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Última actualización11.02.2020 17:53:36, Propietario/Última carga: eidervb

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No.Nombre1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts.Rk. Des 1  Des 2  Des 3  Des 4  Des 5 
1Alonso Matin Noah 41w0 34b0 24w1 13b0 23w0 17b1 37w0 46b1 50w½3,5540331,5308,75
2Alvarez Gonzalez Iñigo 42b0 35w0 21b0 26w1 29b0 24w1 23b0 36w1 55b0357033735,56,00
3Añel Quintas Unax 43w1 47b1 52w0 74b0 60w0 46b1 48w1 13b1 65w0523054543,519,50
4Arenzana García de Madinabeitia Iker 44b- 39b1 47w1 51b1 74w1 33w1 16b0 67w1 57b17407484432,50
5Armero Villagra Sandra -0 40w0 23b0 36w0 63b0 70w1 38b0 26b1 17w0269023432,53,00
6Arribas Lopez Alaitz 45w0 43b0 30w0 37b1 47w0 69b0 63w1 59b0 46w13630332,5317,50
7Ayerbe Sanchez Sergio 46b- -0 -0 38w0 59b1 63w1 36b1 40w0 45b14470437,53511,50
8Barrero Ortiz de Zarate Hector 47w0 50b1 49w0 46b0 45w1 48b0 34w1 37b1 44w15300535,53417,50
9Beltrán de Heredia de la Fuente Jon 49b1 51w1 57b1 42w1 31b0 35w0 67b0 64w1 71b1690648,544,529,00
10Bernardo Curiel Jon 50w1 52b0 51w0 47b1 62w1 65b0 56w1 60b1 41w16130644,54126,50
11Blanco Iglesias Daniel 51b0 49w0 39w1 50b0 48w0 37b0 70b0 54w1 12b0268023533,52,00
12Blanco Soto Erik 52w0 56b0 50w0 39b+ 36b0 78w1 45b0 63b½ 11w13,5530332,530,57,25
13Casal Cristobal Aimar 53b1 55w½ 33b0 1w1 73b1 74w1 35b0 3w0 49b04,5340,544743,521,25
14Ceballos Achaerandio Eric 54w- -0 -0 48b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00770027260,00
15Chaghouaoui Pellitero Ismael 55b0 53w0 59b1 63w1 61b0 40w0 46w1 38b0 77w03600335,5347,50
16Cogollos Beamonte Ivan 56w1 60b1 62w1 52b1 28w1 31b1 4w1 27b½ 35w07,520,57565243,25
17Contreras Herrán Saul 57b0 59w1 53b0 55w0 38b0 1w0 78b0 39w1 5b1358033734,57,00
18Corral Garcia Akier 58w+ 57w0 61b0 67w0 70b1 55w0 53b0 78w1 56b0356033937,54,00
19Crespo Garcia Amets -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00780027260,00
20Cuesta Perez Mikel 59b1 61w1 73b0 33w0 64b1 67w0 74b0 45w1 72b04420441,53916,00
21de Blas Landaluce Martin 60w0 64b0 2w1 56b0 69w1 47b0 50w1 48b0 59w14480436,53411,50
22Diaz de Mendibil Pereda Pagoa 61b- -0 -0 59w1 78b1 53w1 64b0 76w0 70b14500433,53211,00
23Diaz Ramos Mael 62w0 66b0 5w1 60b0 1b1 64w0 2w1 56b1 48w0444044037,512,50
24Dominguez Ibisate Mikel 63b0 67w0 1b0 78w0 -1 2b0 59w0 50b0 54b12730129,527,54,50
25Echevarri Rodriguez Alejandro 64w1 62b0 56w1 65b1 49w½ 32b0 -0 -0 -03,5510346,542,516,75
26Fernandez Ojeda Pablo 65b- -0 -0 2b0 37w0 45b0 -1 5w0 39b01750031,530,54,50
27Fernandez Santiago Mikel 66w1 65b0 60w1 62b1 52w1 41b1 31w1 16w½ 32b17,530,5753,548,544,25
28Franco Rodriguez Adrián 67b1 63w1 76b1 73w1 16b0 42w1 57b0 71w½ 74b05,517054744,525,25
29Garcia Meneses Stefania 68w0 70b1 64w0 66b0 2w1 50b1 51w0 77b1 60w04490434,53312,50
30Gaviria Hernandez Gorka 69b0 71w0 6b1 70w1 55b1 72w0 75b0 53w1 64b15310534,53317,50
31Groppa Nagashiro Ian 70w1 68b1 65w1 77b1 9w1 16w0 27b0 32b0 66w0521054846,519,00
32Gutierrez Parra Oier 71b1 69w1 77b0 53w1 33b½ 25w1 42b1 31w1 27w06,570643,54026,50
33Jorge Cabo Eneko 72w1 74b½ 13w1 20b1 32w½ 4b0 65w0 51b1 79w05320448,544,524,00
34Juanche Pastor Javier 73b0 1w1 63b1 57w0 67b0 76w0 8b0 70w1 78b14460437,53610,00
35Khoroshykh Yaroslav 74w- 2b1 66w1 64b1 75w1 9b1 13w1 57w1 16b1810845,542,541,00
36Lecocq Mondragon Kevin Franck 75b- -0 -0 5b1 12w1 56b0 7w0 2b0 63w1361033431,58,00
37Lopez de Munain Iker 76w- -0 -0 6w0 26b1 11w1 1b1 8w0 53b03620333316,50
38Lozano Alcoba Gorka 77b- -0 -0 7b1 17w1 62b0 5w1 15w1 75b1528053734,516,00
39Lozano Mantilla Rodrigo -0 4w0 11b0 12w- -0 -0 54w1 17b0 26w12710231,529,51,00
40Luengo Arteaga Álvaro 79w0 5b1 68w1 75b0 65w0 15b1 62w0 7b1 51w1527054037,514,00
41Marañon Hermosilla Egoitz 1b1 73w0 67b1 61w1 44b1 27w0 71b0 72w1 10b05220546,543,524,50
42Marañon Hermosilla Markel 2w1 75b1 79w1 9b0 77w1 28b0 32w0 62b0 76b04390444,541,517,00
43Martin Fernández de Valderrama Edgar 3b0 6w1 69b1 72w1 57b0 71w0 76b1 75w1 67b052505423919,00
44Martinez Elejalde Gorka 4w+ 76w0 71b1 79b+ 41w0 66b0 77w1 79b0 8b0440044440,522,50
45Martinez Fernandez Mikel 6b1 77w0 72b0 71w0 8b0 26w1 12w1 20b0 7w03590336347,50
46Miranda Mestanza Ibai 7w+ 79b0 75w0 8w1 71b0 3w0 15b0 1w0 6b02660238,535,59,00
47Moreta Gaztañaga Igor 8b1 3w0 4b0 10w0 6b1 21w1 79b- -0 -035503444112,00
48Mugica Saenz Aratz -0 -0 -0 14w+ 11b1 8w1 3b0 21w1 23b152905363415,00
49Niso López de Ipiña Iñigo 9w0 11b1 8b1 76w1 25b½ 57w0 55b1 74w0 13w15,5180543,541,522,75
50Oharriz Castillo Alain 10b0 8w0 12b1 11w1 72b0 29w0 21b0 24w1 1b½3,5520333,5329,25
51Ortega Castaño Mikel 11w1 9b0 10b1 4w0 76b1 73w0 29b1 33w0 40b043804454317,00
52Ortiz de Zárate Caicedo Eneko 12b1 10w1 3b1 16w0 27b0 75w1 72b1 73w1 61b1750747,544,534,50
53Ozcoz Skrlin Jon Ander 13w0 15b1 17w1 32b0 66w0 22b0 18w1 30b0 37w14430440,53812,00
54Perez Colodrón Enol 14b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 39b0 11b0 24w0076003028,50,00
55Pinedo Kozurno Janek 15w1 13b½ 74w0 17b1 30w0 18b1 49w0 66b0 2w14,5350,5438,53614,25
56Pintado Torre Aimar 16b0 12w1 25b0 21w1 79b0 36w1 10b0 23w0 18w14410442,54013,50
57Pintado Torre Mikel 17w1 18b1 9w0 34b1 43w1 49b1 28w1 35b0 4w06110647,54526,00
58Quintana Aristimuñoz Hugo 18b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00790027260,00
59Quintana Blancon Iker 20w0 17b0 15w0 22b0 7w0 -1 24b1 6w1 21b0364023129,59,50
60Reguero Garcia Markel 21b1 16w0 27b0 23w1 3b1 79w1 73b0 10w0 29b152005494523,00
61Rodriguez Castro Ander 22w+ 20b0 18w1 41b0 15w1 77b1 66w1 65b1 52w06150640,53826,00
62Ruiz Martin Eric 23b1 25w1 16b0 27w0 10b0 38w1 40b1 42w1 73b1680650,546,526,50
63Saenz de Buruaga Noguera Daniela 24w1 28b0 34w0 15b0 5w1 7b0 6b0 12w½ 36b02,5650232,5315,75
64Saenz de Camara Carbajo Xabier 25b0 21w1 29b1 35w0 20w0 23b1 22w1 9b0 30w043704464216,00
65Sanchez Revilla Clara 26w+ 27w1 31b0 25w0 40b1 10w1 33b1 61w0 3b161006484429,50
66Sevillano Burgos Iker 27b0 23w1 35b0 29w1 53b1 44w1 61b0 55w1 31b161206464325,50
67Sobron Angulo Adrian 28w0 24b1 41w0 18b1 34w1 20b1 9w1 4b0 43w1614064139,524,00
68Somoscarrera Ruiz Daniel 29b1 31w0 40b0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -01740133,531,54,00
69Suso Etxebarria Guillermo 30w1 32b0 43w0 -0 21b0 6w1 -0 -0 -02670238,535,58,00
70Ugarriza Corres Beñat 31b0 29w0 -1 30b0 18w0 5b0 11w1 34b0 22w02720133,531,56,50
71Uriarte Fernandez Erlantz 32w0 30b1 44w0 45b1 46w1 43b1 41w1 28b½ 9w05,5190540,53922,75
72Varona Sandoval Aitana 33b0 -1 45w1 43b0 50w1 30b1 52w0 41b0 20w153304413820,00
73Veselinov Hadzhiev Martin 34w1 41b1 20w1 28b0 13w0 51b1 60w1 52b0 62w052405454122,00
74Villoria Muñoz Ivan 35b+ 33w½ 55b1 3w1 4b0 13b0 20w1 49b1 28w16,560645,541,535,00
75Viña Ramirez Santiago 36w+ 42w0 46b1 40w1 35b0 52b0 30w1 43b0 38w04360446,54515,00
76Voronenko Artur 37b+ 44b1 28w0 49b0 51w0 34b1 43w0 22b1 42w15260540,537,519,00
77Zarate Pou Marc 38w+ 45b1 32w1 31w0 42b0 61w0 44b0 29w0 15b144504383517,50
78Zeledon Martinez Imer Zair -0 -0 -0 24b1 22w0 12b0 17w1 18b0 34w0270023331,55,00
79Zhen Xuan Qui 40b1 46w1 42b0 44w- 56w1 60b0 47w+ 44w1 33b1616063735,523,00

Desempate 1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Desempate 2: The greater number of victories (variable)
Desempate 3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempate 4: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempate 5: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable