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Posledná aktualizácia 05.12.2019 13:10:34, Creator/Last Upload: Delhi Chess Association

Search for player Hladaj

Konečná tabuľka po 7 kolách

Por.TMenoEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdBody TB1  TB2  TB3 
1AFMAadya Gupta1272IND 55b+ 18w1 17b1 11w1 8b1 3w½ 5b16,5028,531,5
2Aisha Wadhwani1113IND 56w+ 24w1 9b1 8w0 20b1 7w1 3b16028,531,5
3Aadhya Jain1050IND 47b1 20w1 7b1 6w1 13w1 1b½ 2w05,5029,530,5
4Medhansh Khanna0IND 32b1 6w0 28b1 16w1 11b1 10w½ 14b15,5026,529
5Aarnv Kakkar0IND 26b1 17w0 18b1 12w1 9b1 8w1 1w05028,532
6Vedant Karoria0IND 22w1 4b1 15w1 3b0 21b1 14w0 17b15027,531,5
7Samaira Jain0IND 39b1 12w1 3w0 34b1 19w1 2b0 18b15026,529
8Udaiveer Singh0IND 34w1 37b1 42w1 2b1 1w0 5b0 15w15026,528,5
9Ridhima Bhuchar0IND 19b1 28w1 2w0 42b1 5w0 22b1 16b1502527
10Aviraj Nath0IND 38b1 27w1 13w0 15b1 23w1 4b½ 12b½5024,527
11Sidharth Lakra0IND 40b1 31w1 29w1 1b0 4w0 38b1 24b15023,526
12Jaagrit Mishra0IND 23w1 7b0 33w1 5b0 25w1 20b1 10w½4,502730
13Singh Myra0IND 54w+ 21w1 10b1 14w½ 3b0 16w0 32b14,502629
14Advay Mahajan0IND 30w1 15b0 37w1 13b½ 29w1 6b1 4w04,5024,527,5
15Rian Kohli0IND 16b1 14w1 6b0 10w0 35w1 21b1 8b04027,530,5
16Armaan Mttal0IND 15w0 25b1 22w1 4b0 27w1 13b1 9w04026,529
17Ridhaan Bhuchar0IND 35w1 5b1 1w0 19b0 34w1 30b1 6w0402629
18Navya Bansal0IND 41w1 1b0 5w0 46b1 33w1 23b1 7w04025,527
19Aryan Gupta0IND 9w0 30b1 36b1 17w1 7b0 24w0 27w14023,526
20Rajveer Singh0IND 43w1 3b0 46w1 35b1 2w0 12w0 29b14023,525
21Kapish Agarwal0IND 33w1 13b0 32w1 29b1 6w0 15w0 36b1402224,5
22Pareen Kochar0IND 6b0 39w1 16b0 40w1 28b1 9w0 33b1402224,5
23Vanika Sehgal0IND 12b0 40w1 31b1 38w1 10b0 18w0 30w14021,524
24Pranjal Verma0IND 46w1 2b0 35w0 43b1 42w1 19b1 11w04021,523
25Tanav Sahani0IND 44b½ 16w0 38b½ 47w1 12b0 39w1 31b1401819
26Naitish Garg0IND 5w0 41b½ 43w0 27b0 47b1 46w1 38w13,501617
27Saanvi Jain0IND 52w+ 10b0 34w0 26w1 16b0 28w1 19b03022,525
28Akshaj Mehra0IND 57w+ 9b0 4w0 41b1 22w0 27b0 42w13022,524,5
29Anushree Venkatraman0IND 61b1 36w1 11b0 21w0 14b0 44w1 20w03022,524,5
30Naksh Khetarpal0IND 14b0 19w0 39b1 32w1 36b1 17w0 23b0302224,5
31Kahan Chirag Sawhney0IND 59b+ 11b0 23w0 33b0 43w1 35b1 25w0302224
32Aarnav Kathuria0IND 4w0 44w1 21b0 30b0 40w1 34b1 13w0302224
33Vihaan Jain0IND 21b0 47w1 12b0 31w1 18b0 41w1 22w03021,522,5
34Himanshu Jain0IND 8b0 60w1 27b1 7w0 17b0 32w0 46b1302121
35Arnav Joshi0IND 17b0 45w1 24b1 20w0 15b0 31w0 44b13020,522,5
36Ruhaan Raj Gaggar0IND 51b+ 29b0 19w0 37b1 30w0 42b1 21w0302022
37Kavish Suneja0IND 45b1 8w0 14b0 36w0 39b0 60w1 43b13018,518,5
38Rubaab Singh Narula0IND 10w0 43b1 25w½ 23b0 41w1 11w0 26b02,502426
39Devansh Kumar0IND 7w0 22b0 30w0 60b1 37w1 25b0 40w½2,5021,521,5
40Divit Jain0IND 11w0 23b0 45w1 22b0 32b0 47w1 39b½2,5020,521,5
41Advik Jain0IND 18b0 26w½ 44b1 28w0 38b0 33b0 60w12,5017,517,5
42Devegyay Aarora0IND 60b1 48w1 8b0 9w0 24b0 36w0 28b0202222
43Akshay Mathur0IND 20b0 38w0 26b1 24w0 31b0 45b1 37w02019,521,5
44Havish Girdhar0IND 25w½ 32b0 41w0 45b1 46w½ 29b0 35w02017,519
45Vivaan Aggarwal0IND 37w0 35b0 40b0 44w0 60b1 43w0 47b12013,513,5
46Ahaan Aggarwal0IND 24b0 61w1 20b0 18w0 44b½ 26b0 34w01,502123
47Manvay Verma0IND 3w0 33b0 60w1 25b0 26w0 40b0 45w01020,520,5
48Shivansh Bansal0IND 53w+ 42b0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0101820
49Adviti Garg0IND -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00016,517,5
Amman Ahuja0IND 58w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00016,517,5
Darsh Prasad0IND 36w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00016,517,5
Deveit Mittal0IND 27b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00016,517,5
Devvansh Mittal0IND 48b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00016,517,5
Divit Singla0IND 13b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00016,517,5
Krish Aggarwal0IND 1w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00016,517,5
Manit Malik0IND 2b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00016,517,5
Raayansh Bhatnagar0IND 28b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00016,517,5
Rehaan Kapur0IND 50b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00016,517,5
Vihaan Agarwal0IND 31w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00016,517,5
60Vyom Sacgdeva0IND 42w0 34b0 47b0 39w0 45w0 37b0 41b0001516
61Reyansh Bansal0IND 29w0 46b0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00013,514,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)