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2019 Michael Forde Memorial Chess Championship

Last update 03.12.2019 03:44:16, Creator/Last Upload: BCF1981

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1FMDel Castilho Martyn2290BAR 21w1 9b1 3w1 4b1 2w1 5b1 6w½6,5032,529,5
2Sandiford Kyle1690BAR 27w1 10b1 6w1 7b1 1b0 4w1 3b½5,50,532,530
3Depradine Lawrence1723BAR 24w1 12b1 1b0 15w1 9w1 7b1 2w½5,50,531,528,5
4Cox Akeem1827BAR 19w1 11b1 5w1 1w0 8b1 2b0 10w15132,529,5
5Edwards Emar1675BAR 29b1 15w1 4b0 10w1 12b1 1w0 9b1503027,5
6FMCorbin Philip2028BAR 22b1 14w1 2b0 8w0 13b1 12w1 1b½4,5031,528,5
7Parsons Justin1776BAR 13b1 8w½ 20b1 2w0 15b1 3w0 16b14,503027
8Shepherd Jonathan1599BAR 30w1 7b½ 16w1 6b1 4w0 9b0 11w14,502725,5
9Elcock Corie1653BAR 32b1 1w0 22b1 13w1 3b0 8w1 5w0403028,5
10Wilson Louis1254BAR 23b1 2w0 25b1 5b0 19w1 18w1 4b04027,525
11La Touche Cyprian1443BAR 17b1 4w0 13b0 30w1 20b1 14w1 8b04025,524
12Moore Gaybrianna1279BAR 28b1 3w0 24b1 23w1 5w0 6b0 19w14025,523,5
13Lashley Keon1053BAR 7w0 30b1 11w1 9b0 6w0 27b1 20b1402422,5
14Harewood Othneil1657BAR 26w1 6b0 19w0 16b1 24w1 11b0 21w1402421
15Roachford Adam1260BAR 31w1 5b0 27w1 3b0 7w0 28b1 23w14023,522
16WCMFigueroa Julissa1695BAR 18b1 20w½ 8b0 14w0 23b1 22w1 7w03,502522,5
17Lovell Alesha0BAR 11w0 19b0 26w0 29b1 31w1 24b1 22w½3,502018,5
18Clark Tarquin1007BAR 16w0 25b0 31w1 28b1 21w½ 10b0 27w13,5019,518
19Wilson Hannah1117BAR 4b0 17w1 14b1 20w0 10b0 25w1 12b03026,523,5
20Haddock Richard1306BAR 25w1 16b½ 7w0 19b1 11w0 21b½ 13w0302522
21Prescod Rory1204BAR 1b0 32w1 23w0 26b1 18b½ 20w½ 14b0302422,5
22Mahon Erin1127BAR 6w0 26b1 9w0 32b1 27w½ 16b0 17b½3022,521
Terence Melvin0BAR 10w0 -1 21b1 12b0 16w0 30w1 15b03022,521
24Corrigan Savannah1036BAR 3b0 33w1 12w0 31b1 14b0 17w0 30b1302120
25Mongerie Charles0BAR 20b0 18w1 10w0 27b0 26w1 19b0 33w1302019
26Boyce Derick0BAR 14b0 22w0 17b1 21w0 25b0 32w1 31b13019,518
27Austin Sierra0BAR 2b0 28w1 15b0 25w1 22b½ 13w0 18b02,502523
28Sargeant Alex0BAR 12w0 27b0 -1 18w0 32b1 15w0 29b½2,502018,5
29Berry Alexander0BAR 5w0 31b0 30w- 17w0 -1 33b1 28w½2,501716
30Jaikaran Aaron0BAR 8b0 13w0 29b+ 11b0 33w1 23b0 24w0202120
31Stoute Kayode0BAR 15b0 29w1 18b0 24w0 17b0 -1 26w0202119,5
32Gibson Tedra0BAR 9w0 21b0 33b1 22w0 28w0 26b0 -1201716
33Reifer-Belle Chaz0BAR -0 24b0 32w0 -1 30b0 29w0 25b0101715,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)