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V Memorial Jesus Martin

Última actualización17.12.2019 22:35:15, Propietario/Última carga: Jaume Gallart Zafra

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Cuadro cruzado por ranking inicial

No.NombreElo1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.RdPts.Rk. Des 1  Des 2  Des 3 
1MKComellas Blanchart Jordi2272 17w1 15b1 8w1 5b1 2w1 11b1612123,56
2Cardenas Fernando Adrian2151 18b1 12w1 10b1 7w1 1b0 5w15220,523,55
3Lopez Perdomo Juan David2036 19w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -003112,513,50
4Cabello Llopis Joan Emili2037 20b1 19w1 -0 -0 22b1 23w1481719,54
5Canadell Ruiz Samuel Sandal2032 21w1 25b1 11w1 1w0 10b1 2b04321,5244
6Carrey Abellan Enric2030 22b0 24w1 7b0 -0 -0 -012914151
7Martos Martin Jose Angel2013 23w1 30b1 6w1 2b0 11w0 8b14618204
8Ortiz Padro Pol1953 24b1 22w1 1b0 23w1 15b1 7w04519204
9Pereda Villalba Julian1950 25w0 21b0 33w1 32b1 30w- -02231415,52
10Castro Estrella Joan Gabriel1889 26w+ 33b1 2w0 25b1 5w0 30w14916,518,54
11Cubeles Marquez Albert1882 27b1 31w1 5b0 22w1 7b1 1w0442021,54
12Sanfeliu Lopez Jaume1879 28w1 2b0 23w- -0 -0 -012616171
13Orriols Codina Joan1868 30b- -0 28w1 30b1 23b0 29w½2,51913,514,52
14Martin Sanchez Antoni1863 31w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -003212,513,50
15Galceran Porqueras Joan1841 32b1 1w0 27b1 31w1 8w0 25b1471819,54
16Marti Camaros Daniel1841 33w0 23b0 29w1 21b0 32w+ 27w02241314,52
17Bonil Marti Xavier1799 1b0 27w0 24b1 19w0 31b1 -131615,516,52
18Langström Sammy1759 2w0 28b1 25w0 33b1 -0 -022216,517,52
19Diaz-Asensio Mancebo Carlos1740 3b+ 4b0 30w0 17b1 25w0 21b131415,517,53
20Bertrand Sjors1739 4w0 29b1 -0 -0 33w+ 31w131515,5173
21Fernandez Macarron Mariano1725 5b0 9w1 31b0 16w1 27b½ 19w02,51814,5162
22Casabona Fina David1724 6w1 8b0 32w1 11b0 4w0 24b½2,51717182
23García Gargallo Joaquin1704 7b0 16w1 12b+ 8b0 13w1 4b03111920,53
24Bermejo Cuadra Roberto1700 8w0 6b0 17w0 29b0 28w+ 22w½1,5251414,51
25Donadeu Buitrago Jordi1700 9b1 5w0 18b1 10w0 19b1 15w031217,5203
26Gerdt Basullas Till1700 10b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -003312,513,50
27Villar Cervera Xavier1700 11w0 17b1 15w0 28b1 21w½ 16b13,51014,515,53
28Benages Mabres Valenti1698 12b0 18w0 13b0 27w0 24b- -003014,515,50
29Castillo Rosa Jose Luis1672 -0 20w0 16b0 24w1 -1 13b½2,52013,514,51
30Dossin Nogueira Da Cruz Yvan1670 13w+ 7w0 19b1 13w0 9b+ 10b03131618,53
31Schenkel Alberto1587 14b+ 11b0 21w1 15b0 17w0 20b022116,5192
32Bassand Dominique1543 15w0 -1 22b0 9w0 16b- -012714160
33Orts Gonzalez Rafael1424 16b1 10w0 9b0 18w0 20b- -01281415,51

Desempate 1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempate 2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempate 3: The greater number of victories