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Última actualización30.11.2019 01:07:00, Propietario/Última carga: Alexandra Muratet Carmona

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Cuadro cruzado por ranking inicial

No.Nombre1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts.Rk. Des 1  Des 2  Des 3 
1GMMuñoz Miguel 19b1 13w1 6b1 7w1 5b1 11w1 16w1 3b1813639,5039,5
2MKSadrija Enver 20w½ 28b1 10w1 5b½ 7w0 8b1 6b0 11w04113817,5041
3MKDel Amo Carbo Jordi 21b1 16w1 7b0 18w1 6b0 13w1 12b1 1w05536,518,5039,5
4Arus Blanch Daniel 22w1 10b½ 9b½ 16w0 11b0 -0 35w1 -03233110,7533
5Gonzalez Cuervo Eloy 23b1 18w1 8b1 2w½ 1w0 16b- 13b1 6w04,5636,517,5039,5
6Fernandez Aguilar Francisco 24w1 15b1 1w0 22b1 3w1 7b½ 2w1 5b16,5237,529,2540,5
7Sanahuja Palomo Alex 25b1 30w1 3w1 1b0 2b1 6w½ 10w1 16b16,5335,525,7537
8Calvo Bures Marc 26w1 36b1 5w0 -0 18b1 2w0 14b1 10b½4,5831,516,2532,5
9Calle Ordonez Albert -0 26b1 4w½ -0 -0 28b1 20w½ 22b+4132916,5032
10Melero Sanchez Pere 27b1 4w½ 2b0 30w1 16b½ 21w1 7b0 8w½4,5929,514,0031
11Garcia Gallardo Victor 28w½ 17b0 31w1 12b1 4w1 1b0 26w1 2b15,543220,0034,5
12Anglada Bigorda Climent 30b0 27w½ 21b1 11w0 23b1 15w1 3w0 26b½41428,514,5030
13Roig Gorina Harold 31w1 1b0 22w- 27b1 19w1 3b0 5w0 20b0320349,0036,5
14Cervello Navarro Hector -0 32w1 19b1 -0 22w0 35b1 8w0 33b141727,511,0029,5
15Rivas Peix Raul 32b1 6w0 25b1 -0 26w½ 12b0 33w1 21b14,5102914,0031,5
16Torras Gonzalez Ramir 33w1 3b0 23w1 4b1 10w½ 5w+ 1b0 7w04,5735,516,2538,5
17Sagrado Crespo Alvaro 34b1 11w1 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0230318,0033,5
18Soto Balastegui Victor 35w1 5b0 36w1 3b0 8w0 26b0 19b1 25w14162810,0029
19Martinez Ferrer Rafael 1w0 29b1 14w0 28b1 13b0 -0 18w0 31b13223210,0034,5
20Gasol Colominra Francesc 2b½ -0 -0 24w½ 29b½ 30w1 9b½ 13w141528,513,2530
21Palomo Ribera Carmen 3w0 31b½ 12w0 36b+ 30b1 10b0 28w1 15w03,51826,58,7528
22Martinez Ferrer Albert 4b0 34w1 13b+ 6w0 14b1 -0 -0 9w-32132,511,5035
23Iborra Polo Eric 5w0 33b+ 16b0 -0 12w0 -0 36b1 -0232264,0027
24Canadell Prat Albert 6b0 -0 27w½ 20b½ 33w0 -0 -0 -0135274,0029
25Torralba Brosa Marc 7w0 35b1 15w0 -0 32b1 33b0 27w1 18b0325287,5030
26Sanmarti Falguera Ricard 8b0 9w0 33b1 29w1 15b½ 18w1 11b0 12w½4123316,0036
27Garcia Fernandez Pere 10w0 12b½ 24b½ 13w0 35b- 32w½ 25b0 36w12,52924,55,7525,5
28Trullas Tugues Ivan 11b½ 2w0 30b½ 19w0 36b1 9w0 21b0 35w132624,56,5025,5
29Garcia Fernandez Didac -0 19w0 34b1 26b0 20w½ 31w1 -0 32b13,5192610,0028,5
30Munne Duran Jordi 12w1 7b0 28w½ 10b0 21w0 20b0 31w0 34b01,53428,55,5031
31Tallo Mampel Jaume 13b0 21w½ 11b0 32w0 34w1 29b0 30b1 19w02,528255,5026,5
32Latorre Coma Antoni 15w0 14b0 35w0 31b1 25w0 27b½ 34w1 29w02,527266,5028
33Talo Moya Jordi 16b0 23w- 26w0 -1 24b1 25w1 15b0 14w032428,59,5030,5
34Calvo Lopez Julio Jose 17w0 22b0 29w0 -0 31b0 36w1 32b0 30w1233232,5024
35Rodriguez Lopez Xavier 18b0 25w0 32b1 -0 27w+ 14w0 4b0 28b0231264,5028,5
36Armengol Badia Joan -1 8w0 18b0 21w- 28w0 34b0 23w0 27b013625,51,0028

Desempate 1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Desempate 2: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable
Desempate 3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)