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3.Liga C2

Posledná aktualizácia 05.07.2020 17:29:12, Creator/Last Upload: Slovak Chess Federation

Search for team Hladaj

Tabuľka podľa poradia

Por. Družstvo123456789101112 TB1  TB2  TB3 
1PŠK Banská Bystrica * 5573827570
2ŠO Podbrezová * 6446372356,50
3Opevnenie Banská Štiavnica * 8444621510
4FTC Fiľakovo Junior0 * 48447518470
5ŠK Slovan Nová Baňa324 * 354617430
6ŠK Čebovce B440 * 485515450
7ŠK Magnezit Jelšava4454 * 3056515420
8ŠK Junior CVČ B. Bystrica B3245 * 471445,50
9ŠK TeatrO Garde Detva5443084 * 3413430
10ŠK Kremnica12433 * 10380
11Podpoľanie Stožok5125½ * 931,50
12ŠK Slovan Sliač01323314 * 428,50

Tie Break1: Matchpoints (3 For wins, 1 For Draws, 0 For Losses)
Tie Break2: points (game-points)
Tie Break3: The results Of the teams In Then same point group according To Matchpoints