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Dice chess turnīrs Rīgas Šaha skolā 12.01.2020.

Last update 12.01.2020 17:45:39, Creator/Last Upload: savieniba

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.Rd10.Rd11.Rd12.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1FMMustaps Matiss2370LAT 31w0 31b0 60w1 60b1 29b1 29w1 23w0 23b0 38b1 38w1 15b0 15w171678740
2IMSveshnikov Vladimir2353LAT 32b1 32w1 26w0 26b0 35b1 35w1 31b1 31w1 15w1 15b0 9w1 9b19585790
3MKKolasa Pjotrs2155LAT 33w1 33b0 55b0 55w1 37b0 37w1 34w1 34b1 28w0 28b0 39b0 39w162984790
4MKGutmans Mihail2132LAT 34b0 34w1 33w1 33b1 30b1 30w1 26w1 26b0 16b1 16w1 12b0 12w19486810
5NMSmorodinskis Igors2110LAT 35w0 35b0 43b0 43w0 24w0 24b0 -1 -1 -0 -0 -0 -026160,5580
6MKUngurs Edgars2108LAT 36b0 36w0 45w1 45b1 38w1 38b1 44b0 44w1 27b1 27w1 26w1 26b19775710
7MKBatashevs Arsens2077LAT 37w1 37b0 34b1 34w1 31w0 31b0 36b0 36w1 39w1 39b0 55b0 55w054176710
8MKAuzins Artis2062LAT 38b0 38w1 37w1 37b0 42w1 42b1 47b1 47w1 18b1 18w1 28w1 28b09676710
9MKIndricans Vadims2033LAT 39w1 39b0 38b0 38w1 43w1 43b0 37b1 37w1 31w1 31b1 2b0 2w071878730
10MKKolesnikovs Ivans1998LAT 40b1 40w1 28w0 28b0 48w1 48b1 49b1 49w1 23b0 23w0 32b0 32w171778740
11MKSinauridze Simons1976LAT 41w1 41b0 39b0 39w0 50w1 50b1 43b0 43w1 47w1 47b0 34b1 34w172466620
12MKBrikers Aleksandrs1950LAT 42b0 42w1 41w1 41b1 36b1 36w1 27w1 27b1 26b½ 26w1 4w1 4b09,5185790
13MKBolsakovs Vadims1930LAT 43w1 43b1 31b0 31w1 39w1 39b1 28b0 28w1 55w1 55b1 23b0 23w19290840
14MKGavrilovs Dmitrijs1921LAT 44b0 44w0 46w1 46b1 49b0 49w0 38w0 38b0 60b0 60w1 48w1 48b045456530
15MKGudovskis Konstantins1903LAT 45w1 45b1 35b1 35w1 28b0 28w1 55w1 55b0 2b0 2w1 1w1 1b08988840
16MKPavlovs Nikita1900LAT 46b1 46w1 36w1 36b0 44b0 44w1 51w1 51b1 4w0 4b0 33b0 33w063080770
17WFMUngure Liga1871LAT 47w1 47b0 42b0 42w1 57w1 57b0 39b0 39w1 43w0 43b0 45b1 45w163662590
18ITer-Avetisjana Agnesa Stepania1731LAT 48b1 48w1 44w1 44b0 47b0 47w1 54b1 54w1 8w0 8b0 35w1 35b071972680
19IPiksis Davids1726LAT 49w1 49b1 51b0 51w0 58w1 58b0 41b1 41w1 32w1 32b0 36b0 36w172070660
20NMParhomenko Margarita1723LAT 50b1 50w1 54w1 54b0 55b0 55w0 57w1 57b1 44w1 44b0 43b0 43w172366630
21MKVambute Dana1688LAT 51w0 51b0 48b0 48w0 45b0 45w1 50w0 50b0 59w1 59b0 56b1 56w145648450
22ISpringis Jevgenijs1679LAT 52b0 52w1 47w0 47b0 41b0 41w0 53w1 53b0 56b0 56w1 57w1 57b154648450
23IBogdanovics Kirills1675LAT 53w1 53b1 61b0 61w1 54w1 54b0 1b1 1w1 10w1 10b1 13w1 13b09868650
24MKGordievich Larisa1663LAT 54b0 54w0 49w0 49b0 5b1 5w1 42w1 42b0 41w1 41b0 50b1 50w163756530
25IFilipovs Jevgenijs1653LAT 55w0 55b0 50b0 50w1 52w1 52b0 46b0 46w1 42b0 42w1 49w1 49b054458550
26ISavicevs Arsenijs1625LAT 56b1 56w1 2b1 2w1 51w1 51b1 4b0 4w1 12w½ 12b0 6b0 6w07,51291880
27IParhomenko Anastasija1554LAT 57w1 57b0 52b1 52w1 61w1 61b1 12b0 12w0 6w0 6b0 40b1 40w172565620
28ITabors Emils1486LAT 58b1 58w1 10b1 10w1 15w1 15b0 13w1 13b0 3b1 3w1 8b0 8w19386820
29IStanislavskis Dmitrijs1458LAT 59w1 59b0 57b0 57w1 1w0 1b0 48b1 48w1 49w1 49b1 44b0 44w172758550
30ISprindzuks Golubcovs Edvards1435LAT 60b0 60w1 59w1 59b1 4w0 4b0 58b0 58w1 51b0 51w1 47w1 47b172662590
31IBude Toms1410LAT 1b1 1w1 13w1 13b0 7b1 7w1 2w0 2b0 9b0 9w0 51w1 51b062886810
32IDaleckis Deniss1352LAT 2w0 2b0 53b0 53w1 56w1 56b1 60b1 60w1 19b0 19w1 10w1 10b072168650
33IIZubova Polina1349LAT 3b0 3w1 4b0 4w0 53w1 53b1 61w1 61b0 54b1 54w1 16w1 16b181164610
34IYovanovich Victor1337LAT 4w1 4b0 7w0 7b0 59b1 59w1 3b0 3w0 46w1 46b1 11w0 11b054366630
35IIRezniks Roberts1282LAT 5b1 5w1 15w0 15b0 2w0 2b0 52b1 52w1 58w1 58b1 18b0 18w172268650
36IIBarutina Luiza1277LAT 6w1 6b1 16b0 16w1 12w0 12b0 7w1 7b0 61b1 61w1 19w1 19b071479760
37IHlopkova Jekaterina1275LAT 7b0 7w1 8b0 8w1 3w1 3b0 9w0 9b0 50b0 50w1 54w1 54b163570660
38IPodojniks Marks Ernests1266LAT 8w1 8b0 9w1 9b0 6b0 6w0 14b1 14w1 1w0 1b0 58b0 58w153980760
39IIMaskalans Nils1240LAT 9b0 9w1 11w1 11b1 13b0 13w0 17w1 17b0 7b0 7w1 3w1 3b063180750
40IIIAugstkalns Martins1227LAT 10w0 10b0 56b0 56w1 60w0 60b0 59b1 59w1 57b1 57w1 27w0 27b054554510
41IDerbenev Arseniy1223LAT 11b0 11w1 12b0 12w0 22w1 22b1 19w0 19b0 24b0 24w1 60w1 60b163377730
42IIDaineko Pjotrs1218LAT 12w1 12b0 17w1 17b0 8b0 8w0 24b0 24w1 25w1 25b0 61b1 61w163277740
43IIRaudenieks Markus1157LAT 13b0 13w0 5w1 5b1 9b0 9w1 11w1 11b0 17b1 17w1 20w1 20b071578750
44IIRaudenieks Kristians1122LAT 14w1 14b1 18b0 18w1 16w1 16b0 6w1 6b0 20b0 20w1 29w1 29b071380760
45IIKuchina Polina1118LAT 15b0 15w0 6b0 6w0 21w1 21b0 56w1 56b0 52b1 52w1 17w0 17b045266630
46IIZakis Janis1094LAT 16w0 16b0 14b0 14w0 -1 -1 25w1 25b0 34b0 34w0 53b0 53w145555,5520
47IIIKantans Ansis1007LAT 17b0 17w1 22b1 22w1 18w1 18b0 8w0 8b0 11b0 11w1 30b0 30w053882770
48IIMuzis Renars0LAT 18w0 18b0 21w1 21b1 10b0 10w0 29w0 29b0 53b0 53w1 14b0 14w145366620
49IIIHops Roberts0LAT 19b0 19w0 24b1 24w1 14w1 14b1 10w0 10b0 29b0 29w0 25b0 25w154272680
50IIIJesilevskis Aleksandrs0LAT 20w0 20b0 25w1 25b0 11b0 11w0 21b1 21w1 37w1 37b0 24w0 24b045170660
51IIILambrou Adam0LAT 21b1 21w1 19w1 19b1 26b0 26w0 16b0 16w0 30w1 30b0 31b0 31w163475710
52IIITer-Avetisjana Agapi0LAT 22w1 22b0 27w0 27b0 25b0 25w1 35w0 35b0 45w0 45b0 59b0 59w135962591
53IVJaunzeme Arnita0LAT 23b0 23w0 32w1 32b0 33b0 33w0 22b0 22w1 48w1 48b0 46w1 46b044972690
54IVKalnina Krista0LAT 24w1 24b1 20b0 20w1 23b0 23w1 18w0 18b0 33w0 33b0 37b0 37w044786800
55IVKantans Jekabs0LAT 25b1 25w1 3w1 3b0 20w1 20b1 15b0 15w1 13b0 13w0 7w1 7b181080750
56IVRomanovskis Klavs0LAT 26w0 26b0 40w1 40b0 32b0 32w0 45b0 45w1 22w1 22b0 21w0 21b035865610
57IVZaharenok Pavel0LAT 27b0 27w1 29w1 29b0 17b0 17w1 20b0 20w0 40w0 40b0 22b0 22w035774690
58Cernovs Nikita0LAT 28w0 28b0 -1 -1 19b0 19w1 30w1 30b0 35b0 35w0 38w1 38b054079,5750
59Saveljevs Deniss0LAT 29b0 29w1 30b0 30w0 34w0 34b0 40w0 40b0 21b0 21w1 52w1 52b036062591
60Saveljevs Dmitrijs0LAT 30w1 30b0 1b0 1w0 40b1 40w1 32w0 32b0 14w1 14b0 41b0 41w045072680
61Savickis Armands0LAT -1 -1 23w1 23b0 27b0 27w0 33b0 33w1 36w0 36b0 42w0 42b044885,5800

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)