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Skákþing Reykjavíkur 2020

Last update 02.02.2020 18:30:13, Creator/Last Upload: Icelandic Chess Federation

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Final Ranking crosstable after 9 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 Rp
1FMBjornsson Sigurbjorn2331ISL 22b1 34w1 5b1 6w1 2w1 15b1 3w1 4b1 14w19947472899
2IMKjartansson Gudmundur2453ISL 20b1 9w1 14b1 3w1 1b0 19w1 8b½ 18w1 15b17,5948,548,52338
3FMStefansson Vignir Vatnar2323ISL 35w1 19b1 8w1 2b0 4b1 5w1 1b0 9w1 10b17950502278
4IMKjartansson David2356ISL 36w1 10b½ 18w1 24b1 3w0 11b1 6b1 1w0 8b½6948482199
5Briem Benedikt1841ISL 54b1 16w+ 1w0 23b1 13w1 3b0 14w½ 11b½ 26w16947472100
6Mai Aron Thor2167ISL 30b1 25w+ 29w1 1b0 19w0 33b1 4w0 25b1 23w+6944,544,52025
7Haraldsson Haraldur1962ISL 43w1 29b0 35w0 57b1 27w½ 55b1 13w½ 20b1 18b16933331764
8Hardarson Petur Palmi1993ISL 39b1 55w1 3b0 40w1 34b1 2w½ 10b½ 4w½6845452057
9Bjornsson Eirikur K.1954ISL 42w1 2b0 27w1 20b1 11w½ 14b½ 15w½ 3b0 29b15,5944,544,52031
10Mai Alexander Oliver1958ISL 28b1 4w½ 15b0 37w1 16w½ 40b1 24b1 8w½ 3w05,5944442066
11Heidarsson Arnar1880ISL 56b1 26w½ 12b½ 22w1 9b½ 4w0 34b1 5w½ 16b½5,5942421980
12Petursson Gudni2026ISL 59w0 43b1 11w½ 30b1 18w½ 17b½ 22w½ 40b1 13w½5,5939391880
13Briem Stephan2197ISL 44b½ 48w1 31b1 15w0 5b0 37w1 7b½ 34w1 12b½5,5939391887
14Jonsson Gauti Pall2027ISL 41b1 17w1 2w0 26b1 9w½ 5b½ 24w1 1b05,5847472132
15Fridjonsson Julius2117ISL 59b1 10w1 13b1 1w0 9b½ 26w1 2w05,5748482192
16WGMPtacnikova Lenka2076ISL 45w1 5b- 10b½ 27b½ 31w1 19b1 11w½5,5739,539,51961
17Haraldsson Sigurjon1820ISL 47w1 14b0 39w+ 12w½ 26b0 28w1 27b15,5737,537,51790
18Halldorsson Bragi2089ISL 37b½ 46w1 4b0 31w1 12b½ 29w1 19b1 2b0 7w05943431926
19Ragnarsson Johann1946ISL 51b1 3w0 55b1 36w1 6b1 2b0 18w0 16w0 35b15941411907
20Gardarsson Halldor1804ISL 2w0 42b1 59w+ 9w0 43b½ 28w1 29b½ 7w0 38b15940401709
21Jonsson Kristjan Dagur1591ISL 24b0 56w1 34b0 28w½ 46b½ 52w1 25w0 50b+ 40b15934341591
22Geirsson Kristjan1709ISL 1w0 53b1 57w1 11b0 43w1 12b½ 27w0 34b15838,538,51720
23IMBjarnason Saevar2057ISL 37w1 26b½ 5w0 36b0 39w1 35b1 38w1 6b-5837,537,51761
24Karlsson Mikael Johann2155ISL 21w1 44b1 4w0 25b1 10w0 14b0 36w15740,540,51941
25Finnbogadottir Tinna Kristin1859ISL 38w1 6b- 44b1 24w0 21b1 6w0 37b15737371823
26Olafsson Thorvardur2188ISL 27w1 11b½ 23w½ 29b½ 14w0 45b1 17w1 15b0 5b04,5941,541,51865
27Ulfljotsson Jon1672ISL 26b0 51w1 9b0 46w1 7b½ 16w½ 33w½ 22b1 17w04,5940,540,51779
28Skarphedinsson Ingvar Wu1484ISL 10w0 35b0 53w1 21b½ 30w1 20b0 48w1 17b0 45w14,5935351640
29Bjarnason Olafur1815ISL 57b1 7w1 6b0 26w½ 18b0 20w½ 45b1 9w04,5838,538,51840
30Jonatansson Sigurdur Freyr1651ISL 6w0 38b½ 50b1 12w0 28b0 53w½ 55b1 41w14,5832321438
31Thorisson Benedikt1598ISL 58b1 13w0 18b0 46w1 16b0 43w1 33w½4,5736,536,51707
32Thoroddsen Anna Katarina1076ISL 40w½ 36b0 45b- 38b0 49w1 48b+ 47b14,5731311325
33WIMAcevedo Mendez Lisseth1864ISL 50w1 -0 35b1 6w0 27b½ 37w½ 31b½4,5637371691
34Baldursson Haraldur1902ISL 53w1 1b0 21w1 35b1 8w0 36b1 11w0 13b0 22w04943431765
35Einarsson Oskar Long1687ISL 3b0 28w1 7b1 34w0 33w0 41b1 23w0 52b1 19w04941411771
36Eliasson Kristjan Orn1772ISL 4b0 39w+ 32w1 19b0 23w1 34w0 38b0 39w1 24b04939391671
37Haile Batel Goitom1559ISL 18w½ 23b0 49w1 10b0 50w1 13b0 55w1 33b½ 25w04938,538,51640
38Heidarsson Mikael Bjarki1043ISL 25b0 30w½ 48b1 44w½ 40b0 32w1 36w1 23b0 20w04936361656
39Sigfusson Ottar Orn Bergmann1525ISL 8w0 36b- 51b1 47w1 17b- 23b0 54w1 36b0 52w14934,534,51523
40Fridthjofsson Sigurjon Thor1812ISL 32b½ 45w1 8b0 38w1 10w0 42b1 12w0 21w04838,538,51546
41Jonasson Hordur1551ISL 14w0 47b½ 55w0 58b1 35w0 46b1 42w1 30b04830,530,51340
42Sigurvaldason Hjalmar1469ISL 9b0 20w0 54b1 44w1 40w0 41b0 50b14732,532,51514
43Bjarnason Larus H1489ISL 7b0 12w0 56b1 59w+ 20w½ 22b0 50w½ 31b0 46w½3,5935,535,51421
44Helgason Jon Thor1672ISL 13w½ 49b1 24w0 38b½ 25w0 42b0 52w0 54b½ 53w13,5934,534,51377
45Gudmundsson Thordur1553ISL 16b0 54w1 40b0 32w+ 26w0 47b1 29w0 28b03,5834341472
46Helgadottir Idunn1233ISL 18b0 58w1 27b0 21w½ 31b0 41w0 56w1 43b½3,5832,532,51417
47Orrason Arnar Freyr0ISL 17b0 41w½ 39b0 59w+ 45w0 53b1 32w03,5732,532,51247
48Gardarsson Hordur1586ISL 13b0 38w0 49b½ 56w1 28b0 32w- 55w13,5732321238
49Kjartansson Arnar Logi0ISL 44w0 37b0 48w½ 50b0 32b0 57w1 51b13,5730301216
50Brynjarsson Einar Dagur1121ISL 33b0 30w0 51w+ 37b0 49w1 43b½ 21w- 42w03833331312
51Briem Gudrun Fanney1209ISL 19w0 27b0 39w0 50b- 54b0 -1 57w1 58b1 49w03827,527,51153
52Omarsson Adam1241ISL -0 -0 53w1 21b0 44b1 35w0 39b03535,535,51446
53Jonsson Thorsteinn Emil1114ISL 34b0 22w0 28b0 54w1 52b0 58w1 30b½ 47w0 44b02,5931,531,51245
54Kjartansson Matthias Bjorgvin1036ISL 5w0 45b0 42w0 53b0 51w1 57b1 39b0 44w½ -02,5830301282
55Sigurdarson Oddur0ISL -1 8b0 19w0 41b1 7w0 37b0 30w0 48b02,5738381441
56Kristbergsson Bjorgvin1045ISL 11w0 21b0 43w0 57w1 48b0 -0 46b0 -12,5628,528,51190
57Haile Lemuel Goitom0ISL 29w0 -1 22b0 7w0 56b0 54w0 51b0 49b0 58w12831311025
58Thoroddsen Jon Louie0ISL 31w0 46b0 41w0 53b0 -1 51w0 57b02627,527,5484
59Alexandersson Orn1550ISL 12b1 15w0 20b- 43b- 47b- -0 -0 -0 -01533,533,50

Tie Break1: Games descending (More is better)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)