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Ludhiana District Inter School U09 Chess Championship-2019 For Correction Call/Wapp Mr.Vikas Sharma-98157-30066,Wapp only Varun-7696228617

Posledná aktualizácia 08.12.2019 08:24:42, Creator/Last Upload: Varun Kumar

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Konečná tabuľka po 5 kolách

Por.TMenoFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.RdBody TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4  TB5 
1Tejbir SinghIND 29b1 6w1 7w1 25b1 3w1501416,516,505
2Pranav BansalIND 20w1 30b1 13w1 5b1 9w1501314,514,505
3Partik SainiIND 36b1 16w1 15b1 14w1 1b040141611,004
4Jahaann GoelIND 25b½ 8w½ 24b1 23w1 14b14012,51512,003
5Gavya JainIND 51b1 45w1 17b1 2w0 21b14012,513,58,504
6Gurshaan SinghIND 43w1 1b0 41w1 18b1 19w14012138,004
7Hiten SinglaIND 18b1 34w1 1b0 17w1 12w½3,5014169,253
8Aarav KalraIND 10w½ 4b½ 28w1 11b½ 27w13,5013,51610,502
9Bhavya SharmaIND 41w1 28b½ 10w1 13b1 2b03,5013,5158,753
10Nipun JaidkaIND 8b½ 46w1 9b0 15w1 26b13,5012,513,58,253
11Mitarth TalwarIND 22w1 13b0 16b1 8w½ 25w13,501214,510,253
12Dikshant MadaanIND 45b0 40w1 47b1 31w1 7b½3,509107,253
13Aarav JunejaIND 32b1 11w1 2b0 9w0 31b+3014167,503
14Gauri ThaparIND 48w1 27b1 21w1 3b0 4w03013,5146,003
15Vivaan SharmaIND 31b1 26w1 3w0 10b0 35w13012,514,57,003
16Asmi DhandIND 19w1 3b0 11w0 46b1 32w13012,513,56,003
17Rishit SingalIND 37w1 35b1 5w0 7b0 33w13011,513,56,003
18Suryansh JainIND 7w0 44b1 29b+ 6w0 38b13011,5135,503
19Raaghav GuptaIND 16b0 36w1 42b1 38w1 6b0301112,55,503
20Arush VasudevaIND 2b0 25w0 40b1 47w1 34b1301112,55,003
21Reet GarchaIND 49w1 42w1 14b0 35b1 5w03010,5114,003
22YatharthIND 11b0 32w0 44w1 29b1 39w1301011,56,003
23Viren GuptaIND 44w1 33b0 39w1 4b0 37w1301011,55,503
24Seerat Kaur KhuranaIND 42b0 37b1 4w0 49w1 41b13099,54,003
25Tejas JoharIND 4w½ 20b1 33w1 1w0 11b02,5015,517,57,002
26Ishaan GoelIND 50w1 15b0 27w½ 28b1 10w02,5011,512,54,752
27Sahibjot SinghIND 38b1 14w0 26b½ 36w1 8b02,5011135,252
28Prabhnoor SinghIND 52b1 9w½ 8b0 26w0 42b12,501112,54,752
29Jaiveer SinghIND 1w0 43b1 18w- 22w0 48b1201212,51,502
30Arnav BansalIND 47b+ 2w0 31b0 32b0 45w12011,512,53,002
31Krishiv MittalIND 15w0 50b1 30w1 12b0 13w-2011122,502
32Nikhil PuniaIND 13w0 22b1 38b0 30w1 16b02010,5124,502
33Aarav SharmaIND 46b½ 23w1 25b0 34w½ 17b02010,511,54,501
34Vardhan JoshiIND 39w1 7b0 46w½ 33b½ 20w02010,511,53,501
35Gaurav RawatIND 40b1 17w0 45b1 21w0 15b02010,511,52,502
36Anjney GuptaIND 3w0 19b0 48w1 27b0 46w12010,5111,502
37Diksha MadanIND 17b0 24w0 50b1 45w1 23b02010112,002
38Diksham JainIND 27w0 48b1 32w1 19b0 18w0201010,52,502
39Kashishreet KaurIND 34b0 51w1 23b0 43w1 22b0209,510,52,502
40Shahaan SinghIND 35w0 12b0 20w0 51b+ 49b12099,51,002
41RehanIND 9b0 52w1 6b0 42w½ 24w01,501213,52,251
42Divyanshi BansalIND 24w1 21b0 19w0 41b½ 28w01,5011,5133,751
43Sparsh ChawlaIND 6b0 29w0 52b+ 39b0 44w½1,5010111,751
44Madhav MittalIND 23b0 18w0 22b0 50w1 43b½1,509,510,51,501
45Satvik BhallaIND 12w1 5b0 35w0 37b0 30b01011,5133,501
46Niyamat GoyalIND 33w½ 10b0 34b½ 16w0 36b01010,512,52,000
47Pir JazaIND 30w- 49b1 12w0 20b0 50w01010,5110,501
48Sharabh DhingraIND 14b0 38w0 36b0 52w+ 29w0109,5100,501
49Avni PrabhakarIND 21b0 47w0 51b+ 24b0 40w0109101,001
50Tavleen KaurIND 26b0 31w0 37w0 44b0 47b1108,5101,501
51Shriiraam MittalIND 5w0 39b0 49w- 40w- -0009,510,50,000
52Arshdeeep SinghIND 28w0 41b0 43w- 48b- -0007,58,50,000

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break4: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable
Tie Break5: The greater number of victories (variable)