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Juegos Nacionales Evita 2019 La Final - Individual Femenino Sub16

Última actualización09.10.2019 17:14:58, Propietario/Última carga: AI Leandro

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Cuadro cruzado por clasificación final después de 7 rondas

Rk.NombreEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. Des 1  Des 2  Des 3  Des 4 Rp
1WFMBorda Rodas Anapaola S.2065ARG 36b1 8w1 11b1 12w1 2b½ 14w1 3b16,529,526,5061912
2WCMBosco Giuliana1813ARG 39w1 16b1 6w1 15b1 1w½ 3b½ 4w163025,5051829
3Acosta Florencia1781ARG 42b1 37w1 14b1 25w1 9b1 2w½ 1w05,52726051698
4Mayeregger Guadalupe Milagros1586ARG 17b1 5w1 15b0 8w1 10b1 11w1 2b0529,522051530
5San Sebastian Luz1146ARG 44w1 4b0 20w1 7b½ 26w1 13b1 11w½52619,5041444
6Rodriguez Ana Valentina1478ARG 47b1 30w1 2b0 19w1 14b0 18w1 15b152520051385
7Aimale Maria Fiorella1579ARG 28b1 13w1 25b0 5w½ 23b1 15w1 12b½524,520,5041315
8Fontenla Martina1354ARG 43w1 1b0 41w1 4b0 28w1 29b1 24w152318051394
9Campagna Abril Celeste1668ARG 31w1 26b0 17w1 27b1 3w0 25b+ 14b1522,519051415
Brites Elisa Alejandra1425ARG 41w1 25b0 28w1 22b1 4w0 17b1 16w1522,519051293
11Suarez Maria Eugenia1495ARG 38w1 40b1 1w0 26b1 16w1 4b0 5b½4,52620,5041459
12Draguicevich Carla1580ARG 24w1 27b1 26w1 1b0 15w0 32b1 7w½4,52520,5041469
13Alvarez Maria Itati0ARG 48w1 7b0 46w½ 40b1 25w1 5w0 22b14,52017,5041206
14Herrera Abigail Alejandra1407ARG 18b1 23w1 3w0 29b1 6w1 1b0 9w0429,520041477
15Barros Rocio1371ARG 22w1 29b1 4w1 2w0 12b1 7b0 6w042921041484
16Marquez Ivette Fiorela1362ARG 21b1 2w0 18b1 30w1 11b0 19w1 10b0427,518041298
17Guirin Yamila0ARG 4w0 44b1 9b0 35w1 34b1 10w0 29w142414041290
18Millan Camila0ARG 14w0 33b1 16w0 39b1 27w1 6b0 34w142214041258
19Pacheco Celeste0ARG 27w0 24b1 40w1 6b0 31w1 16b0 32w1421,515041200
20Nieves Susana0ARG 26w0 31b1 5b0 36w1 32b0 46w1 27w1419,513041150
21Moreyra Valentina0ARG 16w0 39b1 27w0 31b0 40w1 33b1 26w141812041181
22Mocayar Maria Emilia0ARG 15b0 32w1 37b1 10w0 30b½ 23w1 13w03,52314,5031160
23Villalba Alejandra0ARG 33w1 14b0 35w½ 46b1 7w0 22b0 36b13,52114,5031141
24Hoingo Ileana0ARG 12b0 19w0 45b1 37w½ 46b1 30w1 8b03,52112031180
25Ayno Sofia0ARG 45b1 10w1 7w1 3b0 13b0 9w- -0328,518031429
26Castrodeza Lucia1342ARG 20b1 9w1 12b0 11w0 5b0 42w1 21b032715031220
27Baez Mendez Florencia1212ARG 19b1 12w0 21b1 9w0 18b0 31w1 20b0325,514031128
28Luna Ramallo Catalina0ARG 7w0 48b1 10b0 33w1 8b0 36w½ 30b½323,511,5021144
29West Leila0ARG 32b1 15w0 36b1 14w0 37b1 8w0 17b0322,515031158
30Barrientos Milagros0ARG 35w1 6b0 34w1 16b0 22w½ 24b0 28w½32214021070
31Franco Priscila Yael0ARG 9b0 20w0 48b1 21w1 19b0 27b0 40w132210031076
32Calabroni Ana Maria0ARG 29w0 22b0 38w1 41b1 20w1 12w0 19b0321,512031033
33Bustos Gema0ARG 23b0 18w0 47b1 28b0 38w1 21w0 43b1319903950
34Rivero Agata0ARG 40w0 38b1 30b0 42w1 17w0 39b+ 18b0317,51203875
35Tranamil Priscila0ARG 30b0 47w½ 23b½ 17b0 39w0 48w1 42b13168,502950
36Carrizo Brisa0ARG 1w0 43b1 29w0 20b0 41w1 28b½ 23w02,52210021050
37Quiroga Ruth1324ARG 46w1 3b0 22w0 24b½ 29w0 41b½ 38w½2,52010,5011010
38Luxen Victoria0ARG 11b0 34w0 32b0 47w1 33b0 45w1 37b½2,5186,5021015
39Diaz Patricia Ines0ARG 2b0 21w0 43b1 18w0 35b1 34w- -0223,58021091
40Aguero Crisanta Dora del Carmen0ARG 34b1 11w0 19b0 13w0 21b0 44w1 31b0223902913
41Marotte Melisa0ARG 10b0 45w1 8b0 32w0 36b0 37w½ 47b½2207,5011000
42Fabio Soto Leonela del Lujan0ARG 3w0 46b0 44w1 34b0 45w1 26b0 35w0218,58021002
43Navarrete Avril0ARG 8b0 36w0 39w0 45b0 48b1 47w1 33w0216502893
44Quitllet Luciana0ARG 5b0 17w0 42b0 48w½ 47b½ 40b0 46w12164,501863
45Soria Belen0ARG 25w0 41b0 24w0 43w1 42b0 38b0 48w1215502842
46Olea Maia0ARG 37b0 42w1 13b½ 23w0 24w0 20b0 44b01,5208,501816
47Marchetti Rocio Belen0ARG 6w0 35b½ 33w0 38b0 44w½ 43b0 41w½1,517,5500838
48Rubio Milagros0ARG 13b0 28w0 31w0 44b½ 43w0 35b0 45b00,517,5200578

Desempate 1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempate 2: Fide Tie-Break
Desempate 3: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Desempate 4: The greater number of victories (variable)