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2020 St. George Chess Classic

Last update 11.01.2020 04:09:06, Creator/Last Upload: Australian Chess Enterprises

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Glissan Paul1786AUS 31b1 22w0 33b½ 49w1 45w1 17b04210329,5
2Oz Adam1781AUS 36b½ 48w- -0 -0 -0 -01540022,5
3Sirkka Pertti T1706AUS 32w1 23b1 10w½ 11b0 36w1 12b1 38w½570432,5
4Saint Graham D1687AUS 33b1 24w1 12b½ 22w0 48b1 20w1 16b+5,520529,5
5Allison Brian C1679AUS 34w1 25b1 11w0 17b0 41w1 31b1 33w04160427,5
6Armstrong Gary1661AUS 35b1 26w½ 45b½ 37w1 27w½ 38b0 29w03,5300227
7Martin Anthony W1657AUS 36w½ 57b+ 26b1 12w0 33b0 32b½ 44w03360226,5
8Thompson Brad1611AUS 38w½ 46b1 21w1 10b0 47w1 27b1 22w15,540527
9CMBuciu Aurel-John1578AUS 41b1 27w1 22b½ 48w1 11w½ 10b0 57w-4200330
10Lovejoy David1575AUS 37b1 28w1 3b½ 8w1 22b½ 9w1 11w½5,550432
11Pan Jason1565AUS 39b1 30w1 5b1 3w1 9b½ 17w1 10b½610531,5
12Clouston Bevan1563AUS 40w1 42b1 4w½ 7b1 17w0 3w0 27b14,5110425
13Brown Chris J1526AUS 28b0 45w0 50b1 39w½ 26b0 18w0 52b12,5420220,5
14Tuck Stephen1520AUS 30w0 39b0 53w1 32b½ 19w½ 35b- -02490120
15Rachmadi Herman1502AUS 42w0 40b1 32w1 38b0 44w1 48b14,5130422,5
16Jago Stephen1497AUS 44w1 48b½ 38w½ 41b1 57w1 22b½ 4w-4,5150329,5
17Weller Tony1497AUS 45b½ 52w1 47b1 5w1 12b1 11b0 1w15,530527,5
18McLean Nathan1494AUS 46w½ 38b0 19w½ 30b½ 32w0 13b1 39b02,5440122,5
19Robeille John1477AUS 47b0 41w0 18b½ 50w1 14b½ 39w0 55b13400219
20Dickson Ian C1454AUS 48w0 44b1 35w1 42b1 38w½ 4b0 49w14,5100426
21Stokes Mark C1431AUS 49b1 47w½ 8b0 33w0 45b0 51b1 25w13,5280325
22Stewart Craig A1429AUS 50w1 1b1 9w½ 4b1 10w½ 16w½ 8b04,5140331,5
23Shaw Ralph1410AUS 51b1 3w0 37b0 47w- 56w1 42b1 32w14190420
24Jeffreys Roger W1398AUS 53w1 4b0 36w½ 46b½ 42w1 57b0 47w½3,5320221,5
25CMEgan Bill1376AUS 54b1 5w0 57b0 51w1 37b½ 48w0 21b02,5410223
26Li Joshua1363AUS 55w1 6b½ 7w0 36b0 13w1 47b½ 35b03390221
27Sanusi-Goh Gavyn1355AUS 56b1 9b0 39w1 45w1 6b½ 8w0 12w03,5260327,5
28Soliman Soliman1352AUS 13w1 10b0 42w0 35b0 51w1 44b0 46w13350321
29Patterson Philip1321AUS 57w0 49b0 54w1 56b1 37w1 6b14,5120423
30Li Yuze, Ethan1320AUS 14b1 11b0 49w0 18w½ 39b½ 41w1 36b03370225,5
31Sweeney Matthew1279AUS 1w0 50b1 56w1 57b0 46w1 5w0 45b03340322,5
32Jurac Anthony1255AUS 3b0 51w1 15b0 14w½ 18b1 7w½ 23b03380223,5
33Cheng Amanda1244AUS 4w0 53b1 1w½ 21b1 7w1 5b1580424
34Gergis Steven1210AUS 5b0 41w- -0 -0 -0 -00,5560019,5
35Tracey Michael J1207AUS 6w0 54b1 20b0 28w1 49b0 14w+ 26w14180422,5
36Lue Chee Seng1191AUS 7b½ 2w½ 24b½ 26w1 3b0 30w14240224
37Ilka William1179AUS 10w0 55b1 23w1 6b0 25w½ 29b0 54b13,5290325
38Young Micah1124AUS 8b½ 18w1 16b½ 15w1 20b½ 6w1 3b½590330,5
39Ilka Alexander1077AUS 11w0 14w1 27b0 13b½ 30w½ 19b1 18w14230323,5
40Accola Tom1065AUS 12b0 15w0 51b0 54w0 53b1 50w01,5530117,5
41Stathos Dimitrios1035AUS 9w0 19b1 34b+ 16w0 5b0 30b0 42w13330324,5
42Wilkie Mary E1010AUS 15b1 12w0 28b1 20w0 24b0 23w0 41b02450227
43Chang Hung Dean Alexander1008VEN -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00570017,5
44Yap Jonathan1005AUS 16b0 20w0 55b1 52w1 15b0 28w1 7b14170423,5
45Huey Chelsea1004AUS 17w½ 13b1 6w½ 27b0 21w1 1b0 31w14220325,5
46Liu Kevin983AUS 18b½ 8w0 52b1 24w½ 31b0 54w0 28b02460122
47Whitney Garth965AUS 19w1 21b½ 17w0 23b+ 8b0 26w½ 24b½3,5310227
48Lo Micah953AUS 20b1 16w½ 2b+ 9b0 4w0 25b1 15w03,5250329,5
49Wang Jennifer931AUS 21w0 29w1 30b1 1b0 35w1 20b03,5270327
50Ding Daniel (Yulin)729AUS 22b0 31w0 13w0 19b0 40b12520117,5
51Chan Oliver660AUS 23w0 32b0 40w1 25b0 28b0 21w0 -12510119
52Li Annabel560AUS 17b0 46w0 44b0 54b½ 56w1 13w02470121,5
53Liu William462AUS 24b0 33w0 14b0 55w0 40w0 -1 56b01550017
54Manoji Deves403AUS 25w0 35w0 29b0 40b1 52w½ 46b1 37w02,5430219,5
55Chang Ethan0AUS 26b0 37w0 44w0 53b1 19w02500119
56Lau Chi Wai0AUS 27w0 -1 31b0 29w0 23b0 52b0 53w12480120,5
57Manganas Alex0AUS 29b1 7w- 25w1 31w1 16b0 24w1 9b+560527

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: The greater number of victories (variable)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)