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Prèvies escolars Grup Barcelonés Sub 10

Posledná aktualizácia 21.02.2020 20:02:27, Creator/Last Upload: Josep M. Jordan Garcia

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Tabuľka podľa štartových čísiel

č.MenoElo1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdBodyPor. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Albaiges Belsue Guillem1470 37b1 35w1 20b½ 33w1 2b1 7w1 11w0 66b16,523941,56
2Pop David1460 38w1 41b1 19w1 17b0 1w0 51b1 48w1 25b16637,540,56
3Delgadillo Vidal Philippe Arnau1442 -0 58w1 41b1 55w1 63b1 59w1 17b1 14b06831,534,56
4Casals Muakuku Joan1408 39b1 45w0 33b0 44w+ 40w1 54b1 14w0 59b-42834373
5Llorente Enrich Enric1400 41w0 38b0 21w1 47b0 37w1 40b+ 51b0 52w143628313
6Garcia Castello Lucas1396 -0 39w0 58b0 26w0 -1 64b- 30b1 31b135622,5242
7Garcia Leon Hugo1396 42b1 50w1 23b- 46b1 57w1 1b0 59w1 38b16733,5376
8Pasamar Moreno Yeremi1392 43w+ 53b1 59w0 49b1 65w1 38b0 66w0 54b043132,535,53
9Zhichen Li1392 45b- 40b0 44w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -007121,522,50
10Lopez Garriga Mateu1390 46w1 55b1 45b1 14w1 17w0 74b1 38w1 11b½6,5437,540,56
11Salayet Melgar Yimam David1390 47b1 63w1 65b1 23w1 59b1 17w1 1b1 10w½7,513638,57
12Castells Vanaclocha Pep1386 48w1 59b0 68w1 51b0 46w1 57b0 54w0 41w143032,535,54
13Singer García Milo1384 50b0 42w+ 46w0 64b1 47w0 41w+ 52b1 51w044026,5292
14Jove Albaiges Guillem1382 51w1 62b1 74w1 10b0 66w½ 20b1 4b1 3w16,5337,541,56
15Dominguez Meuleman Gabriel1380 52b1 65w0 49w0 48b0 41w- 36w½ 55b0 24w12,5572829,52
16Torne Batista Renzo1376 53w0 44b+ 50b1 63w0 20b- 46b0 -0 58b-26226291
17Arjona Bereza Ivan1375 54b1 67w1 75b1 2w1 10b1 11b0 3w0 39w16540426
18Carbonell Tabella Andreu1372 55w0 46b0 47w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -007520210
19Peiró Mecaliff Marc1372 56b1 69w1 2b0 65w0 45b½ 58b1 23w1 33w15,5112727,55
20Duchene Garcia Yannick1368 57w1 64b1 1w½ 59b0 16w+ 14w0 45b1 74b15,5934,5374
21Guarch Mases Jofre1368 58b½ 74w0 5b0 70b1 64w1 45w0 75b1 -03,54626283
22Savarís Catafal Nicolau1368 59w0 48b1 51w0 54b0 53w1 50b- 37b0 35w134930,5333
23Allende Redondo Artur1364 60b+ 66b1 7w+ 11b0 74w0 33w½ 19b0 68w03,54336,5401
24Antequera Segura Alba1364 62w0 49b0 48w0 37b0 61w0 56b1 29w½ 15b01,56529,5301
25Tafzi Tafzi Oubay1361 63b0 47w1 52b1 66w0 55b1 49w1 72b1 2w051433365
26Giordano Jones Oliver1360 64w0 51b0 54w0 6b1 56w1 61b0 68w- 53b135427,5283
27Zhang Ziheng1359 -0 52w0 73b1 50w1 67b1 63w0 61b- 55b14412628,54
28Elias Ariño Oriol1356 65b0 54w1 53b1 72w0 52b0 55w1 67w0 69b035526,529,53
29Johnsen Font Luke1352 66w0 57b0 61w0 -0 73b1 37w0 24b½ 56w12,5592626,52
30Santiago Arauco Lluc1352 67b0 56w1 55b0 52w0 50b0 53w0 6w0 -126420,5211
31Artís Bernheim Ilan1349 68w0 70b1 57w0 56b1 48w0 69b0 40b0 6w02612929,52
32Rayo Marvizón Victor1349 69b0 61w+ 62w+ 75w- 49w0 67w- 53b+ 65w035228,5310
33Díez Arjona Pau1348 70w1 68b½ 4w1 1b0 58w1 23b½ 57w½ 19b04,52431,5343
34Gale Tramuns Lucas1348 71b+ 75w0 63b0 53w+ 54w0 68b½ 58w1 45b½44226281
35Pasalodos Carballo Santiago1347 72w1 1b0 64w½ 57b0 68w½ 70b0 41w- 22b026030,5331
36Berenguer Murtra Gonzalo1336 74b0 73w1 66b0 -0 70w0 15b½ 56w1 64b13,54526,5273
37Briceño Padin Matias1336 1w0 72b0 70w0 24w1 5b0 29b1 22w1 75w14392728,54
38Fatjo Ferrer Jordi1336 2b0 5w1 67b+ 69b1 75w1 8w1 10b0 7w051533354
39Guixá Somoza Carlos1336 4w0 6b1 72w- 62w+ 69w1 65b1 63w1 17b051929,532,54
40De Arostegui De Rueda Lucas1334 -0 9w1 69b- 61b1 4b0 5w- 31w1 70w035129,531,53
41Avila Sabate Marcel1332 5b1 2w0 3w0 67b- 15b+ 13b- 35b+ 12b035030,5331
42Haro Trujillo Eric Mateo1332 7w0 13b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -007023240
43Alvarez De Eulate Barbera Ignasi1328 8b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -007221220
44De Sanjuan Ibañez Javier1328 -0 16w- 9b+ 4b- -0 -0 -0 -016724260
45Yi Muxi1324 9w+ 4b1 10w0 74b0 19w½ 21b1 20w0 34w½42933,536,52
46Guirchan Herrera Marouane1323 10b0 18w1 13b1 7w0 12b0 16w1 65b1 61w+51731344
47Blanco Amarelo Roi1321 11w0 25b0 18b+ 5w1 13b1 75b1 74w0 57b151831334
48Espejo Fuentes Leo1320 12b0 22w0 24b1 15w1 31b1 52w1 2b0 67w15232526,55
49Roxin Gonzalez Benjamin1320 -0 24w1 15b1 8w0 32b1 25b0 69w1 63b15222627,55
50Tejero Rios David1316 13w1 7b0 16w0 27b0 30w1 22w+ 70b1 72w04352930,53
51Arellan Zavala Josep1312 14b0 26w1 22b1 12w1 72b0 2w0 5w1 13b151631,534,55
52Gardela Fuentes Jofre1312 15w0 27b1 25w0 30b1 28w1 48b0 13w0 5b035327,5293
53Alvarez Minguez Bruno1308 16b1 8w0 28w0 34b- 22b0 30b1 32w- 26w02632425,52
54Chituc Calderon Hector1308 17w0 28b0 26b1 22w1 34b1 4w0 12b1 8w152127,530,55
55Martin Carrascosa Pau1308 18b1 10w0 30w1 3b0 25w0 28b0 15w1 27w03473233,53
56Blasco Cardona Maria1304 19w0 30b0 -1 31w0 26b0 24w0 36b0 29b01692223,50
57Delgado Sabrià Joel1304 20b0 29w1 31b1 35w1 7b0 12w1 33b½ 47w04,52530324
58Sala Kruchinin David1299 21w½ 3b0 6w1 68b1 33b0 19w0 34b0 16w+3,5443133,52
59Albaiges Belsue Arnau1298 22b1 12w1 8b1 20w1 11w0 3b0 7b0 4w+5123740,54
60Perez Vidal Ian1296 23w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -007321220
61Puigdevall Lobo Teo1296 -0 32b- 29b1 40w0 24b1 26w1 27w+ 46b-4372829,53
62Claramunt Trochut Jan1294 24b1 14w0 32b- 39b- -0 -0 -0 -01662627,51
63Puerto Fernández Eloi1290 25w1 11b0 34w1 16b1 3w0 27b1 39b0 49w042737,540,54
64Serrano Pons Mariona1279 26b1 20w0 35b½ 13w0 21b0 6w+ -0 36w02,5582628,51
65Bru Montoya Pau1276 28w1 15b1 11w0 19b1 8b0 39w0 46w0 32b14323234,54
66Mohamed De La Viña Omar1274 29b1 23w0 36w1 25b1 14b½ 72w1 8b1 1w05,5103335,55
67Falgas Pla Joaquim1272 30w1 17b0 38w- 41w+ 27w0 32b+ 28b1 48b043429,5312
68Ruiz Garcia Marc1261 31b1 33w½ 12b0 58w0 35b½ 34w½ 26b+ 23b14,52622,524,52
69Vicent Sanchez German1252 32w1 19b0 40w+ 38w0 39b0 31w1 49b0 28w143329,531,53
70Serrahima Susany Enric1245 33b0 31w0 37b1 21w0 36b1 35w1 50w0 40b143827294
71Mullerat Tomas Marc1231 34w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -007421220
72Nesdale Moalem Liam1220 35b0 37w1 39b+ 28b1 51w1 66b0 25w0 50b152029,5324
73Verges Tort Isaac1220 -0 36b0 27w0 -0 29w0 -0 -1 -016823,5240
74Sanchez Khachatryan Anna1207 36w1 21b1 14b0 45w1 23b1 10w0 47b1 20w05133436,55
75Pinyol Llora Miquel1202 -1 34b1 17w0 32b+ 38b0 47w0 21w0 37b034830,533,51

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Greater number of victories/games variable