Pojedinačno prvenstvo Ličko Senjske županije Senj 2019

Organizer(s)šs Ličko senjske županije
FederationCroatia ( CRO )
Tournament directorTomljanović Goran
Chief ArbiterZobenica čedomir
Time control7+3
Number of rounds11
Tournament typeSwiss-System
Rating calculationRating national, Rating international
Pairing programSwiss-Manager from Heinz HerzogSwiss-Manager tournamentfile

Last update 30.11.2019 15:42:03, Creator/Last Upload: Sahovski Savez Primorsko-Goranske Zupani

Parameters No tournament details, Link with tournament calendar
ListsStarting rank, Alphabetical list, Statistics, Playing schedule
Final Ranking after 11 Rounds, Final Ranking crosstable after 11 Rounds, Starting rank crosstable
Board PairingsRd.1, Rd.2, Rd.3, Rd.4, Rd.5, Rd.6, Rd.7, Rd.8, Rd.9, Rd.10, Rd.11/11 , not paired
Excel and PrintExport to Excel (.xlsx), Export to PDF-File, QR-Codes
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Final Ranking crosstable after 11 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.Rd10.Rd11.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1FMLevar Nenad2104CRO 13b1 12w1 4b1 9w1 5b1 3w½ 8b½ 6w1 2b0 7w1 14w19872,567
2MKOrešković Milan2044CRO 11b1 6w1 5b0 4w0 9b½ 14w1 3b1 8w1 1w1 16b1 10w18,5871,567
3MKTomljanović Goran2090CRO 8w0 19b1 15w1 16b1 6w½ 1b½ 2w0 11b1 4w1 5w1 12b18769,565,5
4IIDrvar Miroslav1897CRO 21w1 7b1 1w0 2b1 8w½ 5w1 19b1 9w1 3b0 6b0 17w17,576866
5MKKranjčević Mario2218CRO 15w1 16b1 2w1 8b1 1w0 4b0 6w0 19b1 10w1 3b0 18w17769,565,5
6IIPrpić Milan1905CRO 17b1 2b0 19w½ 10w1 3b½ 12w1 5b1 1b0 8w1 4w1 9b07671,567,5
7IIJakešević Darko1927CRO 14b1 4w0 11b0 18w1 10b1 19w0 9b0 15w1 13b1 1b0 8w1666460
8IVMiljanović Željko1757CRO 3b1 9w1 12b1 5w0 4b½ 11w1 1w½ 2b0 6b0 18w1 7b06574,570
9IPrpić Ivan1993CRO 22w1 8b0 13w1 1b0 2w½ 17b1 7w1 4b0 11w½ 10b0 6w16566,565
10IIGradišer Dragoljub1922CRO 19w0 14b½ 22w1 6b0 7w0 21b1 13w1 12b1 5b0 9w1 2b05,5558,557
11IVDignum Oliver Branko1725CRO 2w0 21b1 7w1 19b0 16w1 8b0 15b1 3w0 9b½ 12w0 20b15,555856
12IBaljak Jadranko1905CRO 20w1 1b0 8w0 13b½ 21w1 6b0 17w1 10w0 22b1 11b1 3w05,555755,5
13IPavelić Boris1793CRO 1w0 20b1 9b0 12w½ 14b0 18w1 10b0 22b1 7w0 15w1 16b15,5555,554
14Miletić Ivan1655CRO 7w0 10w½ 18b0 20b1 13w1 2b0 21w½ 16b½ 19w1 22w1 1b05,5453,552
15IIŠarić Vid1879CRO 5b0 18w1 3b0 17w0 22b1 16b1 11w0 7b0 20w1 13b0 21w15551,550
16IITomljanović Marin1919CRO 18b1 5w0 17b1 3w0 11b0 15w0 20b1 14w½ 21b1 2w0 13w04,5458,556,5
17Jurjević Ivan1600CRO 6w0 22b1 16w0 15b1 19w½ 9w0 12b0 20w1 18b0 21w1 4b04,545048,5
18Tomić Dalibor1632CRO 16w0 15b0 14w1 7b0 20w1 13b0 22w1 21b½ 17w1 8b0 5b04,545048,5
19Budimir Siniša1634CRO 10b1 3w0 6b½ 11w1 17b½ 7b1 4w0 5w0 14b0 20b0 22w04360,559
20Glumac Igor1623CRO 12b0 13w0 21b1 14w0 18b0 22w½ 16w0 17b0 15b0 19w1 11w02,524846,5
21Tomljanović Marko1600CRO 4b0 11w0 20w0 22b1 12b0 10w0 14b½ 18w½ 16w0 17b0 15b0215250,5
22Pavletić Mirko1664CRO 9b0 17w0 10b0 21w0 15w0 20b½ 18b0 13w0 12w0 14b0 19b11,5150,548,5

Tie Break1: Greater number of victories/games variable
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)