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XXXVII Torneig Open de Martorell Grup C

Última actualización16.11.2019 20:36:35, Propietario/Última carga: Jaume Gallart Zafra

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Cuadro cruzado por clasificación final después de 9 rondas

Rk.Nombre1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts. Des 1  Des 2  Des 3 
1Torres Palau Jordi 61w1 44b0 57w1 40b1 10w1 29b½ 32w1 3b1 2w17,538,545,550
2Archs Garriga Ignasi 15b1 37w1 27b1 19w1 14b1 3w0 17b1 31w1 1b074148,553,5
3Serralvo Martinez Joan Antoni 48b1 46w1 54b1 31w1 43b1 2b1 6w1 1w0 5b0739,54750,5
4Bosch Casanovas Xavier104w1 6b0 89w1 59b1 29w0 35b1 12w1 25b1 10w1738,54548
5Segarra Gonzalez Jordi 82w1 52b½ 45w½ 55b1 30w1 32b0 58w1 9b1 3w1733,540,544
6Sanchez Viana Jordi 86b1 4w1 20b1 14w0 45b1 52w1 3b0 29w1 8b½6,5384548,5
7Vazquez Cortes Carlos 66b1 43w0 48b1 23w1 31b1 14w½ 19b0 20w1 15b16,5374347
8Orellana Romero Daniel 59w1 29b1 39w½ 32b0 18w1 13b0 21w1 22b1 6w½64046,551,5
9Ruiz Talavera Adolfo 83w1 49b1 18w½ 21b½ 17b½ 20w1 11b½ 5w0 19b1639,546,550,5
10Garcia Perez Manuel 97b1 33w1 31b0 63w1 1b0 57w1 52b1 11w1 4b0637,54549
11Farell Duran Josep 99b1 -0108w1 56b½ 75w1 21b1 9w½ 10b0 31w16333942
12Mateu Vives Marcel 16b0 78w½101b1 90w1 15b1 46w½ 4b0 52w1 29b16323940,5
13Garcia Seto Jose Martin 90b1 54w0 67b1 45w0 88b1 8w1 -0 58b1 30w16303639
14Gardner Richard 34w1 24b1 64w1 6b1 2w0 7b½ -0 15w½ 16b½5,5424953,5
15Miralles Garcia Pol 2w0 71b1109w1 64b1 12w0 36b1 44w1 14b½ 7w05,538,545,549,5
16Bernat Mor Juli 12w1 18w0 35b0110b1 65w1 44b0 41w1 38b1 14w½5,538,54547
17Niñerola Junyent Ernest 30w1 55b1 44w½ 18b1 9w½ 58b1 2w0 -0 23b½5,537,544,548,5
18Alegre Menarguez Pere 76w1 16b1 9b½ 17w0 8b0 90w1 48b1 23w0 46b15,5374346
19Laso Llorente Yolanda 47w1 93b1 56w1 2b0 58w0 34b1 7w1 26b½ 9w05,5364347
20Marin Ripoll Marti 79w1 89b1 6w0 93b1 73w½ 9b0 61w1 7b0 51w15,534,54145
21Barnet Pastor Ricard 98b1 62w1 43b½ 9w½ 46b½ 11w0 8b0 48w1 47b15,534,54144
22Gomez Serra Artur 57w1 45b½ 52w0 -0 50b1 33w1 56b1 8w0 44b15,532,538,542,5
23Valios Blanco Xavier -0 87b1 60w1 7b0 53w0108b1 34w1 18b1 17w½5,53238,541,5
24Febrero Perez Lluis 42b1 14w0102b1 -0 -0 92w½ 99b1 73w1 43b15,5323841
25Páez Núñez David 87w½ -0100b1 77w1 37b1 56w1 29b½ 4w0 27b½5,531,538,541,5
26Moreno Pino Pedro -0 82b1 30w0 74b1108w1 54w1 46b1 19w½ -05,531,53841
27Gutierrez Anguita Manuel 74w1110b1 2w0 73b0 47w1 30b0 53w1 54b1 25w½5,5313840
28Cort Hidalgo Jordi 67b1 36w0 96b1 52w0 57b0 87w½ 50b1 56w1 49w15,529,53538
29Gonzalez Jurado Miguel Angel 78b1 8w0 86b1 54w1 4b1 1w½ 25w½ 6b0 12w0539,54750,5
30Moya Sarda Bernat 17b0116w1 26b1 36w1 5b0 27w1 31b0 45w1 13b0539,546,548,5
31Lopez Arjona Emilio 60w1 58b1 10w1 3b0 7w0 53b1 30w1 2b0 11b05394650
32Altemir Gubankov Sebastian 75b½101w1 77b1 8w1 52b½ 5w1 1b0 -0 -0536,54445,5
33Moruno Arena Francisco 40w1 10b0 55w0 68b1 64w1 22b0 36w1 65b1 -0536,542,546,5
34Dominguez Diaz Francisco 14b0107w+ 40w0103w1 69b1 19w0 23b0 63w1 70b1534,540,543
35Marrugat Olivella Rosa -0 47b1 16w1 -0 60b1 4w0 -0 57b1 55w1533,540,544,5
36Sallent Trullas Josep 73w1 28b1 -0 30b0 81w1 15w0 33b0 60w1 67b1533,539,543
37Segador Sanchez Didac112w1 2b0110w1 39b½ 25w0 55b½ -0 76w1 68b15323941
38Pinell Torres Carles 88b1 -0 53w½ 83b1 44w½ -0 63b1 16w0 54w153237,540,5
39Gonzalez Avellana Santiago 50b1 77w½ 8b½ 37w½ 56b0 -0 89w1 55b½ 61w1531,537,541
40Carrasco Rutz Sergio 33b0 81w1 34b1 1w0 76b0 95w1 -0 90b1 53w153138,541,5
41Via Ventura Marius -0 74b½ 87w1 53b½ -0 62w1 16b0 88w1 52b153035,538,5
42Jorba Bertran Saül 24w0 60b0 47w0 82b½ 94w½ 96b1108w1 86b1 58w1525,53235
43Bertran Sala Josep 53w1 7b1 21w½ 44b1 3w0 73b1 -0 -0 24w04,539,546,550,5
44Ayats Andreu Roger 80b1 1w1 17b½ 43w0 38b½ 16w1 15b0 46w½ 22w04,53946,550,5
45Montserrat Urpi Josep 94w1 22w½ 5b½ 13b1 6w0 59b0 47w½ 30b0 82w14,536,543,546,5
46Argemi Bartolome Domenec105w1 3b0113w1 65b1 21w½ 12b½ 26w0 44b½ 18w04,534,541,543
47Cardoso Baena Manuel 19b0 35w0 42b1114w1 27b0 69w1 45b½ 64w+ 21w04,53440,542
48Galera Morales Jose 3w0118b1 7w0105b½ 83w1 49b1 18w0 21b0 85w+4,532,539,541,5
49Rojo Francas Abel102b1 9w0 90b½ 75w- 71w1 48w0 87b1 74w1 28b04,5293538
50Moya Aceituno Juan Gabriel 39w0100b0 94w½111b1 22w0 66b1 28w0106b1 73b14,528,534,537,5
51Andrino Cubino Simon110w0 73b0104w1 91b½105w1 61b0 79b1 80w1 20b04,52530,532,5
52Márquez Macarro Juan Manuel114w1 5w½ 22b1 28b1 32w½ 6b0 10w0 12b0 41w04424950,5
53Giralt Perez David 43b0 85w1 38b½ 41w½ 23b1 31w0 27b0 69w1 40b04384448
54Martinez Gila Ramon 71w1 13b1 3w0 29b0 89w1 26b0 76w+ 27w0 38b0437,544,548,5
55Martinez Herrador Octavio107b1 17w0 33b1 5w0 62b½ 37w½ 80b½ 39w½ 35b0437,544,547,5
56Escamilla Pozo Pablo103b1 69w1 19b0 11w½ 39w1 25b0 22w0 28b0 62b½43743,546
57Hermano Nuño Jose Manuel 22b0 95w1 1b0 97w1 28w1 10b0 -0 35w0 98b1436,54447
58Fernandez-Huerta Rodriguez-Marto Sergio 95b1 31w0 62b1 69w1 19b1 17w0 5b0 13w0 42b0436,543,547
59Comajuncosas Casasayas Francesc 8b0 99w1 75b1 4w0 93b+ 45w1 -0 -0 -0434,541,545
60Baroja Allo Carlos 31b0 42w1 23b0102w1 35w0 71b1 65w0 36b0 92w1433,54043
61Galofre Mila Lidia 1b0111w½ -0 66w1 99b1 51w1 20b0 70w½ 39b0432,54043
62Najar Arrieta Oriol 65w1 21b0 58w0 96b1 55w½ 41b0 77b1 -0 56w½430,536,540
63Vicente Perales Manel -0 80w1105b1 10b0 -0100w1 38w0 34b0 91w1430,536,538,5
64Garcia Lorente Antonio 91w1113b1 14b0 15w0 33b0 -0 94w1 47b- 80b14303637,5
65Comajuncosas Casasayas Josep 62b0 98w1 88b1 46w0 16b0 81w1 60b1 33w0 -043035,538,5
66Escoriza Gallardo Pedro 7w0 83b½ 84w0 61b0101b1 50w0103b½ 93w1 88b1427,53435,5
67Roma Alsina Jaume 28w0104b1 13w0 89b0112w0105b1 91w1 92b1 36w042733,535,5
68Fortuny Rovira Uriel -0103w1 69b0 33w0100b0115w1 81b1 84w+ 37w042732,534
69Illescas Segura Marcel108w1 56b0 68w1 58b0 34w0 47b0 97w1 53b0 90w142731,534,5
70Mestre Costas Jordi -0102w0 95b½101w1 -0112b1 75w1 61b½ 34w04263132,5
71Garcia Iahn Nil 54b0 15w0 98b1 86w1 49b0 60w0 88b0102w1 96b1425,53134
72Gili Esplugas Jose Antonio 89w0 91b1 73w0 81b0 78b1 80w0 -0 94b1 87w1425,53033
73Carrasco Valderrama Sergio 36b0 51w1 72b1 27w1 20b½ 43w0 -0 24b0 50w03,536,54347,5
74Lazaro Del Arco Martina 27b0 41w½ 78b1 26w0 84b1 77w1 -0 49b0 -03,535,54245,5
75Forado Chokron Matias 32w½ 84b1 59w0 49b+ 11b0 -0 70b0 79w0100w13,53440,543,5
76Alegre Bosch Blai 18b0 -0 92w1113b1 40w1 -0 54b- 37b0 84w½3,53439,541
77Tutusaus Carbo Josep M.100w1 39b½ 32w0 25b0 91w1 74b0 62w0 85b0101w13,5313738,5
78Lazaro Jaular Jorge 29w0 12b½ 74w0 94b1 72w0 83b1 -0103w1 -03,5303638,5
79Carrasco Gomez Ariadna 20b0 -0115w1109b0 85w½ 82b1 51w0 75b1 -03,53035,537
80Claramunt Junyent Maria 44w0 63b0 -0107w1103b1 72b1 55w½ 51b0 64w03,529,534,537
81Torres Herrera Guillem -0 40b0118w1 72w1 36b0 65b0 68w0100b½106w+3,52934,537
82Barrientos Andrade Samuel 5b0 26w0103b0 42w½114b1 79w0116b1104w1 45b03,5283536,5
83Gili Fernandez Guillermo 9b0 66w½111b1 38w0 48b0 78w0 -0116w1104b13,5283436
84Esteban Jimenez Juan Agustin101b½ 75w0 66b1 -0 74w0 91b½112w1 68b- 76b½3,5273233,5
85Pelegrin Serrano Oriol -0 53b0117w1 88w0 79b½ 99w0110b1 77w1 48b-3,526,531,533,5
86Banzo Sabate David 6w0112b1 29w0 71b0 92b0110w1 98b½ 42w0103b13,525,53234
87Ayats Masana Elies 25b½ 23w0 41b0 95w½115b1 28b½ 49w0 98w½ 72b0333,539,541
88Barrientos Andrade Jonathan 38w0 92b1 65w0 85b1 13w0 89b0 71w1 41b0 66w033339,543
89Jimenez Alvarez Otto Diego 72b1 20w0 4b0 67w1 54b0 88w1 39b0 -0 -0331,538,541,5
90Membrives Cano Diego 13w0115b1 49w½ 12b0116w1 18b0 92b½ 40w0 69b0331,53839,5
91Codina Casals Joan 64b0 72w0106b1 51w½ 77b0 84w½ 67b0115w1 63b0329,534,536
92Vazquez De Los Reyes Edgar -0 88w0 76b0117b1 86w1 24b½ 90w½ 67w0 60b032834,537,5
93Riera Escayola Josep116b1 19w0114b1 20w0 59w- -0 -0 66b0111w132833,535
94Lopez Martin Nil 45b0 96w0 50b½ 78w0 42b½114w1 64b0 72w0115b13283334,5
95Añor Corbera Unai 58w0 57b0 70w½ 87b½ 96w1 40b0 -0108b-108b+327,53335
96Torres Puig Carlos -0 94b1 28w0 62w0 95b0 42w0114b1112b1 71w0327,53334,5
97Escoriza Lusilla Laura 10w0109b0107w1 57b0113w1 -0 69b0 -0114w13263233,5
98Marin Palos Alex 21w0 65b0 71w0112b0118w1107b1 86w½ 87b½ 57w032530,533
99Julian Alvarez Angel 11w0 59b0112w1116b½ 61w0 85b1 24w0 -0 -02,530,53739
100Gardner Luis Eduard 77b0 50w1 25w0108b0 68w1 63b0 -0 81w½ 75b02,5283437
101Barrientos Andrade Benjamin 84w½ 32b0 12w0 70b0 66w0111w0118b+105b+ 77b02,5283435,5
102Rovira Farre Josep 49w0 70b1 24w0 60b0 -0103w0113b1 71b0107w½2,527,53435,5
103García Rodriguez Laia 56w0 68b0 82w1 34b0 80w0102b1 66w½ 78b0 86w02,527,53235
104Orellana Romero Hugo 4b0 67w0 51b0106w-117w1106b½105w1 82b0 83w02,526,533,535,5
105Fernandez Lopez Aitor 46b0117w+ 63w0 48w½ 51b0 67w0104b0101w-117b+2,526,531,533
106Uroz Lopez Ibai -0108b0 91w0104b+ -0104w½111b1 50w0 81b-2,5242931,5
107Georgieva Angelova Valeria 55w0 34b- 97b0 80b0 -1 98w0115b-113w1102b½2,52327,529
108Morant Lopez Francisco Javier 69b0106w1 11b0100w1 26b0 23w0 42b0 95w- 95w-231,53841
109Franquesa Llopart Albert -0 97w1 15b0 79w1 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0230,53639
110Diaz-Heredero Nuñez Antonio 51b1 27w0 37b0 16w0 -0 86b0 85w0114b0 -122934,535,5
111Gracia Asensio Carmen -0 61b½ 83w0 50w0 -0101b1106w0117b½ 93b02283334,5
112Moruno Peramiquel Ferran 37b0 86w0 99b0 98w1 67b1 70w0 84b0 96w0 -022732,535,5
113Santacana Nebot Roger -1 64w0 46b0 76w0 97b0 -0102w0107b0118w+2273233
114Cardona Espluga Nil 52b0 -1 93w0 47b0 82w0 94b0 96w0110w1 97b0225,53032
115Torres Herrera Pol -0 90w0 79b0 -1 87w0 68b0107w+ 91b0 94w02232830
116Navarro Vendrell Víctor 93w0 30b0 -1 99w½ 90b0 -0 82w0 83b0 -01,525,530,533
117Pelegrín Rocamora Josep -0105b- 85b0 92w0104b0118b1 -0111w½105w-1,5242931,5
118Pelegrín Serrano Elena -0 48w0 81b0 -0 98b0117w0101w- -1113b-121,526,527

Desempate 1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempate 2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempate 3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)