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441° Mall Florida Center

Última actualización05.01.2020 16:42:53, Propietario/Última carga: FEDERACION NACIONAL DE AJEDREZ DE CHILE

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Cuadro cruzado por ranking inicial

No.NombreEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.RdPts.Rk. Des 1  Des 2  Des 3 
1Bahamondes Ortiz Benjamin2083CHI 14w1 8b1 4w1 3b1 2w½ 5b15,51014,521
2Meza Napoles Jurgen1838CHI 16b1 7w1 5b½ 15w1 1b½ 3w044017,525,5
3Ulloa Bustos Juan1838CHI 17w1 10b1 11w1 1w0 5b½ 2b14,5301421,5
4Labra Carreño Martin De La Cruz1714CHI 18b1 9w1 1b0 21w1 7b0 15w031101725,5
5Castro Pino Alexis1664CHI 20w1 13b1 2w½ 6b1 3w½ 1w04501421
6Mora Seguel Raul1575CHI 21b1 11w½ 17b1 5w0 19b0 8w02,51901420
7Rodriguez Robotham Carlos1546CHI 22w1 2b0 24w1 10b1 4w1 19b152011,517
8Hurtado Mendez Mauricio1512CHI 23b1 1w0 21b0 18w½ 24w1 6b13,510011,519
9Castillo Figueroa Diego1498CHI 24w1 4b0 19w½ 13b1 15b½ 28w148011,517
10Flores Gaona Luis Felipe1420CHI 25b1 3w0 23b1 7w0 21b0 17w1313012,518,5
11Sepulveda Calderon Raul1382CHI 26w1 6b½ 3b0 19w0 18b½ 23w131401218,5
12Sepulveda Urzua Claudio Enrique1301CHI 19b1 15w0 28w½ 23b1 21w0312013,519,5
13Wilson Barria Millaray1287CHI 27b1 5w0 28b½ 9w0 20b0 26b01,52511318
14Caballero Mora Brasil1258CHI 1b0 23w0 27b1 25w1 28b0 18w02230915,5
15Saez Orvenes Vicente Joaquin1230CHI 16w1 12b1 2b0 9w½ 4b14601319,5
16Hidalgo Martinez Camila1228CHI 2w0 15b0 26w0 20b½ 27w1 25b12,52001116
17Salazar Hernandez Benjamin1199CHI 3b0 25w1 6w0 24b0 22w1 10b02240914,5
18Abarca Gonzalez Martin1197CHI 4w0 24b0 20w1 8b½ 11w½ 14b131501116,5
19Rebolledo Zuñiga Roberto1175CHI 28b1 12w0 9b½ 11b1 6w1 7w03,5901320,5
20Espinoza De La Rivera Miguel Alejandro1166CHI 5b0 27w½ 18b0 16w½ 13w1 24b13180914
21Cornejo Escanilla Leandro1130CHI 6w0 26b1 8w1 4b0 10w1 12b14701218
22Rojas Keim Leon1116CHI 7b0 28w0 25b0 27w1 17b0 -01280814
23Barra Benavente Jorge Ignacio1096CHI 8w0 14b1 10w0 26b1 12w0 11b022201217,5
24Sepulveda Neira Luis1093CHI 9b0 18w1 7b0 17w1 8b0 20w0221013,520,5
25Orrego Cornejo Violeta986CHI 10w0 17b0 22w1 14b0 26w0 16w012719,514
26Reyes Zenteno Iñigo Meulen921CHI 11b0 21w0 16b1 23w0 25b1 13w13170914
27Barra Venegas Violeta0CHI 13w0 20b½ 14w0 22b0 16b0 -11,52607,511
28Flores Rosas Gonzalo0CHI 19w0 22b1 13w½ 12b½ 14w1 9b031601015,5

Desempate 1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Desempate 2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempate 3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)