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Torneio Interno do Clube de Xadrez de Sintra 2019

Last update 30.11.2019 01:37:46, Creator/Last Upload: Portuguese Chess Federation (Licence 13)

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4 
1Dzyba Sultan1977GER 6b1 9w- 8w1 12b1 19w1 5b1 7w16026,529,525,50
2Batista Sandro Manuel Almeida1737POR 25w1 11b1 9w1 5b0 8w+ 3w1 4b½5,502830,522,75
3Azinheira Andre1615POR 27w1 12b1 10w1 8b½ 5w1 2b0 13w15,5026,52921,50
4AIMGodinho Marques Pedro1851POR 20w1 22b1 5w0 28b1 6w1 10b1 2w½5,5025,527,519,75
5Rafael Manuel Maria Arez De Vi1716POR 26b1 13w1 4b1 2w1 3b0 1w0 14b15030,53321,50
6Xu Yangyi1176POR 1w0 30b1 22w1 9b+ 4b0 15w1 9b+5026,528,517,00
7Pakmor Claus2004DEN 14w1 8b0 20w1 11b1 10w½ 19b1 1b04,50252816,00
8Dong Rafael1486POR 34b1 7w1 1b0 3w½ 2b- 18b1 10w½40293013,75
9Dong Fabio1410POR 33w1 1b+ 2b0 6w- 25w1 12b1 6w-40282913,50
10Guerreiro Paulo Jorge Leitao1780POR 16b1 17w1 3b0 15w1 7b½ 4w0 8b½4027,53115,75
11Ganhao Pedro1351POR 24b1 2w0 16b1 7w0 14b0 17w1 20b14024,527,513,50
12Reis Antonio Mario Correia B1322POR 31b1 3w0 23b1 1w0 24b1 9w0 21w14024,526,511,00
13Afonso Bruno1232POR 28w1 5b0 19w0 27b1 20w1 21b1 3b040222410,50
14Xu Junyang1190POR 7b0 32w1 21w1 19b0 11w1 25b1 5w0402223,511,00
15Carvalho Joao Filipe Rodrigue1336POR -0 33b1 27w1 10b0 28w1 6b0 19w+4020218,50
16Laureano Jorge1035POR 10w0 18b1 11w0 29b1 21w0 28b1 22w14019,521,510,50
17Carvalho Manuel Afonso Santos1350POR 18w1 10b0 25w½ 21b0 26w1 11b0 28w13,5119,521,59,25
18Hermenegildo Tiago0POR 17b0 16w0 32b1 26w½ 23b1 8w0 31b13,501920,57,75
19Almeida Angelo Jose Borges San1676POR -0 23w1 13b1 14w1 1b0 7w0 15b-30262911,00
20Caturra Rafael Dias1070POR 4b0 29w1 7b0 23w1 13b0 31w1 11w03023257,00
21Tacuchian Marcelo Oliveira1403POR 23b0 34w1 14b0 17w1 16b1 13w0 12b03022,523,58,50
22Dong Andre1399POR 30w1 4w0 6b0 25b0 29w1 24w1 16b03022247,00
23Pessoa Joao Pedro0POR 21w1 19b0 12w0 20b0 18w0 30b1 29b13018,520,57,00
24Antunes Telmo0POR 11w0 25b0 33w1 30b1 12w0 22b0 26w13018195,50
25Laureano Andre0POR 2b0 24w1 17b½ 22w1 9b0 14w0 -02,5023,526,57,75
26Gonçalves Artur Anton0POR 5w0 28b0 30w1 18b½ 17b0 32w1 24b02,501920,55,25
27Santos Evan Mark0POR 3b0 31w1 15b0 13w0 32b½ 29w0 33b12,5019203,75
28Canals Xavier Poudensan0POR 13b0 26w1 34b1 4w0 15b0 16w0 17b02023,524,53,50
29Cunha Joao Ricardo Churro0POR -0 20b0 31w1 16w0 22b0 27b1 23w02019214,50
30Antunes Rodrigo Capelo0POR 22b0 6w0 26b0 24w0 34b1 23w0 32b12018192,50
31Santos Tristan Alexander0POR 12w0 27b0 29b0 34w1 33w1 20b0 18w02016172,00
32Yuan Jason0POR -0 14b0 18w0 33b1 27w½ 26b0 30w01,5018192,25
33Caturra Henrique Dias0POR 9b0 15w0 24b0 32w0 31b0 34w1 27w01117181,00
34Antunes Henrique Capelo0POR 8w0 21b0 28w0 31b0 30w0 33b0 -11016,517,53,50

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break4: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable