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Klasifikācijas turnīrs 2. sporta klasēm 17.01. - 19.01.2020. (RŠS)

Posledná aktualizácia 19.01.2020 15:05:41, Creator/Last Upload: savieniba

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Tabuľka podľa štartových čísiel

č.TMenoEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdBodyPor. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1IIDaineko Pjotrs1175LAT 27b0 20w½ 54b1 46w1 36b½ 31w1 43w1582223,516,5
2IISergejevs Germans1162LAT 28w0 23b1 27w1 31b½ 43w0 32b1 29w14,513252716
3IIKrumins Karlis1156LAT 29b0 25w1 32b0 34w1 26b½ 12w1 38b14,515202214,5
4IILabecka Maria1116LAT 32b0 34w1 36b0 52w1 29b½ 51w1 48b03,527212313,5
5IIZubova Polina1110LAT 33w1 31b0 39w1 28w0 30b0 46b1 44w142321,523,515
6IIJeronovics Toms1082LAT 34b1 32w1 29b1 38w1 8b0 28w0 36b15625,527,523
7IIPetrovs Arsenijs1066LAT 35w1 38b0 33w0 27b0 55b1 24w0 18b13392021,511
8IIOtrohovs Maksims1044LAT 36b1 39w1 30b1 48w1 6w1 13b½ 14b05,522729,526
9IIKuchina Polina1021LAT 30w0 33b0 50b1 54w1 32b½ 29w0 39b13,530192011,5
10IIAleksejevs Daniils1017LAT 38w0 35b1 43w½ 36w½ 53b1 44w1 45b157222416,5
11IIAizstrauts Ernests0LAT 39b0 36w0 34b0 42b0 -1 20w1 46w025016,517,55
12IIAnokhin Yaromir0LAT 40w1 43b1 31w½ 45b0 33w0 3b0 41w02,5402426,515,5
13IIArajs Ilvars0LAT 42b½ 50w1 53b1 26w1 45b½ 8w½ 21b04,51226,527,521
14IIAugstkalns Martins0LAT 43w0 40b1 47w1 51b1 31w1 33b1 8w1612426,521
15IIAuzins Kristers0LAT 44b1 46w1 38b0 29w1 28b0 36w0 31b+42122,524,518
16IIAzarjancs Timurs0LAT 45w0 41b½ 42w1 43b0 46w½ 39b½ 47w02,5422224,510,5
17IIBickovs Aleksandrs Adrians0LAT 46b0 37w1 52b1 30w1 38b1 45w1 28b½5,542224,520,5
18IIBulgakov Alexander0LAT 47w0 51b0 35w1 39b1 27w0 54b0 7w024919219
19IIDankovs Ruslans0LAT 48b0 44w1 46b½ 53w½ 51b0 52w½ 42b02,54420,522,511,5
20IIDiners Kirils0LAT 49w0 1b½ 41w½ 44b0 39w0 11b0 -124819,520,56,5
21IIDubovs Andzejs0LAT 50b½ 24w½ 55b1 32w1 48b½ 26w1 13w15,55222320
22IIFogele Angelina0LAT 51w1 45b0 49w1 33b0 44w- -0 -024723,526,512
23IIGansone Aiga0LAT 52b0 2w0 37b+ 41b½ 42w0 53w0 50b12,54520218
24IIGreiskans Anrijs0LAT 53w½ 21b½ 51w0 47b1 49w0 7b1 54w14202426,513,5
25IIGrzibovskis Kirils0LAT 54b0 3b0 40w+ 55w½ 41w1 42b1 27w03,52820,52212
26IIHelmanis Janis Valters0LAT 55w1 47b1 45w½ 13b0 3w½ 21b0 51w14192526,518
27IIHimiceva Anastasija0LAT 1w1 48b0 2b0 7w1 18b1 38w½ 25b14,51423,525,516
28IIJermaks Maksims0LAT 2b1 52w1 48w0 5b1 15w1 6b1 17w½5,532729,522,5
29IIJurksta Julija0LAT 3w1 49b1 6w0 15b0 4w½ 9b1 2b03,5262629,516,5
30IIKantans Jekabs0LAT 9b1 54w1 8w0 17b0 5w1 49b0 53w033327,53016
31IIKelsins Eldars0LAT 41w1 5w1 12b½ 2w½ 14b0 1b0 15w-3342729,517,5
32IILisovskis Dmitrijs0LAT 4w1 6b0 3w1 21b0 9w½ 2w0 52b13,52526,52914,5
33IIManzurcevs Ralfs0LAT 5b0 9w1 7b1 22w1 12b1 14w0 49b04182527,518
34IIMierina Lauma0LAT 6w0 4b0 11w1 3b0 47w½ 41b0 55b+2,54321,5237,5
35IIMoskalenko Dmitrijs0LAT 7b0 10w0 18b0 -1 54w- -0 -015317,5194
36IIMuzis Renars0LAT 8w0 11b1 4w1 10b½ 1w½ 15b1 6w041627,52916,5
37IINikitins Mirons0LAT -0 17b0 23w- -0 -0 -0 -005418,519,50
38IIObrazcovs Nikita0LAT 10b1 7w1 15w1 6b0 17w0 27b½ 3w03,524283119
39IIPlauca Lelde0LAT 11w1 8b0 5b0 18w0 20b1 16w½ 9w02,5461920,511
40IIPlumins Patriks0LAT 12b0 14w0 25b- -0 -0 -0 -005517,518,50
41IIPodgornijs Bogdans0LAT 31b0 16w½ 20b½ 23w½ 25b0 34w1 12b13,53215,51710,5
42IIPukite Elza0LAT 13w½ 53b0 16b0 11w1 23b1 25w0 19w13,53118,52011,5
43IIRasimenoka Marija0LAT 14b1 12w0 10b½ 16w1 2b1 48w1 1b04,51127,53018,5
44IIRasimenoks Pavels0LAT 15w0 19b0 -1 20w1 22b+ 10b0 5b03382021,512
45IIRaudenieks Kristians0LAT 16b1 22w1 26b½ 12w1 13w½ 17b0 10w04172527,521
46IIRaudenieks Markus0LAT 17w1 15b0 19w½ 1b0 16b½ 5w0 11b13362324,512
47IIReiha Ance0LAT 18b1 26w0 14b0 24w0 34b½ 55w1 16b13,52920,52211,5
48IIShmins Andrejs0LAT 19w1 27w1 28b1 8b0 21w½ 43b0 4w14,5102931,520,5
49IISinicins Sergejs0LAT 20b1 29w0 22b0 50w1 24b1 30w1 33w15919,520,517
50IISokolovs Maksimilians0LAT 21w½ 13b0 9w0 49b0 52b0 -1 23w01,55123245,5
51IITenis Kristaps0LAT 22b0 18w1 24b1 14w0 19w1 4b0 26b033523,525,514
52IITkacenko Konstantins0LAT 23w1 28b0 17w0 4b0 50w1 19b½ 32w02,54122,523,511
53IITreimanis Ernests0LAT 24b½ 42w1 13w0 19b½ 10w0 23b1 30b142222,524,514,5
54IIVladimirovs Luka0LAT 25w1 30b0 1w0 9b0 35b+ 18w1 24b033720,522,512
55IIZuravlovs Rodions0LAT 26b0 -1 21w0 25b½ 7w0 47b0 34w-1,55221,5248

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Fide Tie-Break