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Prèvies escolars Grup Barcelonés Sub 12

Posledná aktualizácia 21.02.2020 21:01:47, Creator/Last Upload: Josep M. Jordan Garcia

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Tabuľka podľa štartových čísiel

č.MenoElo1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdBodyPor. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Aleksanyan Israilyan Nicolas2013 44w1 29b1 11w1 10b0 17w1 14b1 2w1 5b1713740,57
2Cantero Magallon Alejandro1753 45b1 26w1 13b1 7w1 6b1 4w½ 1b0 14w05,5940,5455
3Del Rio Baena Dani1747 46w1 31b0 -0 84b1 52w1 43w0 45b1 38w15203234,55
4Arellan Zavala Marc1701 47b1 28w1 15b1 9w1 10w½ 2b½ 16w1 8b06635,538,55
5Marcos Rodriguez Raul1701 48w1 36b1 16w½ 31b½ 18b1 13w1 6b1 1w06536385
6Cantero Magallon Iñigo1688 49b1 35w1 18b1 24w1 2w0 10b1 5w0 16b16732,535,56
7Harutyunyan Grigoryan Yuri1672 50w1 38b1 23w1 2b0 24w1 16b0 31w½ 40b15,51333,5365
8De La Riva Reina Martí1666 51b1 55w+ 31w½ 16b½ 23w1 11b1 10w½ 4w16,5237,541,54
9Blasco Cardona Pol1623 52w1 43b1 64w1 4b0 31w½ 53b½ 35w½ 75b15,51036,5414
10Bosch Garcia Ivan1623 53b+ 63b1 75w1 1w1 4b½ 6w0 8b½ 23b05154144,53
11Torrent San Nicolas Biel1620 54w1 65b1 1b0 51w1 26b1 8w0 38b1 64w½5,51135,5395
12Zamanillo Hernandez Celia1597 55b0 53w0 57b0 60w1 66b0 80w1 61b1 78w036824,5253
13Green Luke Salvador1578 56w1 70b1 2w0 38b1 35w1 5b0 53w1 31b051934375
14Cano Vila Elena1571 57b1 64w- 55w1 52b1 75w1 1w0 43b1 2b1633740,56
15Safont-Tria Sastre Biel1548 58w1 73b1 4w0 64b0 54w1 46b1 75w0 53b15183437,55
16Gallego Lopez Pau1518 60b1 68w1 5b½ 8w½ 59b1 7w1 4b0 6w05173636,54
17Bru Montoya Marc1511 61w1 75b0 56w1 69b1 1b0 45w½ 72b1 55w½5223132,54
18Tereso Puig Jan1498 62b1 76w+ 6w0 73b1 5w0 55b½ 63w+ 35w04,52534372
19Cazeneuve Rubio Nur1492 63w0 40b1 62w1 -0 78b1 57w1 64b0 43w½4,52632,535,54
20Farre Santacana Albert1484 -0 54b1 63w1 75b0 55w0 58b0 69w1 59b144132344
21Gonzalez Duran Marc1484 64b0 57w1 39b1 59w0 51b1 67w0 52b½ 72w14,53329,5334
22Peregrin Onorato Sergio1484 65w0 56b0 54w0 80b0 48b1 60w1 62b0 50w137121,5223
23Lliteras Gasol Iu1474 66b1 87w1 7b0 68w1 8b0 59w1 67b1 10w16829,5326
24Jaen Puig Ivan1468 67w1 79b1 84w1 6b0 7b0 64w0 51b0 62w03593234,53
25Díaz González Clara1467 68b0 59w0 60b1 57w0 70b1 39w1 65b1 46w045024,5254
26Poot Gomez Anthony1466 69w1 2b0 65w1 79b1 11w0 63b½ 55w0 73b14,52731,533,54
27Borrell Bullich Guim1464 70b- 58b- 61w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -008621220
28Huergo Libardi Xana1464 71w1 4b0 69w0 56b1 63w0 73b0 70w0 77b136426,5283
29Rios Pastor Oriol1464 72b1 1w0 53b½ 78w0 40b0 83w1 85w1 63b03,5513234,53
30Soler Arqués Júlia1464 73w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -008721220
31Martinez Quintero Sergi1463 74b1 3w1 8b½ 5w½ 9b½ 72w1 7b½ 13w16437404
32Pizarro Funes Ivan1462 75w0 61b1 70w1 -0 57b0 62w1 59b1 51w½4,53727,5294
33Sotodosos Juarez David1461 -0 60w1 58b1 72w½ 53b0 78w0 50b1 52w03,5542828,53
34Vila Bueno Pol1460 76b0 62w- 67w0 74w0 60b1 56b1 81w0 69b13652626,53
35Amoros Ceres Nil1455 77w1 6b0 71w+ 76w1 13b0 68w1 9b½ 18b15,51431,5334
36Fernandez Ramirez Victor1451 78b1 5w0 59b0 58w0 71b+ 69b1 54w+ 67w½4,53428,530,52
37Del Alcazar Mas Pau1448 79w0 67b1 73w0 62b1 69w1 75b0 58w+ 57w152426284
38Paluzie Vazquez Mariona1448 82b1 7w0 66b1 13w0 58b+ 85b1 11w0 3b044230,5323
39Mañanes Azzi Neo1447 83w½ 85b1 21w0 50b0 84w1 25b0 74w0 68w13,55622,5253
40Burgos Picon Carlos1444 84b½ 19w0 83b1 53w0 29w1 50b1 78b1 7w04,5352830,54
41Arsenyan Vahe1440 -0 66w0 74b1 61w1 67b0 65w0 76b0 82w-2772627,52
42Moreno Elpuente Hugo1440 85w0 69b0 80w1 63b0 81w0 77b1 79w1 65b03702324,53
43Jorgoso Jimenez Erik1432 86b1 9w0 68b0 66w1 73w1 3b1 14w0 19b½4,52831,533,54
44Robert Paredes Nil1432 1b0 72w0 82b1 70w1 68b0 61w1 57b- 81b-36326,5283
45Roca-Cusachs Valls Arnau1431 2w0 71b0 81w1 65b1 79w1 17b½ 3w0 74b14,53230334
46Mangues Rubia Oriol1430 3b0 74w1 72b0 71w1 76b+ 15w0 68b1 25b152328314
47Alcover Moré David1428 4w0 77b1 76w- 85b0 82w- 86w1 82b1 76w036625,5273
48Savarís Catafal Lluc1420 5b0 78w0 86b- 81b0 22w0 -1 83b0 84b127826271
49Pastor Puig Marti1416 6w0 80b1 79w0 86b1 85w0 81b1 73w0 70b036725273
50Sala Kruchinin Marc1415 7b0 82w1 78b½ 39w1 72b0 40w0 33w0 22b02,57228,5302
51Gomez De Jaime Victor1414 8w0 81b1 85w1 11b0 21w0 79b1 24w1 32b½4,52931344
52Serrano Prio Roc1414 9b0 86w1 87b1 14w0 3b0 66w1 21w½ 33b14,53031334
53Aguilera Bielsa Victor1407 10w- 12b1 29w½ 40b1 33w1 9w½ 13b0 15w044032353
54Vila Arranz Tomas1407 11b0 20w0 22b1 77w1 15b0 82w1 36b- 85b14482728,54
55Camps Salgueda Arnau1405 12w1 8b- 14b0 87w1 20b1 18w½ 26b1 17b½5213234,54
56Pellisé Fernández Oriol1403 13b0 22w1 17b0 28w0 74b½ 34w0 66b1 83w13,5552527,53
57Scherini Nicolas1398 14w0 21b0 12w1 25b1 32w1 19b0 44w+ 37b043933363
58Viudez Caparros Diego1397 15b0 27w+ 33w0 36b1 38w- 20w1 37b- -036030332
59Campo Arevalo Daniel1394 -0 25b1 36w1 21b1 16w0 23b0 32w0 20w035733,5373
60Rovira Morales Andreu1392 16w0 33b0 25w0 12b0 34w0 22b0 86b0 -118424,524,50
61Soler Molina Marc1384 17b0 32w0 27b+ 41b0 86w1 44b0 12w0 79b027925,527,51
62Kim Pavel1381 18w0 34b+ 19b0 37w0 77b+ 32b0 22w1 24b14472729,52
63Giordano Jones Dylan1380 19b1 10w0 20b0 42w1 28b1 26w½ 18b- 29w14,53130334
64Martinez Barrufet Guillem1368 21w1 14b+ 9b0 15w1 -0 24b1 19w1 11b½5,51235384
65Alarcón Oliveras Andreu1367 22b1 11w0 26b0 45w0 87b+ 41b1 25w0 42w144527,5303
66Salom Remartinez Cloe1367 23w0 41b1 38w0 43b0 12w1 52b0 56w0 86b½2,57328302
67Simona Guillo Sorina1366 24b0 37w0 34b1 83w1 41w1 21b1 23w0 36b½4,5362830,54
68Beltran Roman Roger1365 25w1 16b0 43w1 23b0 44w1 35b0 46w0 39b03583336,53
69Reyes Morales Pol1365 26b0 42w1 28b1 17w0 37b0 36w0 20b0 34w027628,531,52
70Alcoba Garcia Ezequiel Andrew1353 27w+ 13w0 32b0 44b0 25w0 87b+ 28b1 49w144627,529,52
71Canals Sanchis Oriol1352 28b0 45w1 35b- 46b0 36w- -0 -0 -018325,527,51
72Gale Tramuns Gael1350 29w0 44b1 46w1 33b½ 50w1 31b0 17w0 21b03,55231,5343
73Gallerey Ramos Adrian1350 30b+ 15w0 37b1 18w0 43b0 28w1 49b1 26w044428,531,53
74Hernandez Semeraro Daniel1349 31w0 46b0 41w0 34b1 56w½ 84b+ 39b1 45w03,55328,5312
75Alvarez Beazcua Garikoitz1337 32b1 17w1 10b0 20w1 14b0 37w1 15b1 9w05163640,55
76Del Castillo Mateu Jan1328 34w1 18b- 47b+ 35b0 46w- -0 41w1 47b144329,532,53
77Caicedo De Ferrater Bernat1327 35b0 47w0 -1 54b0 62w- 42w0 80b+ 28w028025,5270
78Aragon Ramos Eric1325 36w0 48b1 50w½ 29b1 19w0 33b1 40w0 12b14,53826284
79Garcia Garcia Mar1319 37b1 24w0 49b1 26w0 45b0 51w0 42b0 61w13612728,53
80Lopez Fernandez Marc1316 -0 49w0 42b0 22w1 83b0 12b0 77w- -018521,523,51
81Mateu Mavrea Ermís1307 -0 51w0 45b0 48w1 42b1 49w0 34b1 44w+44926283
82Gordo Toledo Chantal1303 38w0 50b0 44w0 -1 47b+ 54b0 47w0 41b+36923250
83Naranjo Garcia Adrian1299 39b½ 84w0 40w0 67b0 80w1 29b0 48w1 56b02,57424,526,52
84Montserrat Porrez Guillem1284 40w½ 83b1 24b0 3w0 39b0 74w- -0 48w01,58125,527,51
85Orriols Bravo Marius1282 42b1 39w0 51b0 47w1 49b1 38w0 29b0 54w036226,529,53
86Soto Rocabado David1276 43w0 52b0 48w+ 49w0 61b0 47b0 60w1 66w½2,57522,5231
87Pando Bahia Alicia1242 -1 23b0 52w0 55b0 65w- 70w- -0 -018228,530,50

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Greater number of victories/games variable