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2nd KTBS Chess Festival 2019 (Open)

Posledná aktualizácia 10.11.2019 13:01:41, Creator/Last Upload: Gourav Kumar Ray

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Tabuľka podľa štartových čísiel

č.TMenoElo1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdBodyPor. TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4  TB5 
1IMKathmale Sameer2328 25b1 18w1 20b0 19w1 24b1 16w1 7w1 26b½6,520,536,539,531,756
2Bartakke Amardeep S.2004 26w½ 28b1 11w1 7b0 33w1 13b0 10w1 12w15,5603638,524,255
3Gajanan Vijay Jayade1814 27b1 20w0 31b0 36w½ 34w1 39b1 19w1 9b15,59026,528,519,005
4Ladhe Mohit1731 28w½ 30b½ 27w1 23b1 7w0 33b0 32w1 13b0423031,53415,253
5Gaonkar A.V.1712 29b0 38w0 43b0 48w0 45b0 47w0 -1 46b014702020,50,500
6Aryan B Joshi1689 30w½ 26b0 9w1 34b1 10w1 20b1 11w1 7b½640363826,005
7Sawant Akshay1659 31b1 22w1 24b½ 2w1 4b1 14w1 1b0 6w½63036,53926,755
8Aliporewala Priyank1638 32w1 23b0 30w1 25b1 17w1 26b0 33w1 14b051003538,521,005
9Joshi Nikhil1597 34b½ 36w0 6b0 28w1 42b1 29w1 27b1 3w04,5220283013,504
10Joglekar Abhijit1589 35w- 39b1 32w1 29w½ 6b0 18w1 2b0 38w14,518032,53618,004
11Golvankar Dilip K1569 36b½ 34w1 2b0 38w1 29b½ 31w1 6b0 33w½4,5200303214,503
12Keshri Abhishek1538 37w1 33b0 35w1 44b1 26w0 30b1 13w1 2b051103335,519,505
13Morvekar Kedar1479 38b1 24w0 41b1 31w1 16b0 2w1 12b0 4w15120323317,005
14Gengaje Pratik1464 39w1 35b1 23w1 33b1 20w1 7b0 26w0 8w165035,53825,506
15Soman Saharsha1411 40b+ 29w0 38b0 41w1 31b0 27b- -0 -0244024,525,54,502
16Mubeen Yaseen Khan1384 41w1 46b1 33w0 37b1 13w1 1b0 36w½ 20b15,58028,52916,505
17Iyer Vivek1368 42b1 44w1 29b1 20w0 8b0 36w- 37w- -0335030,533,510,503
18Bartakke Aditya1361 43w1 1b0 37w0 39b½ 35w1 10b0 22w1 19b14,52102931,514,254
19Tejendra Garge1342 44b0 40w+ 46w1 1b0 32w1 38w½ 3b0 18w03,52903030,58,753
20Vedant Nitin Vekhande1342 45w1 3b1 1w1 17b1 14b0 6w0 24b½ 16w04,515039,542,522,254
21Mohite Ramesh1331 46b- 41b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0049021220,000
22Advait Iyer1315 47w1 7b0 44w0 46b1 37w0 32b0 18b0 28w½2,54102626,54,252
23Prathamesh Santosh Gawade1315 48b1 8w1 14b0 4w0 36b0 44w1 38b1 37w1514029,53218,005
24Akshit Jha1306 49w1 13b1 7w½ 26b½ 1w0 37b1 20w½ 36b15,570363823,004
25Bhosale Rajesh1219 1w0 43b1 49b1 8w0 38b0 50w0 47b1 35w1426028,530,511,004
26Kshatriya Nitin Vekhande1213 2b½ 6w1 36b1 24w½ 12b1 8w1 14b1 1w½6,510,539,543,534,755
27Mehul Tandel1197 3w0 45b1 4b0 42w½ 49b1 15w+ 9w0 39b03,5310283010,003
28Sahasrabudhe Shubham1197 4b½ 2w0 34b0 9b0 48w½ 45w½ 49b½ 22b½2,542024267,000
29Parkar Mayuresh1195 5w1 15b1 17w0 10b½ 11w½ 9b0 43w1 30b0425030,53112,253
30Tikam Aradhya1172 6b½ 4w½ 8b0 43w1 44b1 12w0 31b1 29w1513031,534,519,504
31Shirsekar Amey1165 7w0 47b1 3w1 13b0 15w1 11b0 30w0 44b0334032,53511,003
32Khadilkar Swapnil1157 8b0 42w1 10b0 47w1 19b0 22w1 4b0 45b-337026,5298,003
33Rahul Gupta1153 -1 12w1 16b1 14w0 2b0 4w1 8b0 11b½4,517035,53920,253
34Sasane Ganesh1150 9w½ 11b0 28w1 6w0 3b0 43b0 46w0 -12,540028,5296,251
35Parte Shravan1128 10b+ 14w0 12b0 49w½ 18b0 42w+ 48w1 25b03,532028309,503
36Singh Tanmay1124 11w½ 9b1 26w0 3b½ 23w1 17b+ 16b½ 24w04,5160374121,253
37Rane Parnavi1106 12b0 48w1 18b1 16w0 22b1 24w0 17b+ 23b0424031,53413,004
38Govekar Nidhish Ashish1096 13w0 5b1 15w1 11b0 25w1 19b½ 23w0 10b03,530029,5309,003
39Virle Kimaya1095 14b0 10w0 48b1 18w½ 41b1 3w0 50b1 27w14,5190313213,254
40Guru Prakash1086 15w- 19b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0050021220,000
41Gosavi Pandharinath0 16b0 21w+ 13w0 15b0 39w0 46b0 45w0 49w-14602626,53,001
42Iyer Arjun0 17w0 32b0 45w1 27b½ 9w0 35b- 44b- -01,54502527,54,501
43Kale Anil0 18b0 25w0 5w1 30b0 47b1 34w1 29b0 50w1428026,5279,504
44Mehra Harsh R.0 19w1 17b0 22b1 12w0 30w0 23b0 42w+ 31w142702830,511,004
45Pai Gurunath0 20b0 27w0 42b0 50w0 5w1 28b½ 41b1 32w+3,53302121,55,253
46Sharma Vineet Kumar0 21w+ 16w0 19b0 22w0 50b0 41w0 34b0 5w014802222,53,501
47Siddhu Narendra0 22b0 31w0 -1 32b0 43w0 5b1 25w0 48b133902222,55,502
48Soman Sanvee0 23w0 37b0 39w0 5b1 28b½ 49w1 35b0 47w02,543022,5233,752
49Tikam Nilesh0 24b0 -1 25w0 35b½ 27w0 48b0 28w½ 41b+338023257,501
50Joshi Nikhil1305 -0 -0 -0 45b1 46w1 25b1 39w0 43b0336027,5287,503

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break4: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable
Tie Break5: Greater number of victories/games variable