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XIII Obert d’Escacs Santa Eulalia de Roncana 2019 GRUP A Code - 226030

Darrera actualització30.11.2019 20:50:08, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Beatriz Alfonso Nogue

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Núm.Nom1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts.Ordre Des1  Des2  Des3 
1IMRojas Keim Luis Alberto 28b1 17w1 13b1 11w1 3b1 6w1 2b½ 7w17,513140,50
2MKCanal Oliveras Joan -0 41w1 31b1 18b1 9w1 4b1 1w½ 11b16,522939,50
3MKRojano Alfonso Carlos 29w1 18b1 9w½ 20b1 1w0 5b½ 25w1 13b16329,5400
4Nadal Fajardo Ricard -0 36w1 33b1 26w1 7b1 2w0 -0 -042128380
5MKBarranco Montilla Cristobal 30b1 19w½ 15b½ 27w1 11b½ 3w½ 13b0 25w042029380
6Molina Figueroa Antoni 31w1 20b½ 24w½ 22b1 25w1 1b0 16w½ 9w½5828,5390
7MKRojano Cano Francisco Jose 32b1 25w0 39b1 29w1 4w0 17b1 22w1 1b0572939,50
8Simon Del Sol Jaume 33w1 22b1 11w0 24b½ 20w1 9b0 53w½ 29b½4,5132836,50
9Soler Colome Valenti 34b1 27w1 3b½ 15w1 2b0 8w1 11w0 6b½5629,538,50
10Delgado Pico Lluis 35w1 24b½ 20w0 53b½ 49w1 25b0 15b+ 22b04222735,50
11Salvans Serra Arnau 36b1 39w1 8b1 1b0 5w½ 15w1 9b1 2w05,542838,50
12Centelles Vives Aleix -0 37b1 40w0 39w1 23b½ 53b0 32w1 27b½42624320
13Morais Carreras Javier 37w1 49b1 1w0 25b0 51w1 31b1 5w1 3w051025,5350
14Deulonder Camins Xavier 39b0 43w0 44b1 41w1 -0 35b0 46w1 40w034121,528,50
15Fernandez Felguera Agustin 40w1 54b1 5w½ 9b0 24w1 11b0 10w- 19w½41929,5390
16Cordomi Forns Francesc 41b0 45w1 42b½ 19w½ 26b1 54w1 6b½ 24w04,51426340
17Lin Limin 42w1 1b0 46w1 -0 27b1 7w0 30b1 54w04242535,50
18Cornejo Vera Alejandro Danilo 43b1 3w0 41b1 2w0 31b- 37b1 31w1 53b½4,5172534,50
19Salinas Tomas Daniel 44w1 5b½ -0 16b½ 53w½ 24b0 52w1 15b½4252532,50
20Alonso Gomez Raul 45b1 6w½ 10b1 3w0 8b0 23w0 54b0 -02,5442533,50
21Cervello Navarro Hector 46w1 -0 -0 45b1 54w0 49b1 35w0 37b½3,5332431,50
22Torras Coloma Pau 48b1 8w0 43b1 6w0 40b1 42w1 7b0 10w151224310
23Ventos Alfonso Alba 49w0 40b0 37w1 46b1 12w½ 20b1 24w0 -03,5322432,50
24Alvaro Hermosa Ramon 50b1 10w½ 6b½ 8w½ 15b0 19w1 23b1 16b15,5525,5320
25Lopez Nadal Alex 51w1 7b1 -0 13w1 6b0 10w1 3b0 5b15928360
26Valero Soler Jaume 52b1 -0 49w1 4b0 16w0 -0 39b1 36w142723310
27Erra Soler Gerard 53w1 9b0 51w1 5b0 17w0 46b1 40b½ 12w½42325,532,50
28Sole Bove Josep 1w0 42b0 38w1 49b0 34b1 40w0 41b0 45w½2,54620,5300
29Castillo Martinez Aran 3b0 47w1 54w1 7b0 -0 43w1 42b1 8w½4,51525,5340
30Ceruelo Santiveri Oscar 5w0 46b0 45w0 48b1 50w1 51b1 17w0 49b034317230
31Martin Ares Miguel Angel 6b0 48w1 2w0 50b1 18w+ 13w0 18b0 41w½3,5312432,50
32Lara Cabrera Toni 7w0 51b0 47b½ 43w1 42b0 34w1 12b0 52b13,53618,525,50
33Reyes Marin Raul 8b0 50w1 4w0 51b0 45w1 52b0 49w- 43w-25118250
34Gonzalez Moreno Antoni 9w0 53b½ 35w0 47b1 28w0 32b0 50w½ 46b02492228,50
35Collazo Gibanel Sergio 10b0 52w½ 34b1 42w½ -0 14w1 21b1 -042922290
36Alonso Gomez Antonio 11w0 4b0 48w1 54b0 46w0 47b1 51w1 26b033823,5310
37Barrionuevo Nistal Hugo 13b0 12w0 23b0 52w1 39b1 18w0 43b1 21w½3,53423,5310
38Argemi Camp Jaume -0 -0 28b0 44w1 43b0 41w0 47w0 48b-1541824,50
39Sans Piera Marti 14w1 11b0 7w0 12b0 37w0 45b1 26w0 50b133724310
40Funes Ostos Aitor 15b0 23w1 12b1 -0 22w0 28b1 27w½ 14b14,51625,5330
41Garcia Encinas Pau 16w1 2b0 18w0 14b0 47w0 38b1 28w1 31b½3,5352231,50
42Barea Serra Josep 17b0 28w1 16w½ 35b½ 32w1 22b0 29w0 47b½3,5302633,50
43Agudo Martin Francisco Javier 18w0 14b1 22w0 32b0 38w1 29b0 37w0 33b+33923300
44Castaneda Munoz Antonio 19b0 -0 14w0 38b0 52w0 -1 45b0 51b12521722,50
45Fernandez Herrera Aleix 20w0 16b0 30b1 21w0 33b0 39w0 44w1 28b½2,5471925,50
46Sanchez Aguilar Arnau 21b0 30w1 17b0 23w0 36b1 27w0 14b0 34w13402228,50
47Giro Castellet Esteve -0 29b0 32w½ 34w0 41b1 36w0 38b1 42w½34220,527,50
48Perez De Tudela Aznar Marc 22w0 31b0 36b0 30w0 -0 50b½ -1 38w+2,54814,520,50
49Lambert Pont Michael 23b1 13w0 26b0 28w1 10b0 21w0 33b+ 30w142822,5300
50Montilla Gordillo Marti 24w0 33b0 -1 31w0 30b0 48w½ 34b½ 39w025316,5240
51Soler Colome Juan 25b0 32w1 27b0 33w1 13b0 30w0 36b0 44w025021,5290
52Asatryan Levon 26w0 35b½ 53w0 37b0 44b1 33w1 19b0 32w02,54524310
53De Lomas Busquets Alba 27b0 34w½ 52b1 10w½ 19b½ 12w1 8b½ 18w½4,51823,530,50
54Filipenko Yan -1 15w0 29b0 36w1 21b1 16b0 20w1 17b151124,532,50

Desempat1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Desempat2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Desempat3: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)