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Campionat de Mallorca Individual 2019 (230275)

Última actualización24.11.2019 21:37:43, Propietario/Última carga: Spanish Chess Federation (Licence 158)

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Cuadro cruzado por ranking inicial

No.NombreEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts.Rk. Des 1  Des 2  Des 3  Des 4  Des 5 
1Mascaro March Pedro2380ESP 62w1 38b1 13w1 8b1 4w1 2b1 3w½ 6w17,510741,545,543,00
2Gaya Llodra Juan2221ESP 63b1 37w1 22b+ 7w1 3b½ 1w0 36b½ 25w1670538,54331,00
3Tattersall Rodriguez Lester2213ESP 64w1 40b1 15w1 10b1 2w½ 30b1 1b½ 8w0660540,544,530,75
4Ermachenko Manuel2077ESP 65b1 41w1 35b1 11w1 1b0 14w1 6b0 36w1630639,54329,50
5Bergas Ferriol Jeroni2040ESP 67w1 42b0 84w1 40b0 64w½ 73b1 51w½ 49b½4,53903343821,50
6Fiol Abrines Antonio2029ESP 68b1 43w1 60b1 58w1 30b0 11w1 4w1 1b064063841,528,50
7Pulido Sancho Alfredo2013ESP 70w1 49b1 26w1 2b0 30w1 16b½5,51504364025,75
8Altarriba Gracia Sergio1989ESP 71b1 46w1 90b1 1w0 37b1 35w1 13b1 3b172073638,531,00
9Canaves Bordoy Juan1985ESP 73w½115b1 39w½ 42b0 67w½ 60b1 51b½4,55002313417,50
10Gomez Olivares Alejandro1958ESP 74b1 48w1108b1 3w0 39w½ 36b½ 26w1 -052404343720,50
11Rubert Alfonso Victor1899ESP 75w1 51b1 42w1 4b0 40w1 6b0 49w1 24b1650636,539,527,00
12Oliver Amengual Adria1884ESP 59b½ 61w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -011180025273,75
13Aguilo Pons Francesc1856ESP 76b1 52w1 1b0 45w1 51b1 8w0 34b½5230438,54219,50
14Andreu Lopez Santiago1845ESP 77w0117b1 62w1 47b1 42w1 4b0 40w1 41b½5,5100533,536,524,25
15Mulet Vanrell Miguel1829ESP 78b1 53w1 3b0 43w1 52b½ 31w1 38b0 30w04,5320436,540,520,00
16Vicens Company Maria Antonia1816ESP 79w1 58b0 68w1 41b½ 43w1 35b1 7w½5,5170432,535,523,00
17Nadal Bestard Sebastia1810ESP 80b1 56w0 54b0 82w0 97b+ 85b1 73w0 97w1454042729,512,00
18Terradas Calafell Jaume1808ESP 81w1 58b0 64w0 86b1 69w1 44b1 42w½ 84b04,5340431,534,517,75
19Boix Pons Catalina1789ESP 83b0 91w1 63b1 48w½ 54b1 38w0 41b0 59w14,5360430,53317,00
20Mascaro Pastor Miguel1789ESP 84w½ 69b0 83w1 48b1 47b½ 57w½ 42b04680230,53315,75
21Marin Badenas Vicente1784ESP 65b1 52w0 72b0 82w1 68b0 80w14630328,531,513,50
22Montenegro Gonzalez Francisco1772ESP 85b+ 61b1 2w- 54w½ 56b1 52w0 48b1 31w15,512053235,522,25
23Ferenczi Robert Frank1770ESP 86w1 45b½ 49b0 73w0 69b1 60w14,5460328,531,516,00
24Viada Pons De Vall Carles1758ESP 87b1 60w0 66b0 89w1 65b1 72w1 39b1 11w05220527,529,516,00
25Altarriba Sampedro Lorien1752ESP 88w½ 72b1 69w½ 51b½ 57w1 49b½ 61w1 2b0529033134,522,00
26Gardeta Fuster Amadeo1743ESP 89b1 83w1 7b0 60w1 58b½ 84w½ 10b0 68w15270430,532,517,00
27Tomas Arcos Marc Gabriel1738ESP 90w- 89b1 71w1 70b1 58w1 52b0 50w15,5140531,533,521,50
28Morant Sampol Jaime1725ESP 91b1 61w- -0 -0 -0 -02108012931,56,50
29Gaya Torrens Miguel1724ESP 92w1 77b½ 66w0 79b1 60w½ 50b0 81b½47002283114,25
30Ballester Cladera Antonio1710ESP 93b1 77w1 56b1 6w1 3w0 7b0 15b15,5110533,53622,00
31Wuhrmann Sellmayr Jochen Bernd1707ESP 73b½ 67w1 53b1 49w½ 15b0 88w1 22b04,543033235,518,75
32Ramon Sanchez Campins Pedro1702ESP 94w1 57b½ 51w0 64b1 67w½ 53b1530033133,519,25
33Veny Moll Onofre1699ESP 70w0 -0 96b1 86b1 -0 85w+4660326,52913,00
34Munar Messegue David1696ESP 95b1 90w0 71b½ 87w1 84b0 59w1 58b1 13w½5280428,53116,25
35Florit Mulet Miguel1695ESP 96w1111b1 4w0 64b1 61w1 8b0 16w0 57b0451043638,516,50
36Roig Fullana Bartlome1694ESP 97b1108w0 78b1 90w1 66b1 10w½ 2w½ 4b05250431,53419,50
37Pomar Mir Francisco1693ESP 98w1 2b0 73w1 69b1 8w0 61b0 78w1 62b151905333619,50
38Sureda Gonzalez Miquel1670ESP 99b1 1w0 75b1 88w1 19b1 15w1 52w½69053334,521,50
39Navarro Gil Ricardo1660ESP100w1 9b½108w1 10b½ 24w0 61b04670231,533,513,75
40Trillo-Figueroa Vidal Antonio1656ESP101b1 3w0 80b1 5w1 11b0 66w1 14b0 72w152005333618,50
41Payeras Vilella Pedro1639ESP102w1 4b0 75w½ 77b1 16w½ 62b1 19w1 14w½5,51804323420,75
42Westendorf Vidal Carles1634ESP103b1 5w1 11b0 9w1 14b0108w1 18b½ 20w15,51305323420,25
43Rossello Sanchez Bartolome1621ESP105w1 6b0 79w1 15b0 81w1 16b0115w1 67b½4,53504313416,25
44Ballester Mas Antonio1620ESP -0 96w1 82b1 18w0 71b0108w14640327,53013,00
45Martorell Prats Antonio1614ESP106b1 23w½ 13b0 68w½ 72b0118w14690229,53113,25
46Sureda Gonzalez Cristina1614ESP107w1 8b0 84b- 91w1 67b0 75w1 63b03,573033032,59,00
47Baldo Company Jordi1606ESP108b0 93w1 82b1 14w0 90b1 20w½ 73b04650327,53012,50
48Ruiz Ruiz Francisco1604ESP109w1 10b0 86w1 19b½ 20w0 70b1 22w0 64b½4600330,53111,75
49Canyelles Sureda Joan1603ESP110b1 7w0 83b1 23w1 31b½ 25w½ 11b0 5w½4,541033335,517,00
50Escudero Ricart Pol1597ESP111w0 92b½ 81w½ 94b½ 99w1 77b1 29w1 27b04,5470328,53014,25
51Turcu Darin1590ESP112b1 11w0105b1 25w½ 32b1 13w0 5b½ 9w½4,540033335,518,00
52Garcia Feore Daniel James1588ESP113w1 13b0111w1 21b1 15w½ 22b1 27w1 38b½680535,536,526,25
53Matas Artigues Josep1582ESP114b1 15b0115w1 31w0108b0 90w1 74b1 32w0453042729,513,00
54Orcera Gomez Francisco1581ESP115w0 94b1 17w1 22b½ 19w0 87b14,548032830,515,75
55Ferrer Mygina Juan1580ESP 84b0 97w½ 78b0 99w1 79b1 65w14,5490326,52813,50
56Torres Mari Juan1580ESP116b1 17b1 30w0 22w0 88b0 83w1111b03,57403303210,50
57Garcia Adell Ivan1570ESP117w½ 88b1 32w½ 25b0118w1 20b½ 35w153103293218,50
58Antich Fernandez Marta Isabel1562ESP118b1 18w1 16w1 6b0 26w½ 27b0 34w0 88b14,5330435,538,519,00
59Jaume Pons Antonio1557ESP 12w½ 88b0 92w1 34b0 87w1 19b03,5810228,53110,50
60Ramis Sebastia Jordi Salvador1555ESP119w1 24b1 6w0 26b0111w1 29b½ 9w0 23b03,5710333,536,514,50
61Soler Adrover Cosme1555ESP120b1 22w0 12b+ 28b+ 35b0 37w1 25b0 39w1521053134,515,50
62Bujosa Mas Miquel1547ESP 1b0 97w1 14b0104w1119b1 41w0108b1 37w045204333611,00
63Oliver Gari Jorge1532ESP 2w0 96b1 19w0 81b0 98w1101b1 46w14,5380428,53114,50
64Fullana Oliver Antoni1514ESP 3b0 99w1 18b1 35w0 5b½ 32w0 92b1 48w½4570331,53313,75
65Marti Llompart Arnaldo1505ESP 4w0 98b1 21w0100b1 24w0120b1 55b03,5750329,531,510,50
66Marin Ferragut Pau1500ESP 24w1 29b1 36w0 40b0 81w0 86b14560331,534,516,00
67Moya Martinez Diego1499ESP 5b0101w1 31b0110w1 9b½ 46w1 32b½ 43w½4,54403303316,50
68Fernandez Hernandez Antonio1493ESP 6w0100b½117w1 16b0 94w1 45b½ 21w1 26b046103303212,50
69Alzamora Gueguen Jaume Andreu1451ESP 20w1 25b½ 37w0 18b0 23w0 93b13,5800230,53313,00
70Rubert Cabrillana Antonio1447ESP 7b0106w1 33b1 27w0 48w0 90b14590330,53213,00
71Gabaldon Hernandez Julian1439ESP 8w0102b1 34w½ 27b0115w½105b1 44w14,54203333515,50
72Artigues Ribas Bernat1425ESP 25w0105b1 21w1 24b0 45w1 40b04580330,533,515,50
73Chen Chen Jinhao1409ESP 9b½ 31w½ 37b0114w1 23b1 5w0 17b1 47w15260430,533,520,00
74Nieto Foresti Julian1391ESP 10w0104b0 92w1111b0100w1114b1 53w0115b14550426,528,511,50
75Pons Escanellas Antonio M1364ESP 11b0112w1 41b½ 38w0 87b0103w1 46b0 -02,5990230327,25
76Munoz Benitez Lucas1363ESP 13w0105b-103b- -0 -0 -0 -00,5119002324,52,00
77Ortiz Gil Vicente1356ESP 14b1 29w½ 30b0 41w0103b1 50w03,57902323413,50
78Rubert Alfonso Susana1352ESP 15w0107b1 36w0115b½ 55w1 37b0119w1462032931,513,00
79Payeras Pons Pedro1326ESP 16b0114w1 43b0120w1 29w0111b½ 55w0117b½3920229,532,510,25
80Perello Gelabert Jordi1325ESP 17w0109b1 40w0119b0101w0 94b1102w1 21b0389032323,55,00
81Domenech Sanchez Antonio1310ESP 18b0116w½ 50b½ 63w1 43b0119w1 66b1 29w½4,54503293116,75
82Valldeparines Forteza Tomeu1305ESP 47w0 17b1 44w0 21b0111w0102b13940228,530,510,00
83Tomas Viver Marta1296ESP 19w1 26b0 49w0 20b0104w1 56b0 92w02,51000228,531,58,50
84Dominguez Martinez Nicolas1294ESP 20b½ 55w1 5b0 46w+ 34w1 26b½ 18w15,5160432,53624,00
85Cubillos Valdes Daniel1290ESP 22w-118w-107b1 17w0112w1 33b-3960224,5278,50
86Garcia Feore Monica1262ESP 23b0120w1 48b0 18w0110b1 33w0107b1 66w0384032830,58,50
87Sureda Matamalas Miquel1242ESP 24w0113b1 34b0 75w1 54w0 59b0105w02,51010228296,00
88Mulet Albiol Francesc1240ESP 25b½ 57w0116b1 59w1 38b0 56w1 31b0 58w03,57203323411,50
89Bonet Oliver Miquel Angel1231ESP 26w0119b1 27w0 24b0105w0104b½103w½110b021090128305,00
90Soler Adrover Llorenc1228ESP 27b+ 34b1 8w0 36b0 47w0 53b0114w1 70w03830332,535,513,50
91Garcia Moll Gabriel1210ESP 28w0 19b0109w1 46b0115b0104w1120b02,51030225,5264,50
92Rojo Pocovi Jaume1203ESP 29b0 50w½ 74b0112w1 59b0117w1 64w0 83b13,5770325,52810,25
93El Aazzouzi Sanhaji Luqman1196ESP 30w0 47b0103w½117b½120w0 99b1 69w02,51040124,5266,00
94Tomas Viver Toni1191ESP 32b0 54w0106b1 50w½ 68b0 80w0117b0 99w12,51020225,5275,75
95Valcaneras Segui Jose1179ESP 34w0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -011170025274,00
96Perello Barcelo Tomeu Joan1154ESP 35b0 63w0107b+ 44b0 33w0116b0106w1103b1387032425,56,00
97Cabanas Hernandez Sandra Luna1147ESP 36w0 62b0113w1 55b½ 17w-116w1 17b03950226277,75
98Vizcaino Mestre Victor1146ESP 37b0 65w0114b0106w1 63b0107w0113b1116b13900322235,50
99Doncel Juarez Arantxa1138ESP 38w0 64b0116w1 50b0 55b0 93w0 94b01,51150127294,00
100Montoro Gazquez Mario1137ESP 39b0 68w½ 65w0 74b0110w1119b0114b021100125287,00
101Vizcaino Mestre Luis1110ESP 40w0 67b0119w0113b1 80b1 63w0118b0107w13850325,526,56,50
102Viver Garrido Luisa1102ESP 41b0 71w0120b0107w0106b1113w1 80b0 82w021070223,524,53,50
103Torrisi Valle David1082ESP 42w0 -0 93b½ 76w+ 77w0 75b0 89b½ 96w021120123,525,52,75
104Strauch Alexander1081ESP -0 74w1 -0 62b0 83b0 89w½ 91b0113w½21110124255,75
105Dominguez Martinez David1078ESP 43b0 76w+ 51w0 72w0 89b1 71w0 87b13,5760326287,00
106Lopez Ramon Didac1063ESP 45w0 70b0 94w0 98b0102w0 -1 96b0109w12114011919,54,50
107Horrach Galvez Toni1041ESP 46b0 78w0 96w-102b1 85w0 98b1 86w0101b021060225275,00
108Bonet Mestre Maria1017ESP 47w1 36b1 10w0 39b0 53w1 42b0 62w0 44b03820332,536,513,00
109Aguado Doncel Blanca0ESP 48b0 80w0 91b0114w0112b0110w0106b00,5120002122,52,00
110Campomar Ordonez Tony0ESP 49w0 67b0 86w0100b0109b1 89w1397022323,56,50
111Company Romaguera Luis0ESP 50b1 35w0 52b0 74w1 60b0 79w½ 82b1 56w14,5370428,531,516,50
112Fernandez Rodriguez Dario0ESP 51w0 75b0 92b0116w½109w1 85b02,5105012323,55,50
113Garcia Del Pozo Jose Manuel0ESP 52b0 87w0 97b0101w0 -1102b0 98w0104b½1,5116002324,55,00
114Melia Carbonell Onofre0ESP 53w0 79b0 98w1 73b0109b1 74w0 90b0100w13880323,5245,50
115Mulet Albiol Antoni0ESP 54b1 9w0 53b0 78w½ 71b½ 91w1 43b0 74w0391023032,511,25
116Navarro Da Costa Lais0ESP 56w0 81b½ 88w0 99b0112b½ 96w1 97b0 98w02113012324,56,50
117Perello Monserrat Miquel0ESP 57b½ 14w0 68b0 93w½ 92b0 94w1 79w½3980126,5299,75
118Toro Garcia Marc0ESP 58w0 85b+ -0 57b0101w1 45b039302293210,00
119Ubieto Pico Diego0ESP 60b0 89w0101b1 80w1 62w0 81b0100w1 78b03860324268,00
120Ximenis Mas Jose0ESP 61w0 86b0102w1 79b0 93b1 65w0 91w13,5780321,523,59,00

Desempate 1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Desempate 2: The greater number of victories (variable)
Desempate 3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempate 4: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempate 5: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable