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VII. Berecz memorial B 2019

Last update 05.01.2020 12:40:25, Creator/Last Upload: Bartos Ferenc

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2 
1Gachalyi Gergo1519HUN 18w1 9b½ 23w1 11b1 3b½ 4w½ 7b15,5211695
2Vadkerti Vince1460HUN 20w1 8b0 13w1 9b1 14w1 3w1 4b½5,5211656
3Gaal Miklos1579HUN 33w1 26b1 10w1 8b1 1w½ 2b0 9b15,5201689
4Arvai Benedek1398HUN 30w1 11b½ 16w1 7b½ 8w1 1b½ 2w½5221613
5Kozak Janos1450HUN 13w1 14b1 8w0 10b0 26w1 22b1 16w+5191540
6Dernovics Aron1394HUN 34b1 12w0 15b0 31w1 30b1 11w1 8b1515,51433
7Abraham Lajos1622HUN 21w1 10b0 18w1 4w½ 17b1 16b1 1w04,5201491
8Gerda Emil1601HUN 28b1 2w1 5b1 3w0 4b0 10b1 6w04241486
9Szamko Hanna1426HUN 29b1 1w½ 12b½ 2w0 15b1 14b1 3w04231456
10Havasi Gergely Bulcsu1454HUN 17b1 7w1 3b0 5w1 11b½ 8w0 12b½4211544
11Kovacs Gergo Patrik1499HUN 25b1 4w½ 27b1 1w0 10w½ 6b0 22w14211434
12Kis Izabella1482HUN 22w½ 6b1 9w½ 26b½ 16w0 13b1 10w½4191427
13Baki Bence1184HUN 5b0 25w1 2b0 19w1 27b1 12w0 21w1418,51438
14Fodor Gabor1551HUN 19b1 5w0 28b1 15w1 2b0 9w0 17b1418,51397
15Korosi Zsombor1248HUN 16w0 30b1 6w1 14b0 9w0 24b1 23w14181467
16Veres Sandor1482HUN 15b1 27w½ 4b0 21w1 12b1 7w0 5b-3,5201470
17Hodi Adam1222HUN 10w0 24b1 21w½ 23b1 7w0 26b1 14w03,5171499
18Csikos Adam1297HUN 1b0 34w1 7b0 24b1 22w0 32w½ 28b13,515,51354
19Havasi Mate Pal1306HUN 14w0 20b1 26w0 13b0 25w+ 28w½ 27b+3,5151199
20Toth Timea1244HUN 2b0 19w0 34b1 28w½ 21b0 29w1 26w13,512,51269
21Kohari Akos Istvan1353HUN 7b0 32w1 17b½ 16b0 20w1 27w½ 13b03181272
22Havasi Huba Laszlo1257HUN 12b½ 23w0 29b1 27w½ 18b1 5w0 11b0317,51312
23Ordogh Mihaly1435HUN 31w½ 22b1 1b0 17w0 28b½ 30w1 15b03151188
24Blazsik Zoltan1634HUN 27b0 17w0 32b1 18w0 31b1 15w0 30b1314,51145
25Nagy Gyula1290HUN 11w0 13b0 30w- 29w1 19b- 33b1 31w13141290
26Lauko Denes1442HUN 32b1 3w0 19b1 12w½ 5b0 17w0 20b02,5181242
27Koszo Ferenc1373HUN 24w1 16b½ 11w0 22b½ 13w0 21b½ 19w-2,517,51345
28Szekely Eniko Anna1320HUN 8w0 31b1 14w0 20b½ 23w½ 19b½ 18w02,516,51260
29Ghise Bogdan0ROU 9w0 33b½ 22w0 25b0 34w1 20b0 -12,513,51062
30Karman Gergely0HUN 4b0 15w0 25b+ 33b1 6w0 23b0 24w02171131
31Kohari Csongor Gaspar1097HUN 23b½ 28w0 33w½ 6b0 24w0 34b1 25b02141183
32Arvai Tamas1128HUN 26w0 21b0 24w0 34b1 33w½ 18b½ -02131215
33Kohari Bank Gyorgy1312HUN 3b0 29w½ 31b½ 30w0 32b½ 25w0 34w01,512926
34Kohari Zalan Ferenc0HUN 6w0 18b0 20w0 32w0 29b0 31w0 33b1113,5901

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Performance (variable with parameter)