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Campionat de Mallorca sub-10 2020

Last update 02.02.2020 18:38:35, Creator/Last Upload: Spanish Chess Federation (Licence 158)

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Final Ranking crosstable after 8 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Marin Ferragut Pau1566ESP 27b1 13w1 39w1 3b1 4w1 2b1 11w1 7b1803841
2El Aazzouzi Sanhaji Luqman1192ESP 29w1 49b1 26w1 25b1 11w1 1w0 4b1 8b17035,538
3Di Paolo Vittorio0ESP 33b1 5w1 12b1 1w0 7b0 13w1 22b1 17w1603943
4Appel Alexander0ESP 44w1 43b1 15w1 17w1 1b0 20b1 2w0 12w1603841
5Macias Roig Bernat0ESP 6w1 3b0 28w1 47b1 8w0 19b1 25w1 11b1603537,5
6Perello Barcelo Tomeu Joan1174ESP 5b0 42w1 56b1 7w½ 40b1 12w½ 14b1 16w1603334,5
7Navarro Da Costa Lais0ESP 10w½ 51b1 41w1 6b½ 3w1 8b½ 9w1 1w05,504042
8Tetard Beltran Edgar0ESP 40b1 55w1 10b1 11w0 5b1 7w½ 16b1 2w05,5037,539,5
9Rodríguez Corrales Angel0ESP 21b1 34w1 11b0 13w1 12b½ 10w1 7b0 23w15,5034,538,5
10Casado Alonso Gabriel0ESP 7b½ 48w1 8w0 36b1 41w1 9b0 40b1 18w15,5032,536
11Campomar Ordonez Tony0ESP 14w1 20b1 9w1 8b1 2b0 22w1 1b0 5w0504247
12Lopez Ramon Didac0ESP 18w1 28b1 3w0 19b1 9w½ 6b½ 20w1 4b05038,542,5
13Lara Figuerola Didac0ESP 65w+ 1b0 18w1 9b0 28w1 3b0 34w1 25b1503639,5
14Navarrete Álvarez Pablo0ESP 11b0 46w1 31b1 21w1 17b1 16w0 6w0 28b1503437
15Jeronimo Merino Andres0ESP 38b1 24w1 4b0 35w1 22b0 21w1 18b0 32w1503337
16Rigo Skerlj Biel0ESP 19w1 39b0 30w1 26b1 25w1 14b1 8w0 6b05032,535,5
17Rullan Bento Pau0ESP 31b1 32w1 47w1 4b0 14w0 30b1 26w1 3b05032,535
18WIlshaw Concheiro Nicolas James0ESP 12b0 27w1 13b0 56w1 24b1 31w1 15w1 10b0503233,5
19Faass Estragnat Alexis0ESP 16b0 54w1 33b1 12w0 27b1 5w0 42b1 35w1503133,5
20Oliva Ferriol Sofía Europa0ESP 46b1 11w0 55b1 23w1 32b1 4w0 12b0 31w1503133
21Faass Estragnat Leo0ESP 9w0 45b1 43w1 14b0 29w1 15b0 37w1 26b1503033
22Poyato López Ignacio0ESP 59w1 25b0 58w1 39b1 15w1 11b0 3w0 30b15028,529
23Galietero Serrano Adria0ESP 50b0 64w+ 52w1 20b0 57w1 33w½ 36b1 9b04,502729,5
24Zemko Valdivielso Igor0ESP -1 15b0 49w½ 28b0 18w0 53b1 41w1 40w14,502729
25Gili Mata Alejandro0ESP 62w+ 22w1 50b1 2w0 16b0 35w1 5b0 13w0403537,5
26Hidalgo Perez Aitana0ESP 64w+ 35w1 2b0 16w0 34b1 32w1 17b0 21w0403437,5
27Lopez Valencia Dante0ESP 1w0 18b0 38w1 37b1 19w0 57b1 30w0 45b1403336
28Campillo Truyols Francecs Xavier0ESP 42b1 12w0 5b0 24w1 13b0 50w1 33b1 14w04031,534
29Luis Medrano Biel0ESP 2b0 37w1 34b1 32w0 21b0 42w0 50b1 48w14030,533
30Hammoudan Julia Javier0ESP 35b0 38w1 16b0 52w1 50b1 17w0 27b1 22w04029,532
31Feliu Monserrat Maria Lluisa0ESP 17w0 57b1 14w0 45b1 44w1 18b0 43w1 20b0402932
32Estrany Reinoso Jaume Miquel0ESP 57w1 17b0 44w1 29b1 20w0 26b0 45w1 15b04028,531,5
33Olaran Cardona Emma0ESP 3w0 59b1 19w0 58b1 47w1 23b½ 28w0 36b½4027,528
34Castellary González Arturo0ESP 45w1 9b0 29w0 43b1 26w0 44b1 13b0 42w14026,529,5
35Trujillo León Damia0ESP 30w1 26b0 51w1 15b0 39w1 25b0 49w1 19b04026,528,5
36Salcedo Ordinas Angel0ESP 55b0 40w½ 48b1 10w0 46b1 49b1 23w0 33w½402628
37Vizcaino Mestre Maria Antonia0ESP 49w0 29b0 42b1 27w0 56b1 51w1 21b0 43w14023,525
38Vasco Pastor Daniel0ESP 15w0 30b0 27b0 46w0 59w1 58b1 53w1 44b1402323,5
39Granado Vanegas Eryk0ESP 63w+ 16w1 1b0 22w0 35b0 45b0 54w½ 49b13,503133,5
40Halilova Halilova Meylin0ESP 8w0 36b½ 53w1 49b1 6w0 41b1 10w0 24b03,503133
41Far Riera Otto0ESP 48b½ 53w1 7b0 50w1 10b0 40w0 24b0 51w13,5026,528,5
42Munar Nadal Pau0ESP 28w0 6b0 37w0 59b1 58w1 29b1 19w0 34b0302929,5
43Mendez Serra Gonçal0ESP 60b1 4w0 21b0 34w0 52b1 47w1 31b0 37b03028,531
44Martinez Dimova Erik0ESP 4b0 60w1 32b0 54w1 31b0 34w0 47b1 38w03027,530
45Nolla de la Peña Marc0ESP 34b0 21w0 60b1 31w0 55b1 39w1 32b0 27w0302729
46Dominguez Martinez Jaime0ESP 20w0 14b0 57w0 38b1 36w0 48b0 56w1 54b1302728,5
47Feliu Monserrat Tomas0ESP 52b+ 56w1 17b0 5w0 33b0 43b0 44w0 55w13026,528
48Rodríguez Corrales Daniel0ESP 41w½ 10b0 36w0 51b- 46w1 55b1 29b0302628
49Llabres Bordoy Daniel0ESP 37b1 2w0 24b½ 40w0 51b1 36w0 35b0 39w02,5029,531,5
50Sanchez Garbayo Eric0ESP 23w1 58b1 25w0 41b0 30w0 28b0 29w0 52b½2,5025,527,5
51Granado Vanegas Christian0ESP 53b½ 7w0 35b0 48w+ 49w0 37b0 58w1 41b02,502426
52Salcedo Ordinas Aina0ESP 47w- -1 23b0 30b0 43w0 55w0 59b1 50w½2,502323,5
53Sancho Barcelo Neus0ESP 51w½ 41b0 40b0 60w0 54b1 24w0 38b0 61w+2,5022,524
54Tetard Beltran Chloe0ESP 58w0 19b0 59w1 44b0 53w0 56w1 39b½ 46w02,5019,520
55Florit Ojaos Ismael0ESP 36w1 8b0 20w0 57b0 45w0 52b1 48w0 47b02026,529
56Massanet Carma Erik0ESP 61w1 47b0 6w0 18b0 37w0 54b0 46b0 -12026,527,5
57Riera Sala Lluc0ESP 32b0 31w0 46b1 55w1 23b0 27w0 -0 -02025,527,5
58Guillen Chaisiri Pol Raphee0ESP 54b1 50w0 22b0 33w0 42b0 38w0 51b0 59w1202323,5
59Escarrer Rodriguez Carlota0ESP 22b0 33w0 54b0 42w0 38b0 -1 52w0 58b0102324
60Bonet Martinez Yago0ESP 43w0 44b0 45w0 53b1 -0 -0 -0 -0102022
61Baques Harsing Noah Indie0ESP 56b0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -1 53b-1018,519
62Sanchez Jimenez Guillem0ESP 25b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0002122
Schipporeit Vicent Vitus0ESP 39b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0002122
Van Hoorick Tristan0ESP 26b- 23b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0002122
Vich Gustomyasov Alex0ESP 13b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0002122

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)