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IX Torneig Clàssic Internacional Sant Martí 2020

Darrera actualització12.03.2020 23:04:32, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Pablo Castillo García

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Taula creuada de classificació final després de 9 rondes

OrdreNom1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts. Des1  Des2  Des3  Des4  Des5 
1GMPerez Mitjans Orelvis 30w1 45b1 13w1 2b0 7b1 6w1 4b½ 3w1 8w17,55244,537,570
2FMBarbero Sendic Alejandro 54b1 76w1 43b1 1w1 4b½ 5b1 3w0 24w1 7b+7,54941,539,570
3FMCapellades Subirana Marc 57b1 53w1 21b1 4w½ 20b1 43w1 2b1 1b0 5w17,547,5404070
4IMVidarte Morales Arturo 22w+ 32b1 46w1 3b½ 2w½ 13b½ 1w½ 9b1 16w1747,5403650
5IMRojas Keim Luis 68b1 23w1 14b1 20w½ 42b1 2w0 6b1 13w1 3b06,54739,53760
6MKVillar Reymundo Juan Antonio 52w1 35b1 15w0 9b1 24w1 1b0 5w0 36b1 23w1644,5373160
7NMAnguera Maestro Jaime -0 31b1 55w1 35b1 1w0 18w1 17b1 20w1 2w-64436,53060
8Garcia Ruiz Adrian -0 62b1 22w1 -0 49b1 35w1 42b1 21w1 1b0642,5352960
9MKPrats Rodriguez Juan Bosco 11w½ 39b1 81w+ 6w0 54b1 42w½ 27b1 4w0 13b164235,530,550
10FMRuiz Mata Oscar 85w1 44b1 -0 -0 26w1 31b1 -0 14w1 20b1641,535,52960
11Cruz Saez Alejandro 9b½ 48w½ 53b½ 81w+ 17w½ 23b0 45w1 44w1 24b1639,53426,540
12Capdet Egea Sergi 46w0 77b+ 19b1 72w+ 13w0 17b0 50w1 53b+ 25b+63933,52760
13FMCastillo Dalmau Albert 83b1 29w1 1b0 76w1 12b1 4w½ 14b1 5b0 9w05,54537,53350
14Perez Pastora Evarist 59w1 16b1 5w0 17b½ 32w1 44b1 13w0 10b0 27b15,544,5373050
15Planella Sanchez Jordi 58b1 47w1 6b1 42w0 43b0 22w1 21b½ -0 31w15,541,535,530,550
16Albert Cristobal Jorge 79b1 14w0 70b1 27w½ 21b0 28w1 48b1 18w1 4b05,538,5322850
17Repiso Alvarez Jorge 73b0 33w1 68b1 14w½ 11b½ 12w1 7w0 22b½ 34b15,5383126,540
18Parayre Soguero Jordi 34b1 73w1 42b0 54w½ 36w1 7b0 33w1 16b0 38w+5,537302950
19Aguila Barcelo Lluis 66w0 63b1 12w0 62b1 31w0 26b1 47w1 38b½ 32w15,534292350
20Riera Danes Manel 63w1 66b1 64w1 5b½ 3w0 21w½ 43b1 7b0 10w054739,53240
21Garcia Martinez Josep 62w1 56b1 3w0 36b½ 16w1 20b½ 15w½ 8b0 22w½544,5372930
22Fuentes Barrientos Carlos 4b- 38w1 8b0 67b1 50w1 15b0 46w1 17w½ 21b½5423523,540
23Vallbona Domingo Joan 74w1 5b0 26w1 34b1 -0 11w1 24b0 35w1 6b0541,5352850
24Padros Martinez Albert 47b0 69w1 27b1 40w1 6b0 48w1 23w1 2b0 11w0541,534,52850
25Busom Isach Carlos 31w1 55b1 -0 28w1 -0 33b½ 32w½ 29b1 12w-5413528,540
26Romero Funieles Rafael 42b0 80w1 23b0 56w1 10b0 19w0 75b1 50w1 45w+53830,52050
27Moreno Perez Norberto 39w½ 67b1 24w0 16b½ 52w1 63b1 9w0 37b1 14w0537,53226,540
28Farre Buil Carles 65w1 46b0 66w1 25b0 72w½ 16b0 57w1 33b1 36w½536,5302440
29Niubo Calvo Juan 84w1 13b0 34w0 47b1 63w0 59b1 65w1 25w0 49b153528,52350
30Permanyer Ugartemendia Inaki 1b0 34w- 67w½ 38w½ -0 66b1 62w1 63b1 46w+53527,516,540
31Cabrera Marmol Manuel 25b0 7w0 80b1 71w1 19b1 10w0 53b½ 39w1 15b04,544,53721,540
32Poyato Ruiz Fernando 61b1 4w0 37b½ 39w1 14b0 40w1 25b½ 34w½ 19b04,540,5342530
33Serentill Tost Eduard 72w0 17b0 41w1 55b1 53w+ 25w½ 18b0 28w0 56b14,540,5342140
34Gibert Juan Ramon 18w0 30b+ 29b1 23w0 35b0 51w1 72b+ 32b½ 17w04,53933,52340
35Donas Perez Emilio 80b1 6w0 73b1 7w0 34w1 8b0 63w1 23b0 37w½4,5393224,540
36Cabot Muntane Jordi 75w1 64b0 56w+ 21w½ 18b0 54w1 37b½ 6w0 28b½4,538322530
37Tortosa Moros Joan 64w0 84b1 32w½ 53b½ 45w1 46b½ 36w½ 27w0 35b½4,5373223,520
38Sumed Castillo Alejandro 44w0 22b0 85w½ 30b½ 62w1 83b1 55w1 19w½ 18b-4,53731,519,530
39Subirana Santos Marc 27b½ 9w0 82w+ 32b0 83w1 50b0 40w1 31b0 55w14,53529,520,540
40Martinez Diaz Francisco Javier 77w1 43b0 65w1 24b0 46w½ 32b0 39b0 74w1 47w14,533,528,521,540
41San Isidoro Castillo Josep 81w0 -0 33b0 77w1 56b½ 74b1 54w1 45b0 57w14,5322716,540
42Nadal Fajardo Ricard 26w1 81b½ 18w1 15b1 5w0 9b½ 8w0 -0 -0445,538,52830
43Cervello I Tost Roger 69b1 40w1 2w0 45b1 15w1 3b0 20w0 -0 -044537,52840
44Ramos Alvarez Maximo 38b1 10w0 47b+ 46b1 64w1 14w0 -0 11b0 -044436,52740
45Sumelzo Lozano Jose 78b1 1w0 57b1 43w0 37b0 49w1 11b0 41w1 26b-440,5332240
46MKNamay Caceres Santos 12b1 28w1 4b0 44w0 40b½ 37w½ 22b0 69w1 30b-439,53323,530
47Garcia Punzano Josep Lluis 24w1 15b0 44w- 29w0 70b1 68w1 19b0 48w1 40b0437,531,52040
48Calderon Gutierrez Felipe 67w½ 11b½ 52w1 64b0 59w1 24b0 16w0 47b0 69w+436,53121,530
49Costa Trave Jaume -0 58w1 54b0 66b1 8w0 45b0 61w1 65b1 29w0435,528,51940
50Rojas Fernandez Andres 56w0 -0 61b1 69w1 22b0 39w1 12b0 26b0 63w+43327,51840
51Vigier Lopez Carlos -0 61w1 72b0 58w1 -0 34b0 67w½ 60b½ 65w143327,517,530
52Bellpuig Mencos Gerard 6b0 79w1 48b0 73w1 27b0 53w0 56b0 66w1 67b1431,525,51740
53Bernat Ernest 70b1 3b0 11w½ 37w½ 33b- 52b1 31w½ 12w- -03,540,5332120
54Agut Alvarez Josep Lluis 2w0 60b1 49w1 18b½ 9w0 36b0 41b0 67w½ 58b½3,5393219,520
55Ibanez Riquelme Sergio 71b1 25w0 7b0 33w0 73b1 69w1 38b0 56w½ 39b03,537301930
56Pascual Gonzalez-Novelles David 50b1 21w0 36b- 26b0 41w½ 75b½ 52w1 55b½ 33w03,5353017,520
57Fungueirino Pique Daniel 3w0 75b1 45w0 65b0 74w½ 60b1 28b0 68w1 41b03,534,52716,530
58Valdes Azon Gerard 15w0 49b0 84w1 51b0 66w1 -0 68b1 -0 54w½3,5342815,530
59Abascal Vicente Ignacio 14b0 71w1 76b0 70w1 48b0 29w0 -0 77b1 60w½3,53226,516,530
60Climent Vidal Pere 76b0 54w0 83b½ 82w0 79b1 57w0 73b1 51w½ 59b½3,530251320
61Martin Sanchez Antoni 32w0 51b0 50w0 84b1 69b0 71w1 49b0 75w½ 74b+3,529,524,51230
62Gonzalez Canovas Sebastia 21b0 8w0 79b1 19w0 38b0 70w1 30b0 71w1 -0338311330
63Esteban Lupianez Jose Miguel 20b0 19w0 77b1 68w1 29b1 27w0 35b0 30w0 50b-337,5321830
64MKPerez Garcia Adria 37b1 36w1 20b0 48w1 44b0 -0 -0 -0 -033731,52330
65Fuentes Del Pino Raul 28b0 83w1 40b0 57w1 81b+ -0 29b0 49w0 51b033731,51930
66Febrero Perez Lluis 19b1 20w0 28b0 49w0 58b0 30w0 80b1 52b0 75w1336,5311330
67Paez Nunez David 48b½ 27w0 30b½ 22w0 68b0 80w1 51b½ 54b½ 52w033529,514,510
68Salazar Navas Josep 5w0 74b1 17w0 63b0 67w1 47b0 58w0 57b0 79w133427,51430
69Garcia Gonzalez Juan 43w0 24b0 75w1 50b0 61w1 55b0 77w1 46b0 48b-331,526,51530
70Menbrive Hernandez Juan 53w0 85b1 16w0 59b0 47w0 62b0 78w0 80b1 77w1331,5261130
71Lison Palomero Nicolas 55w0 59b0 74w1 31b0 75w0 61b0 84w1 62b0 78w1327,5231130
72Bulto Gonzalvo Ramon 33b1 -0 51w1 12b- 28b½ -0 34w- -0 -02,538,53318,520
73Tomas Martinez Angel 17w1 18b0 35w0 52b0 55w0 77b0 60w0 78b½ -12,531,5261110
74Colominas Isern Josep 23b0 68w0 71b0 80w1 57b½ 41w0 79b1 40b0 61w-2,53024,511,520
75Gracia Poch Frederic 36b0 57w0 69b0 79w½ 71b1 56w½ 26w0 61b½ 66b02,528,5241110
76Alcaraz Lopez Francesc 60w1 2b0 59w1 13b0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0237301620
77Manukyan Aram 40b0 12w- 63w0 41b0 -1 73w1 69b0 59w0 70b023025910
78Munoz Prior Marcelo 45w0 82b½ -0 -0 -0 79w0 70b1 73w½ 71b0229,524,5810
79Ponsa Asensio Ramon 16w0 52b0 62w0 75b½ 60w0 78b1 74w0 84b½ 68b0228,523810
80Perez Parra Agusti 35w0 26b0 31w0 74b0 84w+ 67b0 66w0 70w0 84b1227,523620
81Planella Sanchez Xavier 41b1 42w½ 9b- 11b- 65w- -0 -0 -0 -01,535,5301310
82Gomez Parla Josep -0 78w½ 39b- 60b1 -0 -0 -0 -0 -01,531,526,51010
83Genoves Dexeus David 13w0 65b0 60w½ 85b+ 39b0 38w0 -0 -0 -01,530,5259,510
84Cacho Lafuente Marc 29b0 37w0 58b0 61w0 80b- -1 71b0 79w½ 80w01,526,521,5500
85Navarro Cardenas Jose Adrian 10b0 70w0 38b½ 83w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00,530,5233,500

Desempat1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempat2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempat3: Fide Tie-Break
Desempat4: The greater number of victories (variable)
Desempat5: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)