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XXXVII Torneig Open de Martorell Grup A (226272)

Última actualización17.11.2019 10:29:38, Propietario/Última carga: Jaume Gallart Zafra

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Cuadro cruzado por ranking inicial

No.Nombre1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts.Rk. Des 1  Des 2  Des 3 
1GMMunoz Miguel 16w1 -0 14b1 15w½ 9b1 3w½ 2b0 10w1 7b½5,54384649
2FMEsplugas Esteve Vicenc 17b1 7w1 3b0 12w1 4b1 11w1 1w1 9b1 6b18136,54448
3IMGual Pascual Antonio 18w1 32b1 2w1 11b1 7w½ 1b½ 31b1 4w½ 16w17,5234,542,543,5
4IMGonzalez Rodriguez Jorge A. 19b1 15w½ -0 24b1 2w0 12b½ 17w1 3b½ 9w15,5535,543,547
5MKNieto Farreny Francesc 20w1 -0 17b1 7b0 11w0 21w½ 25b1 6w0 14b14,511333942
6FMAvila Jimenez Xavier 21b1 30w½ 15b0 29w1 -0 16b1 7w½ 5b1 2w056364448,5
7MKCampos Olaya Israel 22w1 2b0 18b1 5w1 3b½ 31w½ 6b½ 15w1 1w½6337,545,548,5
8MKNoria Silvestre Joaquin 23b½ 11w0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00,53121,52627,5
9Sirera Bargallo Tomas 24w½ 26b½ 31b½ 21w1 1w0 30b1 11b1 2w0 4b04,510334145
10MKLacasta Palacio Joaquim 25b½ 23w½ -0 30b½ 24w½ 22b1 14w1 1b0 29w041829,535,538
11Gonzalez Cuervo Eloy 26w½ 8b1 30w1 3w0 5b1 2b0 9w0 16b0 17w-3,52034,542,546,5
12Boyer Censore Giuseppe Enmanuel 28b1 -0 32w1 2b0 30w½ 4w½ 15b0 31w½ 25b03,52133,541,542,5
13MKMenac Comas Joan Ramon 29w1 -0 -0 25b0 32w1 24b½ 16w0 17b½ 28b14163136,537,5
14Sharaibi Olufemi 30b0 24b1 1w0 23w1 31b0 25w½ 10b0 22w+ 5w03,522303638,5
15MKMacaya Ruiz Alfons 31w1 4b½ 6w1 1b½ -0 -0 12w1 7b0 30w½4,5837,543,547,5
16Ayala Abenza Jose Luis 1b0 21w½ 23b1 31w½ 29b½ 6w0 13b1 11w1 3b04,593441,544
17Duran Montero Manuel 2w0 22b1 5w0 26b1 -0 28w1 4b0 13w½ 11b+4,51331,539,542,5
18Torrents Busquet Marti 3b0 27w+ 7w0 32b½ -0 -0 26w½ -0 23b13242835,536,5
19Creus Sola Andreu 4w0 29b½ 25w½ 28b0 26w½ 23b0 -0 32w1 -02,52626,532,533,5
20Ruiz Herrero Victor 5b0 28w½ 21b0 -0 -0 -1 32w1 -0 -02,52824,529,530,5
21MKBorrellas Comellas Josep 6w0 16b½ 20w1 9b0 28w½ 5b½ 24w1 30b½ 31b½4,51430,53639
22Luque Castells Jordi 7b0 17w0 -0 -1 23b1 10w0 30w0 14b- -022926,532,535
23Lopez Artigas Sergio 8w½ 10b½ 16w0 14b0 22w0 19w1 28b0 26b½ 18w02,5272630,533,5
24Canela Gimenez Maria Concepcion 9b½ 14w0 28b1 4w0 10b½ 13w½ 21b0 25w½ 32b141929,535,536,5
25Lluverol Torrents Salvador 10w½ -0 19b½ 13w1 -0 14b½ 5w0 24b½ 12w1417313639
26Soler Bel Josep 11b½ 9w½ -0 17w0 19b½ -0 18b½ 23w½ -02,525283335,5
27Bieg Pagel Clemens -0 18b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0032212627
28Cabanillas Roca Christian 12w0 20b½ 24w0 19w1 21b½ 17b0 23w1 29b0 13w032329,534,537
29Aullon Coral Nil 13b0 19w½ -1 6b0 16w½ 32b1 -0 28w1 10b1572934,535,5
30Ruiz Soria Adria 14w1 6b½ 11b0 10w½ 12b½ 9w0 22b1 21w½ 15b½4,5153035,538,5
31Gomez Navais Marcal 15b0 -1 9w½ 16b½ 14w1 7b½ 3w0 12b½ 21w½4,51232,54043
32Cots Valls Jordi -1 3w0 12b0 18w½ 13b0 29w0 20b0 19b0 24w01,5303037,541

Desempate 1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempate 2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempate 3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)