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11th CSC London Chess Classic Rapid Under 1825

Posledná aktualizácia 07.12.2019 20:16:09, Creator/Last Upload: chessinschools

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Konečná tabuľka po 7 kolách

Por. TMenoElo1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdBody
FMVan Zyl-Rudd Jack1689 72w+ 64w1 4b1 7w1 23b1 16w1 3b½6,5
Donati Michele1768 52w0 59b1 25w1 17b1 41w1 10b1 12w16
Ratnesan Rajeiv1629 76b1 21w1 31b½ 27w1 12w1 20b1 1w½6
Hortin Matthew J1782 51w1 9b1 1w0 43b1 24w1 8b½ 11w15,5
Hayler Andrew1723 53b1 27w0 26b1 51w1 6b½ 31w1 16b15,5
Jedrocha Katarzyna1811 17w1 42b1 40w1 23b0 5w½ 34b1 8w½5
Janula Mariusz1767 25w1 52b1 43w1 1b0 10w0 41b1 24b15
Ismail Mohammed Aayan1708 26b½ 37w1 47b1 19w1 4w½ 6b½5
Chantrell Paul1639 60b1 4w0 38b1 20w0 46b1 30b1 33w15
Patel Rishi1633 48w1 12b0 28w1 13b1 7b1 2w0 23b15
Rubeck Jonathan1783 36b1 16w0 35b1 15w½ 27b1 23w1 4b04,5
Gnanagurusamy Ganeshbabu1778 45b1 10w1 56b1 16w½ 3b0 15w1 2b04,5
O'hanlon Pat1739 70w+ 35w½ 15b½ 10w0 58b1 25b1 14w½4,5
Graff Ben1698 63b1 38w1 16b0 58w1 20b0 26w1 13b½4,5
Ozturan Cem1677 47w1 30b½ 13w½ 11b½ 33w1 12b0 32w14,5
Saidmurodov Shahjahon1656 54w1 11b1 14w1 12b½ 34w1 1b0 5w04,5
Ball Matthew P1606 6b0 63w1 64b1 2w0 29b1 22w½ 31b14,5
Buanne Luca1516 23w0 33b½ 50w1 32w1 31b0 39b1 34w14,5
Fleming Andrew Sj1818 35b0 65w1 45b1 56w1 8b0 24w0 44b14
Gopakumar Siddharth1804 50w1 43b0 52w1 9b1 14w1 3w0 -04
Lee Seho1768 69b+ 3b0 58w0 25b0 48w1 61b1 47w14
Nielsen Jorgen H1751 34b0 39w½ 37b1 52w1 17b½ 28w½4
Gay Conor DI1745 18b1 49w1 41b1 6w1 1w0 11b0 10w04
Aleksiev Georgi1692 65b½ 46w½ 53b1 29w1 4b0 19b1 7w04
Gu Stephanie1532 7b0 76w1 2b0 21w1 56b1 13w0 49b14
Agrawal Shivam1451 32b½ 8w½ 5w0 42b1 44w1 14b0 41w14
Srikanta Prasad Suyash1449 33w1 5b1 30w½ 3b0 11w0 43b½ 42w14
Li Ethan Bingxuan1372 41b0 55w1 10b0 57w1 49b1 35w½ 22b½4
Stoyanov Boris1261 68b+ 56w0 36b1 24b0 17w0 54b1 43w14
Matthews Gabriel1811 57b1 15w½ 27b½ 41w0 45b1 9w0 35b½3,5
Zheng Jerry Z1727 71w+ 58b1 3w½ 34b0 18w1 5b0 17w03,5
Eyles Kier1718 26w½ 39b1 34w0 18b0 47w1 51w1 15b03,5
Mozaffari Mohammad H1707 27b0 18w½ 65b1 35w1 15b0 53w1 9b03,5
Dhemrait Jagdeep1688 46b½ 22w1 32b1 31w1 16b0 6w0 18b03,5
Usharovsky Ron1619 19w1 13b½ 11w0 33b0 54w1 28b½ 30w½3,5
Stokes Richard1585 11w0 48b1 29w0 39b0 62w½ 50b1 52w13,5
Levi Guy1448 55b1 40w0 8b0 22w0 64b1 49w½ 51b13,5
Haddock Paul1385 67b+ 14b0 9w0 44b0 55w1 52b½ 59w13,5
Kotsiopoulos Panagiotis1362 32w0 22b½ 36w1 51b½ 18w0 53b13,5
Pichugov Andrey1697 59w1 37b1 6b0 46w1 -0 -0 -03
Sheikh Nasarullah1686 28w1 62b1 23w0 30b1 2b0 7w0 26b03
Opedal Jan Petter1679 74b+ 6w0 46b0 26w0 50b1 58w1 27b03
Deans Mary Helen1667 75b+ 20w1 7b0 4w0 53b½ 27w½ 29b03
Grey Nicholas D1652 64b0 53w0 60b1 38w1 26b0 46w1 19w03
Bovtramovics Vladimirs1562 12w0 61b1 19w0 62b1 30w0 47b0 60w+3
Damodaran Patrick1394 34w½ 24b½ 42w1 40b0 9w0 44b0 55w13
Thatte Nandinee1331 15b0 57w1 49b1 8w0 32b0 45w1 21b03
Vaidya Raghav1221 10b0 36w0 57b0 63w1 21b0 62w1 58b13
Zhutayev Tamirlan1627 61w1 23b0 47w0 59b1 28w0 37b½ 25w02,5
Richard Kofi Mawuena Adanu1589 20b0 54w½ 18b0 61b1 42w0 36w0 62b12,5
Zheng Harry Z1582 4b0 60w1 62w1 5b0 39w½ 32b0 37w02,5
Barua Dipli1555 2b1 7w0 20b0 64w1 22b0 38w½ 36b02,5
Kumar Sanjit S1456 5w0 44b1 24w0 55b1 43w½ 33b0 39w02,5
Rajeev-Lazar Seyon1286 16b0 50b½ 55w0 65w1 35b0 29w0 61b12,5
Chinnici Giorgio1706 37w0 28b0 54b1 53w0 38b0 63w1 46b02
Finnegan Oliver1686 73b+ 29b1 12w0 19b0 25w0 -0 -02
Shetty Atul1600 30w0 47b0 48w1 28b0 61w0 59b0 63b12
Karia Kamlesh1508 66w+ 31w0 21b1 14b0 13w0 42b0 48w02
Molostvov Dmitry M1406 40b0 2w0 76b1 49w0 60b0 57w1 38b02
Buckman Cyrus1247 9w0 51b0 44w0 76b1 59w1 -0 45b-2
Johnston Will0 49b0 45w0 63b1 50w0 57b1 21w0 54w02
Luckin Will0 -1 41w0 51b0 45w0 36b½ 48b0 50w01,5
Palav Mayank1424 14w0 17b0 61w0 48b0 -1 55b0 57w01
Gogia Abeer1282 44w1 1b0 17w0 52b0 37w0 -0 -01
Orgler Lukas H1400 24w½ 19b0 33w0 54b0 -0 -0 -00,5
Kamath Raghu1730 58b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00
Mirzoyan Garik1688 38w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00
Toh Q Kane1645 29w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00
Bishop Geoffrey L1552 21w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00
Karas Eugenia1514 13b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00
Chaban Roxolana1474 31b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00
Jiang Anthony Y1396 1b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00
Muhunthan Charukgan1377 56w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00
Sarkar Rian1351 42w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00
Kumar Soham1314 43w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00
Oh Julie1148 3w0 25b0 59w0 60w0 -0 -0 -00