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Late Prof. WD Alurkar Memorial Open Rapid Chess Tournament (Rated)

Last update 19.01.2020 13:52:09, Creator: Prakash Kunte,Last Upload: Monish Sports World

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Bakliwal Gaurav2219IND 37w+ 21b½ 59w1 19b0 43w1 17b½ 23w15130425
2Sriram Sarja2172IND 38b1 22w1 11b1 12w1 9b½ 7w0 26w15,520529,5
3Andurkar Deepak A2138IND 39w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00680016,5
4AGMKiran Panditrao2026IND 40b1 23w1 13b0 35w1 17w1 15b0 -04200425,5
5Wagh G.M.2021IND 41w1 26b1 12w0 30b1 18w½ 59b1 15w04,5140428
6Vikas R Sharma2015IND 42b1 27w1 16b1 13w0 29b1 60w1 9b½5,530527,5
7Soham Datar1867IND 43w1 28b1 15w0 32b1 23w1 2b1 19w1610628
8Godbole Atharva1849IND 44b0 20w1 39b1 38w1 -0 -0 -03390324,5
9Reetish Padhi1821IND 45w1 32b1 18w1 15b1 2w½ 19b½ 6w½5,560431
10Agashe Kaustubh1723IND 46b1 29w0 41b0 64w1 38b1 57w0 24b14220423,5
11Prateek Wadhwa1635IND 47w1 34b1 2w0 36b1 26w0 29b- -03400324,5
12Nirgun Keval1630IND 48b1 35w1 5b1 2b0 60w0 46w1 27b1590525
13Sarvade Mihiir1611IND 25w1 36b1 4w1 6b1 19w0 26b0 18w04170428,5
14Mahajan Snehal1605IND 49w1 59b½ 55w½ 43b0 41w1 30b1 29w04300321,5
15Chavan Nameet1582IND 50b1 39w1 7b1 9w0 16b½ 4w1 5b15,540527,5
16Burli Pranav1529IND 51w1 65b1 6w0 53b1 15w½ 18b0 59w14,5150427
17Singla Aaryan1464IND 52b1 44w½ 29b1 21w1 4b0 1w½ 57b04290326,5
18Negi Augustiya1447IND 53w1 67b1 9b0 41w1 5b½ 16w1 13b15,550524,5
19Gokhale Rishabh Chandrashekhar1439IND 54b1 64w½ 44b1 1w1 13b1 9w½ 7b05120427
20Godbole Shardul1437IND 55w½ 8b0 67w1 59b0 44w1 64b1 21w03,5350322,5
21Kunte Amogh1423IND 56b1 1w½ 64b1 17b0 59w0 62w1 20b14,5160422,5
22Korde Kedar1422IND 57w1 2b0 43w0 47b1 53w1 32b1 60b04180426,5
23Khairmode Dhanashree1415IND 58b1 4b0 49w1 52w1 7b0 66w1 1b04240423,5
24Lokur Parag1405IND 59w0 55b0 48w1 49b1 63w1 43b½ 10w03,5360319
25Pandhare Swapnil1403IND 13b0 52w0 54b0 58b1 49w½ 51w0 70b½2630116
26Mistry Devanshu1377IND 60b1 5w0 50b1 66w1 11b1 13w1 2b0580526
27Walde Varad1377IND 61w1 6b0 53w0 50b1 55w1 65b1 12w04210424,5
28Pise Prashant1360IND 62b1 7w0 52b0 54w1 46b0 50w1 42b03430322
29Apte Dhaivat1324IND 63w1 10b1 17w0 55b1 6w0 11w+ 14b15100524
30Shamkumar Malayil1297IND 64b0 54w1 57b1 5w0 52b1 14w0 53b-3410324
31Limaye Sharveya1295IND 65w0 51b1 60w0 57w0 62b0 67b0 47w12560223
32Pingale Shivraj1293IND 66b1 9w0 61b1 7w0 68b1 22w0 52b14190425,5
33Mudra Uday1268IND 67w0 53b0 51w½ 45b1 64w0 44b0 63w12,5540217,5
34Devdikar Hrishikesh1263IND 68b1 11w0 66b0 61w1 57b0 52w0 50b½2,5500222
35Dhore Rohan1263IND 69w1 12b0 63w1 4b0 65w0 53b- -02570222
36Marathe Suhas1261IND 70b1 13w0 68b1 11w0 66b0 61w0 69b13470320
37Jadhav Rahul1253IND 1b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00690016,5
38Naik Shriram1247IND 2w0 56b1 65w1 8b0 10w0 54b1 55w14270422,5
39Amrit Raj1245IND 3b+ 15b0 8w0 68w0 54b- -0 -01660121,5
40Aaryan Balaji Rao1239IND 4w0 57b0 56w1 63b0 50w0 49b0 -12620117,5
41Dhiren Mor1239IND 5b0 58w1 10w1 18b0 14b0 68w1 61b03380325
42Sarode Om1237IND 6w0 60b0 58w1 65b0 67w1 63b1 28w14250423
43Dawda Vihaan1236IND 7b0 62w1 22b1 14w1 1b0 24w½ -03,5310326,5
44Jain Kushagra1233IND 8w1 17b½ 19w0 60b0 20b0 33w1 66b13,5330325
45Tupe Ashirwad1229IND 9b0 66w0 62b½ 33w0 51b0 56w+ 58w01,5650119,5
46Harshal Naik1217IND 10w0 61b0 69w1 67b1 28w1 12b0 65w03420323
47ACMJanhavi Gore1205IND 11b0 68w0 70b1 22w0 61b0 69w0 31b01670119
48Yadnya Rahul Chaudhari1193IND 12w0 63b0 24b0 70w1 69w1 55b0 67w02600218,5
49Kuldeep Chotrani1191IND 14b0 70w1 23b0 24w0 25b½ 40w1 62b02,5520218,5
50Aditya Saxena1189IND 15w0 69b1 26w0 27w0 40b1 28b0 34w½2,5510222
51Bakhare Atharva1185IND 16b0 31w0 33b½ 62w0 45w1 25b1 64w02,5530218
52Lalitaditaayyanar1183IND 17w0 25b1 28w1 23b0 30w0 34b1 32w03450321
53Vishal Shewale1152IND 18b0 33w1 27b1 16w0 22b0 35w+ 30w+4230423,5
54Bagve Mrunmayee1144IND 19w0 30b0 25w1 28b0 39w+ 38w0 68b02580220,5
55Phadnis Pranav1127IND 20b½ 24w1 14b½ 29w0 27b0 48w1 38b03490223,5
56Yash Joshi1127IND 21w0 38w0 40b0 69b0 58w0 45b- -00700016
57Kulkarni Pawan1124IND 22b0 40w1 30w0 31b1 34w1 10b1 17w15110520
58Shreyas Manchanda1124IND 23w0 41b0 42b0 25w0 56b1 70w½ 45b12,5550215,5
59Gadgil Tanay1118IND 24b1 14w½ 1b0 20w1 21b1 5w0 16b03,5320325,5
60Advait Prashant Patil1117IND 26w0 42w1 31b1 44w1 12b1 6b0 22w1570527
61Purkar Shreyas1117IND 27b0 46w1 32w0 34b0 47w1 36b1 41w14280419,5
62Dolas Aarush1105IND 28w0 43b0 45w½ 51b1 31w1 21b0 49w13,5370318,5
63Gosavi Ishwari1103IND 29b0 48w1 35b0 40w1 24b0 42w0 33b02590219,5
64Ishan Warudkar1099IND 30w1 19b½ 21w0 10b0 33b1 20w0 51b13,5340323
65Aditi Yogesh Kayal1098IND 31b1 16w0 38b0 42w1 35b1 27w0 46b14260422,5
66Patil Akshaj1097IND 32w0 45b1 34w1 26b0 36w1 23b0 44w03440322
67Wadikar Arnav1040IND 33b1 18w0 20b0 46w0 42b0 31w1 48b13460320,5
68Yashwardhan Agarwal1032IND 34w0 47b1 36w0 39b1 32w0 41b0 54w13480316
69Deepak Kamble1027IND 35b0 50w0 46b0 56w1 48b0 47b1 36w02610214,5
70Komal Gore1013IND 36w0 49b0 47w0 48b0 -1 58b½ 25w½2640013

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: The greater number of victories (variable)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)