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Grand Prix MegaChess la Mega Mall - Etapa a V a - 10 Nov. 2019 - U08

Last update 10.11.2019 12:10:07, Creator/Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 48)

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4 
1INegrean AndreiROU 14w1 32b1 12w1 4b1 6w1 11b1 5w172331,5287
2IITanasie RaresROU 23b1 39w1 11b½ 5w1 3b0 9w1 17b15,522,53022,55
3IIDiaconu Alexandru-AndreiROU 22w1 18b0 29w1 20b1 2w1 15b1 4b½5,521,53021,55
4IVDinca Andrei (C.)ROU 27w1 25b1 18w1 1w0 24b1 14b1 3w½5,520,530,523,55
5IIIRadu Rebecca-AimeeROU 28b1 31w1 15w1 2b0 12w1 6b1 1b052232235
6FCZurbagiu Sebastian-NicolasROU 43w1 26b1 17w1 8b1 1b0 5w0 14w1521,530,5235
7FCAtmane InemROU 21w1 13b1 8w0 10b1 14w0 20b1 15w1521,530,5205
8FCPetroff VladROU 29b1 16w1 7b1 6w0 11b0 22w1 19b1521,529,5215
9FCPopescu Diana-AndreeaROU 20w1 15b0 27w1 18b1 13w1 2b0 11w152129,5205
10FCVoicu Bogdan NicolasROU 40b1 11w0 39b1 7w0 27b1 16w1 26b151724185
11FCVasile MateiROU 48w1 10b1 2w½ 17b1 8w1 1w0 9b04,524,533,522,54
12FCSoare Alexandru FlorinROU 42b1 24w1 1b0 19w1 5b0 21w1 13b½4,5213019,54
13FCVicu StefanROU 47b1 7w0 40b1 16w1 9b0 37w1 12w½4,51823,518,54
14FCGagea CostinROU 1b0 36w1 34b1 31w1 7b1 4w0 6b0421,531,5184
15FCStanica AndreiROU 33w1 9w1 5b0 30b1 25w1 3w0 7b0421,530204
16FCCraciun Bianca-TeodoraROU 44w1 8b0 21w1 13b0 18w1 10b0 36w1420,527164
17FCCornea Mihai AlexandruROU 19b1 34w1 6b0 11w0 28b1 24w1 2w042028,5184
18FCRantz ThomasROU 38b1 3w1 4b0 9w0 16b0 40w1 27b1419,527164
19FCParvu Razvan-GeorgeROU 17w0 41b1 25w1 12b0 30w1 23b1 8w041926164
20FCNicolaina MariaROU 9b0 35b1 32w1 3w0 38b1 7w0 37b1418,526154
21FCPaun Alex-CristianROU 7b0 47w1 16b0 39w1 29b1 12b0 33w1416,522144
22FCLeonte IonutROU 3b0 38w0 46b1 40w1 31b1 8b0 30w141521134
23FCLascu Patrick-IoanROU 2w0 45b1 38b1 24w0 42b1 19w0 28b1414,521,5154
24FCVirlan Stefan RaduROU 41w1 12b0 26w1 23b1 4w0 17b0 25w½3,519,52716,53
25FCDivisevici Luca AndreiROU 46b1 4w0 19b0 34w1 15b0 31w1 24b½3,517,523,513,53
26FCBabadita AndreiROU 37b½ 6w0 24b0 47w1 32b1 38w1 10w03,51621,512,53
27FCIordachescu Xonia StefaniaROU 4b0 46w1 9b0 33b1 10w0 41b1 18w031925123
28FCManiga Ana Maria RebecaROU 5w0 33b1 30w0 35b1 17w0 43b1 23w031724123
29FCImbrea Mario AndreiROU 8w0 44b1 3b0 32w1 21w0 30b0 38b131724113
30FCChirita Ana AlexandraROU 31b0 37w1 28b1 15w0 19b0 29w1 22b031723,5133
31FCRusu IoanaROU 30w1 5b0 43w1 14b0 22w0 25b0 41w1316,523,5133
32FCCostea David-AndreiROU 36w1 1w0 20b0 29b0 26w0 46b1 43w1315,523103
33FCCotofan VladROU 15b0 28w0 37b1 27w0 34b1 42w1 21b0315,521,5103
34FCVasile HoriaROU 35w1 17b0 14w0 25b0 33w0 44b1 39b1315,521103
35FCCristea NicolasROU 34b0 20w0 48b1 28w0 37b0 45w1 42b1312,51883
36FCSavulescu MihaiROU 32b0 14b0 41w0 46w1 47b1 39w1 16b0311,51693
37FCPredescu MaraROU 26w½ 30b0 33w0 44b1 35w1 13b0 20w02,516,522,510,52
38FCCebotari IoanROU 18w0 22b1 23w0 43b1 20w0 26b0 29w0218,524,5102
39FCDuidu Cristian ConstantinROU 45w1 2b0 10w0 21b0 44w1 36b0 34w0216,523,5102
40FCDavid Alexandru MariusROU 10w0 48b1 13w0 22b0 43w0 18b0 46w1216,52272
41FCDanila VladROU 24b0 19w0 36b1 42w0 45b1 27w0 31b0214,52082
42FCPiscu David-AndreiROU 12w0 43b0 45w1 41b1 23w0 33b0 35w02142092
43FCDumitru Lavinia MariaROU 6b0 42w1 31b0 38w0 40b1 28w0 32b02132092
44FCToma LiviaROU 16b0 29w0 47b1 37w0 39b0 34w0 -1211,51661
45FCZan TeodorROU 39b0 23w0 42b0 -1 41w0 35b0 47w1210,51551
46FCVulpe-Vlasceanu AndreiROU 25w0 27b0 22w0 36b0 -1 32w0 40b0114,519,530
47FCDanila RaresROU 13w0 21b0 44w0 26b0 36w0 -1 45b0113,518,520
48FCPitigoi Luca BogdanROU 11b0 40w0 35w0 -0 -0 -0 -001116,500

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Fide Tie-Break
Tie Break4: The greater number of victories (variable)