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Campeonato Mineiro Blitz 2019 (CXSSP)

Última Atualização12.08.2019 20:59:41, Criado por / Última atualização: Ricardo Oliveira

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Tabela cruzada final após 11 rondas

Rk.NomeFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.Rd10.Rd11.RdPts. Desp1  Desp2  Desp3  Desp4  Desp5 Rp
1BRAGHINI ErlonBRA 46w1 31b1 7w1 5b1 2w1 3b1 4w1 9b½ 6w1 8b1 10w110,5074,578,51052059
2LEAO Thales BraghiniBRA 48b1 49w1 16b1 24w1 1b0 4w0 20b1 10b1 9w1 5b1 3w½8,507175861750
3NMDOMINGUES Jair VicenteBRA 52w1 21b1 15w1 10b1 9w½ 1w0 8b1 4b1 5w0 7b1 2b½8076,580761757
4DE LIMA Mateus PeresBRA 13w1 47b1 19w1 9b½ 5w1 2b1 1b0 3w0 17w1 6b½ 15w1807680751778
5VASCONCELOS Yan De MeloBRA 44b1 8w1 18b1 1w0 4b0 25w1 32b1 21w1 3b1 2w0 9w1807377,5851606
6KAWAGOE Julio CesarBRA 23w1 20b1 10w0 28b1 12w1 22b1 9w½ 7b1 1b0 4w½ 11b1807277,5761640
7DOS SANTOS Ivan VilacaBRA 25b1 14w1 1b0 8w½ 17b1 11w1 15b1 6w0 22b1 3w0 16b17,50,57379761602
8Avelar Flavio dos ReisBRA 34w1 5b0 30w1 7b½ 20w1 12b1 3w0 22b1 15w1 1w0 23b17,50,57175,5751558
9DOS SANTOS Dwlyan SilvaBRA 32b1 39w1 11b1 4w½ 3b½ 16w1 6b½ 1w½ 2b0 20w1 5b07075,580,5561702
10CAMPOS Vitor Salgueiro CanoasBRA 33w1 35b1 6b1 3w0 11b1 15w½ 16b½ 2w0 25b1 12w1 1b0707378661614
11CAMPOS Larissa De OliveiraBRA 29w1 12b1 9w0 23b1 10w0 7b0 26w1 13b1 14w1 17b1 6w07068,574751376
12SILVA Fabricio De PaulaBRA 51b1 11w0 38b1 18w1 6b0 8w0 36b1 23w1 21b1 10b0 25w17063,567,5761278
13Soleto Javier IgnacioBRA 4b0 51w1 34b1 16w0 37b1 24w1 21b0 11w0 31b1 22w1 20b1706064761350
14DOS SANTOS Luis Gustavo GabrielBRA 22w1 7b0 20w0 31b1 23w0 46b1 24b1 32w1 11b0 27w1 28w1706064751298
15FERREIRA Diego DonizeteBRA 17b1 55w1 3b0 32w1 24b1 10b½ 7w0 16w1 8b0 21w1 4b06,5067,571661406
16PASCHOA Brenno David PereiraBRA 26w1 30b1 2w0 13b1 35w1 9b0 10w½ 15b0 18w1 29b1 7w06,506772651400
17GOMES Kaue FrancaBRA 15w0 57b+ 21b1 19b½ 7w0 30b1 33w1 27w1 4b0 11w0 32b16,506367,5651351
18DE SOUZA Vitor AlexandreBRA 28w1 56b1 5w0 12b0 53w1 20b0 29w½ 19b1 16b0 31w1 30b16,505962661218
19DA SILVA Isaac Oliveira MoreiraBRA 58b1 50w1 4b0 17w½ 21b0 31w0 44b1 18w0 34w1 40b1 29w16,505557651137
20MENDES Deivid WilliamBRA 37b1 6w0 14b1 26w1 8b0 18w1 2w0 34b1 33w1 9b0 13w06067,572651288
21MELLO Davi MendesBRA 38b1 3w0 17w0 55b1 19w1 26b1 13w1 5b0 12w0 15b0 35w1606568,5651286
22DUARTE Andrew Santos CME-MGBRA 14b0 53w1 29b1 25w1 33b1 6w0 23b1 8w0 7w0 13b0 38b16064,568661182
23SABI Igor Gabriel BezerraBRA 6b0 42w1 50b1 11w0 14b1 36w1 22w0 12b0 40w1 33b1 8w0606266651214
24DIAS Renan FerreiraBRA 41w1 36b1 31w1 2b0 15w0 13b0 14w0 29b0 26w1 37b1 33w16060,565651177
25SILVA Joyce CarolineBRA 7w0 45b1 36w1 22b0 47w1 5b0 35w1 28b1 10w0 32w1 12b0606064651255
26DOS SANTOS Luis Felipe AparecidoBRA 16b0 27w1 39b1 20b0 28w1 21w0 11b0 42w1 24b0 36w1 34b16057,562661172
27BATISTA David FerreiraBRA 30w0 26b0 56w1 38b1 29w1 33b0 37w1 17b0 41w1 14b0 42w1605558651036
28ARAUJO Gabriel PaulinoBRA 18b0 58w1 37b1 6w0 26b0 42w1 38b1 25w0 35b1 30w½ 14b05,505961561080
29FERREIRA Julian Alexandre BenjamiimBRA 11b0 54b1 22w0 50w1 27b0 39w1 18b½ 24w1 44b1 16w0 19b05,505861,5561209
30GOULART Milena Augusta De Oliveira DosBRA 27b1 16w0 8b0 39w1 40b1 17w0 31b0 48w1 47w1 28b½ 18w05,505761551046
31SILVA Antonio Roberto FerreiraBRA 59w1 1w0 24b0 14w0 50b1 19b1 30w1 33b0 13w0 18b0 51w1506263,5551129
32RODRIGUES Heloara DiasBRA 9w0 41b1 43w1 15b0 34w1 35b1 5w0 14b0 37w1 25b0 17w0506064,5551185
33DE SOUZA Luiz Flader AparecidoBRA 10b0 40w1 49b1 47b1 22w0 27w1 17b0 31w1 20b0 23w0 24b0505761561075
34FIDELIS Victor HugoBRA 8b0 -1 13w0 49w1 32b0 40w1 48b1 20w0 19b0 46b1 26w05055,559,545964
35GIROLA Raquelly AgathaBRA 40b1 10w0 48b1 53w1 16b0 32w0 25b0 38w1 28w0 47b1 21b0505457,5561049
36Brito Wellington Junior da SilvaBRA -1 24w0 25b0 44w1 48b1 23b0 12w0 41b0 56w1 26b0 46w15053,556,545963
37BATISTA Murilo Soares E SilvaBRA 20w0 52b1 28w0 46b1 13w0 47b1 27b0 39w1 32b0 24w0 50b15052,55656996
38MACHADO Matheus SoaresBRA 21w0 46b1 12w0 27w0 49b1 54b1 28w0 35b0 39w1 51b1 22w05052,556551004
39DA SILVA Eduardo RibeiroBRA 43w1 9b0 26w0 30b0 56w1 29b0 46w1 37b0 38b0 49w1 44b1505154561053
40LANDIM Emilly Elizabeth PaesBRA 35w0 33b0 41w1 43b1 30w0 34b0 55b1 50w1 23b0 19w0 48b1505053,556996
41DA SILVA Marcos Henrique RodriguesBRA 24b0 32w0 40b0 57b1 43w1 48w0 49b1 36w1 27b0 42b0 55w15047,550,556996
RODRIGUES Ronan Otavio NunesBRA 47w0 23b0 46w0 52b1 55w1 28b0 56w1 26b0 49b1 41w1 27b05047,550,556964
43GIROLA Nikoly Tifany SouzaBRA 39b0 44w1 32b0 40w0 41b0 55w0 -1 46b0 59w1 45b1 47w15043,54545928
44DE OLIVEIRA Janio Savio OrnelasBRA 5w0 43b0 59w1 36b0 45w½ 56b1 19w0 54b1 29w0 55b1 39w04,50,548,550451041
45ERNESTO Samuel TellesBRA 49b0 25w0 58b1 48w0 44b½ 53b½ 47w0 57w1 55b½ 43w0 56b14,50,5404236935
46DA SILVA Guilherme Henrique RodriguesBRA 1b0 38w0 42b1 37w0 51b1 14w0 39b0 43w1 50b1 34w0 36b040555946999
47NEVES Enzo Fleming BernardesBRA 42b1 4w0 55b1 33w0 25b0 37w0 45b1 51w1 30b0 35w0 43b04052,55646970
48COSTA Hyan Jose MonteiroBRA 2w0 59b1 35w0 45b1 36w0 41b1 34w0 30b0 51w0 52b1 40w0405051,545981
49Vilaça Henzo HenriqueBRA 45w1 2b0 33w0 34b0 38w0 59b1 41w0 52b1 42w0 39b0 58w1404849,545981
50CASTRO Pedro Henrique SilvaBRA 57w1 19b0 23w0 29b0 31w0 52b1 54w1 40b0 46w0 58b1 37w040474945930
51DE OLIVEIRA Tayna IngridBRA 12w0 13b0 52w1 56b0 46w0 57b1 53w1 47b0 48b1 38w0 31b040464946898
52MACIEL Heloisa Do NascimentoBRA 3b0 37w0 51b0 42w0 -1 50w0 58b1 49w0 54b1 48w0 59b14042,54435946
53OLIVEIRA Guilherme Eliude SantosBRA 56w½ 22b0 54w1 35b0 18b0 45w½ 51b0 55w0 58w0 59b1 -1404142,525896
54DIAS Andre Cosme OliveiraBRA 55b0 29w0 53b0 58w1 59b1 38w0 50b0 44w0 52w0 -1 57b1403738,535851
55LIMA Maria Carolina CamposBRA 54w1 15b0 47w0 21w0 42b0 43b1 40w0 53b1 45w½ 44w0 41b03,5048,55235925
56DO NASCIMENTO Vitor SantosBRA 53b½ 18w0 27b0 51w1 39b0 44w0 42b0 -1 36b0 57w1 45w03,5046,549,525807
57PEREIRA Elis MariaBRA 50b0 17w- -0 41w0 58b1 51w0 59w½ 45b0 -1 56b0 54w02,513940,514749
58Santos Luiz Henrique VitorBRA 19w0 28b0 45w0 54b0 57w0 -1 52w0 59b½ 53b1 50w0 49b02,5040,54215740
59TURRA Matheus Felipe Ramos Dos SantoBRA 31b0 48w0 44b0 -1 54w0 49w0 57b½ 58w½ 43b0 53w0 52w020394104634

Desempate 1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Desempate 2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempate 3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempate 4: The greater number of victories (variable)
Desempate 5: Most black