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2019 New Caledonia Open

Last update 19.10.2019 07:07:27, Creator/Last Upload: Papua New Guinea Chess Federation

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1GMShoker Samy2499EGY 19b1 10w1 7b1 2w½ 4b½ 12w1 8b1 6w1 3b1810,5745,00
2GMDemuth Adrien2498FRA 20w1 11b1 9w1 1b½ 8w1 4b½ 5w1 7w1 13b1820,5745,00
3IMKer Anthony F2314NZL 21b1 12w1 8b½ 4w0 7b0 19w1 16b1 14w1 1w05,560527,00
4IMDive Russell John2288NZL 22w+ 13b1 15w1 3b1 1w½ 2w½ 7b½ 11b1 5w½730538,25
5FMSteadman Michael V R2199NZL 23b1 14w½ 6b0 21w1 18b1 9w½ 2b0 17w1 4b½5,590426,25
6FMSmith Robert W2183NZL 24w1 15b0 5w1 17b0 31w1 13b½ 10w1 1b0 19w15,570525,25
7WFMDe Seroux Camille2140SUI 25b1 16w1 1w0 8b½ 3w1 11b1 4w½ 2b0 15w1640,5529,50
8FMDuneas John2115NZL 26w1 17b1 3w½ 7w½ 2b0 15b1 1w0 20b1 9w1650,5528,25
9Giraud Sylvain2068FRA 27b1 18w1 2b0 14w1 12b0 5b½ 13w0 16w1 8b04,5160419,25
10FMFancy Stuart1982PNG 28w1 1b0 14b½ 20w½ 21b1 17w1 6b0 15w0 11w½4,5210321,50
11Patterson Miles1947AUS 29b1 2w0 23b1 16w1 17b1 7w0 12b½ 4w0 10b½5130421,50
12Metge J. Nigel1928NZL 31w1 3b0 24w1 15b1 9w1 1b0 11w½ 13b0 28w15,580524,50
13Petre Rene1920FRA 32b1 4w0 25b1 18w½ 14b½ 6w½ 9b1 12w1 2w05,5100424,25
14Veu Michel1910FRA 33w1 5b½ 10w½ 9b0 13w½ 24b½ 26w1 3b0 40w15150318,75
15Douyere Nicolas1899FRA 37b1 6w1 4b0 12w0 27b1 8w0 28w1 10b1 7b05110520,50
16Edo Eric1899FRA 38w1 7b0 28w1 11b0 24w½ 20b1 3w0 9b0 22w14,5170419,00
17Lalo Laurent1883FRA 39b1 8w0 37b1 6w1 11w0 10b0 40w1 5b0 24w15120520,50
18CMKorenevski Oleg1859AUS 40w1 9b0 39w1 13b½ 5w0 28b0 23w½ 19b0 27w14260316,00
19Mitel Cedric1799FRA 1w0 28b0 33w1 31b½ 23w1 3b0 22b1 18w1 6b04,5190416,00
20Baiango James Tepuke1743SOL 2b0 29w½ 22b1 10b½ 40w1 16w0 27b1 8w0 38b15140418,00
21WFMSmith Vivian J1700NZL 3w0 30b1 40w1 5b0 10w0 31b1 24w1 28b0 23w½4,5200414,75
22Lagikula Humble1678FRA 4b- 31b½ 20w0 30b1 39w1 26b0 19w0 29w1 16b03,530039,00
23Diamant-Berger Ludovic1671FRA 5w0 33b1 11w0 28b½ 19b0 29w1 18b½ 32w1 21b½4,5220315,00
24Chardon Heremoana1606FRA 6b0 32w1 12b0 37w1 16b½ 14w½ 21b0 27w1 17b04270314,75
25Hne Nathanael1487FRA 7w0 38b1 13w0 39b0 26w0 37b1 33w1 40b0 31w-333039,00
26Hudan Sandro1424FRA 8b0 37w0 32b1 27w0 25b1 22w1 14b0 38w0 39b03320310,50
27Darjana Nathan1409FRA 9w0 40b0 38w1 26b1 15w0 39b1 20w0 24b0 18b03310311,00
28Kaemo Arden1302FRA 10b0 19w1 16b0 23w½ 29b1 18w1 15b0 21w1 12b04,5180417,75
29Lelong Antoine1250FRA 11w0 20b½ 31w0 33b1 28w0 23b0 37w1 22b0 34w02,536027,50
30Ajapuhnya Jean-Laurent1199FRA -0 21w0 34b½ 22w0 33b0 38b- -0 -0 37b00,538001,25
31Apikaoua Michel1199FRA 12b0 22w½ 29b1 19w½ 6b0 21w0 38b0 34w1 25b+4290312,00
32Bellier Titouan1199FRA 13w0 24b0 26w0 38b1 37w1 40b0 39w1 23b0 33w14230413,00
33Bonbon Christophe1199FRA 14b0 23w0 19b0 29w0 30w1 34b1 25b0 39w0 32b0237023,00
34Djoupa Edgar1199FRA -0 -0 30w½ 40b0 38w0 33w0 -1 31b0 29b12,535117,25
35Maperi Warson1199FRA -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0039000,00
36Toura Marcel1199FRA -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0040000,00
37Utia Makea1199FRA 15w0 26b1 17w0 24b0 32b0 25w0 29b0 -1 30w1334028,00
38Walewen Jean1199FRA 16b0 25w0 27b0 32w0 34b1 30w+ 31w1 26b1 20w04250410,00
39Rochedreux Jean-Antoine1099FRA 17w0 -1 18b0 25w1 22b0 27w0 32b0 33b1 26w14280312,50
40Ravenel Tangi1080FRA 18b0 27w1 21b0 34w1 20b0 32w1 17b0 25w1 14b04240412,50

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: The greater number of victories (variable)
Tie Break3: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable