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Campionat de Veterans de Tarragona 2020 code 243794

Darrera actualització12.03.2020 19:56:27, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Josep M. Camell Jane

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Taula creuada pel rànquing inicial

Núm.Nom1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts.Ordre Des1  Des2  Des3  Des4  Des5 
1MKRegue Farran Enric 20w1 12b1 8w½ 6b0 16w½ 18b1 17w1 38b-5833,537021,002058
2Sanchez Bernardino Miguel A 21b1 11w½ 15b1 8w1 38w½ 5b1 4w1 6w1723638,5033,502316
3Chalmeta Torredemer Enric 22w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0037212200,0010
4Romero Mendez Antonio 23b1 13w1 10b0 16b1 12w0 14w1 2b0 25w1593336019,501900
5Grau Ferrer Carles 24w1 14b1 38w0 20b1 6w1 2w0 26b1 9w1633639025,502180
6Rodriguez Marcos Jose R. 25b1 15w½ 11b1 1w1 5b0 9w1 38w½ 2b0553841,5023,002138
7Negreiro Pozo Benet 26w½ 18b1 16w0 34b1 14w- 15w0 31b1 20b14,51429,533016,751912
8Guasch Murtra Josep Maria 27b1 17w1 1b½ 2b0 26w½ 19w1 12b½ 15w15,543538023,502068
9Tolda Andreu Eloi 28w1 38b0 26w1 14b1 10w1 6b0 16w1 5b05634,537,5020,002026
10Torres Royo Pedro 29b1 39w1 4w1 38b0 9b0 17w- -0 -032732,533,508,501807
11Roma Sellart Manuel 30w1 2b½ 6w0 18b½ 24w1 16b0 23w0 28b+41732,535,5015,751684
12Tuduri Jerez Manuel 31b1 1w0 21b1 17w1 4b1 38b0 8w½ 19w½5734,537020,001982
13Pros Perello Jaime 32w1 4b0 20w0 35w1 23b+ 26b0 -0 18b½3,52527,52909,751535
14Llaberia Borras Salvador 33b1 5w0 39b1 9w0 7b+ 4b0 25w0 31w½3,522293008,751596
15Recasens Font Juan M 34w1 6b½ 2w0 26b0 35w1 7b1 20w1 8b04,51234,537,5018,001985
16Jove Barbera Josep Lluis 35b½ 37w1 7b1 4w0 1b½ 11w1 9b0 23w+5103134019,751871
17Llort Puig Joan 36w1 8b0 33w1 12b0 25w1 10b+ 1b0 26w+51130,533017,001750
18Costa Berengue Joan 37b½ 7w0 23b1 11w½ 31b1 1w0 19b0 13w½3,52130,533,5013,501685
19Ortega Lopez Manuel 38w0 28b1 34w0 33b1 37w1 8b0 18w1 12b½4,5133133,5015,001824
20Ferrer Dalmau Josep A. 1b0 29w1 13b1 5w0 34b½ 21w1 15b0 7w03,5203133,5010,501731
21Figueras Perez Robert 2w0 30b1 12w0 37b0 33w1 20b0 28w0 36b-2342830,505,501441
22Gracia Train Carles 3b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0038212200,0010
23Mane Casas Josep 4w0 32b1 18w0 39b1 13w- 34w1 11b1 16b-4182728010,001596
24Garustovich Ramirez Nicolas 5b0 31w1 -0 27w1 11b0 28b½ 36w1 34w-3,52328,531,5011,251688
25Navarro Fornos Pere Josep 6w0 34b0 30w+ 29w1 17b0 27w1 14b1 4b041926,529011,001652
26Alasa Maduell Josep M. 7b½ 35w1 9b0 15w1 8b½ 13w1 5w0 17b-41634,537,5016,251958
27Pinto Guell Emilio 8w0 36b½ 37w½ 24b0 39w1 25b0 33w½ 35b½331252606,751458
28Mercade Dolcet Juan Maria 9b0 19w0 31b0 32w1 29b½ 24w½ 21b1 11w-32926,52807,501457
29Canaldas Ferran Manuel 10w0 20b0 32w1 25b0 28w½ 36b0 39b½ -133221,522,505,751241
30Ribe Rosell Joan 11b0 21w0 25b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -003918,519,500,00773
31Reyes Brito Miguel 12w0 24b0 28w1 36b1 18w0 37b1 7w0 14b½3,52427,530,5011,001614
32Bartolome Pinol Jordi 13b0 23w0 29b0 28b0 36w0 -0 -0 -0036212200,00643
33Menchon Lopez Ricardo 14w0 -1 17b0 19w0 21b0 39w1 27b½ -02,53323,524,505,501345
34Solsona Manonelles Josep 15b0 25w1 19b1 7w0 20w½ 23b0 37w1 24b+4,51529,532,5016,251756
35Trenchs Agullet Magi 16w½ 26b0 36w1 13b0 15b0 -0 -1 27w½32826,528,508,751575
36Segura Riba Josep M. 17b0 27w½ 35b0 31w0 32b1 29w1 24b0 21w+3,5262324,508,001333
37Sanz Ortiz Joaquim 18w½ 16b0 27b½ 21w1 19b0 31w0 34b0 39w133025,526,506,751517
38Garcia Menchon Josep 19b1 9w1 5b1 10w1 2b½ 12w1 6b½ 1w+7138,543037,002358
39Plaza Pulgar Mariano -1 10b0 14w0 23w0 27b0 33b0 29w½ 37b01,53524,52704,751097

Desempat1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Desempat2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Desempat3: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Desempat4: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable
Desempat5: Recursive Ratingperformance