36b0 47w0 80b1 44w0 68b0215,521,592
78FCSoanca Bianca MariaROU 35w0 77b0 84w1 79b1 33w0 41b0 67w02152192
79FCChirita Ana AlexandraROU 7b0 89w1 15b0 78w0 62b0 49w0 88b12142072
80FCSamoila AlexandruROU 26w0 87b1 27w0 67b0 77w0 86b1 61w02141982
81FCDuidu Cristian ConstantinROU 34b0 47w0 66b0 88w1 85b1 55w0 70b021418,572
82FCStanica MariaROU 11b0 65w0 74b0 -1 86w1 63w0 64b0213,52071
83FCGheorghe Giulia-AlexiaROU 29w0 57b0 59w0 90b1 48w0 88b1 53w021317,562
84FCEnciulescu MihaiROU 15b0 54w0 78b0 62w0 91b1 85w1 69b0212,51852
85FCTonciu Maria-DianaROU 46b0 72w0 -1 52b0 81w0 84b0 89w1211,51661
86FCConstantinescu TeodoraROU 16b0 68w0 89b0 91w1 82b0 80w0 90b12813,552
87FCCimponeriu Buciu PetruROU 18b0 80w0 91b1 40w0 66b0 68w0 73w011419,551
88FCNegreanu Ada-GabrielaROU 36b0 32w0 63b0 81b0 -1 83w0 79w01131830
89FCMincu Bogdan-AndreiROU 51w0 79b0 86w1 57b0 69b0 70w0 85b011317,551
90FCPetroff MaraROU 44b0 58w0 64b0 83w0 70b0 -1 86w011317,520
91FCIonescu Andrei-MihaiROU 22w0 67b0 87w0 86b0 84w0 75b0 -1110,51510

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Fide Tie-Break
Tie Break4: Greater number of victories/games variable