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Torneo Liga SPS U-1800

Posledná aktualizácia 08.12.2019 21:48:50, Creator/Last Upload: Ajedrezhonduras

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Tabuľka podľa štartových čísiel

č.TMenoEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.RdBodyPor. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1WCMMora Oviedo Andrea Melissa1769HON 23b1 13w1 9b0 15w1 7b144013,59,00
2Rodriguez Nunez Carlos Roberto1709HON 24w0 14b1 21w+ 16b1 13w1450139,50
3Garay Zelaya Mario Gerardo1695HON 25b1 -0 -0 -0 -01330132,00
4Interiano Montoya Roberto1672HON 26w1 16b1 39w+ 41b0 24w03100166,00
5Bonilla Jonathan1668HON 27b1 17w1 24b1 9w½ 6b14,5201614,25
6Paz Mena Olvin Jose1657HON 29w1 18b½ 12w1 42b1 5w03,57013,58,75
7Rishmawy Feisal1593HON 30b1 24w0 23b+ 35b1 1w0312012,53,50
8Espinal Ferrufino Rigoberto1586HON 31w1 35b1 41w0 24b0 42w1390178,00
9Velasquez Perez Miguel1579HON 32b1 40w1 1w1 5b½ 41w03,56017,59,25
10Torres Byron1560HON 41b0 22w1 18b1 12w13,58012,56,25
11Urbina Toro Roy1506HON 33w1 39b0 -0 -0 -0136011,51,00
12Oviedo Castillo Elisa Beatriz1500HON 34b1 42w½ 6b0 19w1 10b02,520012,52,75
13Chinchilla Diego1468HON 28b1 1b0 25w1 36w1 2b03110146,00
14Calix Jose1450HON 2w0 40b+ 38b½ 35w½2,518012,55,00
15Castillo Toro Daniel1409HON 35w0 28b1 27w1 1b0 38w02260133,50
16Mejia Lopez Jose David1377HON 36b1 4w0 32b1 2w0 29b02250135,00
17Viana Valeria1318HON 37w1 5b0 35w0 27b½ 18w12,5170134,75
18Orellana Rodriguez Raul Alberto1149HON 38b1 6w½ 42b0 10w0 17b01,531014,54,75
19Boquin Luis Alberto0HON 39w0 29b1 38w½ 12b0 27w01,532013,54,50
20Castillo Fidel0HON 40b0 30w1 36b0 31w0 32b-137010,50,00
21Castillo Marco0HON 41w0 31b1 2b- 32w1 36b0223015,55,00
22Diaz Del Valle Alejandro0HON 42b0 32w0 10b0 28w0 30b1140090,00
23Echeverria Johan0HON 1w0 33b1 7w- -0 -01350121,00
24Funez Angel0HON 2b1 7b1 5w0 8w1 4b14301613,00
25Funez Zavala David Andres0HON 3w0 34b1 13b0 33w1 31b02270111,00
26Garcia Gilma0HON 4b0 36w0 31b0 30w1 33b1229091,00
27Gomez Betancouth Jose Daniel0HON 5w0 37b1 15b0 17w½ 19b12,519012,54,75
28Guadamuz Romulo0HON 13w0 15w0 33b- 22b1 37b01380101,00
29Leiva Andres0HON 6b0 19w0 34w+ 37b1 16w13150104,00
30Lopez Suazo Maria Gabriela0HON 7w0 20b0 37w0 26b0 22w0041090,00
31Marquez Felix0HON 8b0 21w0 26w1 20b1 25w13130115,00
32Marquez Felix Gabriel0HON 9w0 22b1 16w0 21b0 20w+2280102,00
33Matute Alex Amir0HON 11b0 23w0 28w+ 25b0 26w01390101,00
34Matute Sofia0HON 12w0 25w0 29b- -0 -0042090,00
35Perdomo Geovany0HON 15b1 8w0 17b1 7w0 14b½2,5210125,75
36Perdomo Hesler0HON 16w0 26b1 20w1 13b0 21w13140115,00
37Pineda Adolfo0HON 17b0 27w0 30b1 29w0 28w1230091,00
38Ramos Mikhael0HON 18w0 -1 19b½ 14w½ 15b131608,56,50
39Rios Jose Andres0HON 19b1 11w1 4b- -0 -0224014,52,50
40Romero Gabriel0HON 20w1 9b0 14w- -0 -0134012,51,00
41Solis Caballero Arnold Javier0HON 21b1 10w1 8b1 4w1 9b15101515,00
42Zuniga Garcia German0HON 22w1 12b½ 18w1 6w0 8b02,522011,53,75

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable