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III Open Ajedrez de Algarrobo XXV Circuito Provincial de Ajedrez Diputacion Malaga

Última actualización11.08.2019 13:42:24, Propietario/Última carga: RUBIO DOBLAS, Javier

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Cuadro cruzado por clasificación final después de 7 rondas

Rk.Nombre1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. Des 1  Des 2  Des 3 
1Martinez Rodriguez Pablo 25b1 28w1 14b1 8w1 15b1 2w1 4b½6,530,562199
2Ledesma Claros Daniel 50b1 29w1 19b1 12w1 4b1 1b0 9w1630,562050
3Exposito Garcia Francisco 58b1 16w0 48b1 40w1 21b1 10w1 11b162561847
4Marquinez Capillas Francisco Jose 48w1 32b1 9w1 18b1 2w0 13b1 1w½5,53151987
5Antunez Muñoz Ines 53b1 37w1 15b0 20w1 16b1 8w1 6b½5,52851851
6Fomani Mehdi 72w1 17b1 21w1 15w0 22b1 26b1 5w½5,527,551819
7Alba Linero Emilio 41b½ 60w1 51b1 16w1 8b0 24w1 23b15,52551680
8Jimenez De La Torre Jose Antonio 61w1 31b1 10w1 1b0 7w1 5b0 28w1529,551822
9Rodriguez Galvez Pedro 57b1 20w1 4b0 51w1 29b1 15w1 2b0527,551801
10Gutierrez Lupion Nuria 87w+ 23w1 8b0 50w1 18b1 3b0 26w152751768
11Cadenas Falcon Carlos 35w1 27b0 47w1 34b1 32w1 17b1 3w0526,551700
12Jimenez Clavero Miguel Angel 44w1 33b1 27w1 2b0 17w0 46b1 31w1525,551699
13Sanchez Lopez Jesus 84b1 43w1 16b0 30w1 28b1 4w0 29b1525,551639
14Gutierrez Lupion Daniel 54w1 46b1 1w0 17b0 55w1 27b1 30w152551696
15Diez Gonzalez Pedro Maria 47w1 34b1 5w1 6b1 1w0 9b0 21w½4,53141821
16Peña Rodriguez Victor 82w1 3b1 13w1 7b0 5w0 18w½ 42b14,53041642
17Gomez Salva Roberto 69b1 6w0 68b1 14w1 12b1 11w0 19b½4,527,541643
18Broekman Willem 42b1 30w1 22b1 4w0 10w0 16b½ 40w14,526,541731
19Garret Martinez Jose Francisco 56w1 38b1 2w0 27b1 26w0 33b1 17w½4,526,541656
20Dominguez Jurado Antonio 26w1 9b0 49w1 5b0 54w1 34b1 22b½4,52641657
21Camacho Dominguez Florencio Manuel 64b1 73w1 6b0 35w1 3w0 52b1 15b½4,52641570
22Ruiz Castillo Francisco Jose 49w1 52b1 18w0 33b1 6w0 38b1 20w½4,525,541615
23Peña Rodriguez Alvaro 65w1 10b0 75w1 24b½ 36w1 40b1 7w04,52541482
24Martin Morales Fernando 79b1 40w½ 39b½ 23w½ 41b1 7b0 43w14,524,531461
25Lopez Cano Jose Joaquin 1w0 63b½ 81w1 36b0 56w1 44b1 59w14,52341474
26Moyano Diaz Jesus Damian 20b0 57w1 37b1 43w1 19b1 6w0 10b0426,541604
27Gaspar Lopez Daniel 81b1 11w1 12b0 19w0 35b1 14w0 47b1426,541576
28Alba Atencia Jose Antonio 71w1 1b0 61w1 38b1 13w0 47b1 8b0426,541556
29Jimenez Tejada Juan Jose 45w1 2b0 72w1 52b1 9w0 62b1 13w0425,541468
30Cortes Fernandez Juan 77w1 18b0 54w1 13b0 49w1 32b1 14b0424,541497
31Caro Garcia Jose Luis 88b+ 8w0 35b0 56b1 68w1 37w1 12b042441442
32Garcia Balderas Francisco Jose 66b1 4w0 42b1 67w1 11b0 30w0 55b1423,541484
33Gamiz Fernandez Juan 80b1 12w0 53b1 22w0 57b1 19w0 58b142341411
34Lupiañez Sanchez Luis 85b1 15w0 58b1 11w0 50b1 20w0 48b142341373
35Millan Parraga Alejandro 11b0 69w1 31w1 21b0 27w0 65b1 46w1422,541446
36Perez Garin Antonio Silverio 60b½ 41w1 40b0 25w1 23b0 42w½ 51b1422,531416
37Moyano Jaime Sebastian 75w1 5b0 26w0 78b1 69w1 31b0 49w142041357
38Perez Portillo Juan 74b1 19w0 73b1 28w0 70b1 22w0 64b1419,541306
39Gallardo Campos Manuel Ignacio 63w½ 55b1 24w½ 46b0 47w0 54b1 52w1419,531355
40Serrano Cobos Ruben 67w1 24b½ 36w1 3b0 46w1 23w0 18b03,52631490
41Gomez Arce Alejandro 7w½ 36b0 76w1 44b1 24w0 43w0 62b13,52431324
42Gonzalez Gil Antonio Jesus 18w0 45b1 32w0 71b1 59w1 36b½ 16w03,523,531370
43Gaspar Lopez Rocio 70w1 13b0 56w½ 26b0 61w1 41b1 24b03,52331342
44Colloridi Dominic 12b0 81w½ 60b1 41w0 66b1 25w0 67b13,520,531279
45Martin Morales Adrian 29b0 42w0 74b0 83w1 53b½ 79w1 68b13,51731053
46Dominguez Lopez Antonio 89b+ 14w0 63b1 39w1 40b0 12w0 35b0324,531354
47Ortiz Valero Salvador 15b0 66w1 11b0 73w1 39b1 28w0 27w032431392
48Martin Toril Santiago 4b0 64w1 3w0 49b0 81w1 69b1 34w0323,531367
49Segura Exposito Jorge 22b0 62w1 20b0 48w1 30b0 50w1 37b032331374
50Romero Caballero Jose Alberto 2w0 71b1 59w1 10b0 34w0 49b0 77w1322,531345
51Gutierrez Morales Antonio 76w1 59b1 7w0 9b0 62w0 78b1 36w0322,531240
52Segura Exposito Alfredo 62b1 22w0 70b1 29w0 67b1 21w0 39b032231265
53Rossi Poikat Simon 5w0 65b1 33w0 62b0 45w½ 81b1 56w½32221196
54Garcia Lopez Enrique 14b0 80w1 30b0 74w1 20b0 39w0 70w1321,531236
55Jimenez Delgado Antonio Miguel 68b1 39w0 67b0 64w1 14b0 63w1 32w0321,531234
56Fernandez Garcia Antonio 19b0 74w1 43b½ 31w0 25b0 66w1 53b½321,521262
57Colloridi Catalina 9w0 26b0 77w1 76b1 33w0 59b0 69w132031247
58Arce Gonzalez Dario 3w0 77b1 34w0 69b0 71w1 70b1 33w032031197
59Gonzalez Alba Juan Carlos 78b1 51w0 50b0 63w1 42b0 57w1 25b032031195
60Macias Arquillo Jose 36w½ 7b0 44w0 81b0 74b1 61w½ 80b132021149
61Lobato Montes Juan Manuel 8b0 85w1 28b0 66w½ 43b0 60b½ 71w132021120
62Rojas Moreno Jose Angel 52w0 49b0 85b1 53w1 51b1 29w0 41w0319,531099
63Romero Soler Saul 39b½ 25w½ 46w0 59b0 75w1 55b0 72w131921162
64Dominguez Zamorano Pepe 21w0 48b0 82w1 55b0 76w1 72b1 38w0318,531105
65Oostveen Michiel Jozef Sergei 23b0 53w0 66b0 85w1 79b1 35w0 78b13183959
66Dominguez Jurado Alvaro 32w0 47b0 65w1 61b½ 44w0 56b0 76w12,519,521110
67Wirthwein Vega Kilian 40b0 -1 55w1 32b0 52w0 68b½ 44w02,519,511110
68Serrano Morales Sebastian 55w0 82b1 17w0 75b1 31b0 67w½ 45w02,518,521041
69Herrera Ariza Lucas 17w0 35b0 79b1 58w1 37b0 48w0 57b0221,521141
70Lopez Linares Eduardo 43b0 84w+ 52w0 72b1 38w0 58w0 54b02192953
71Abasto Garcia Eric 28b0 50w0 80b1 42w0 58b0 75w1 61b0218,521036
72Martin Callejon Fernando 6b0 83w1 29b0 70w0 73b1 64w0 63b0218,52986
73Azuaga Ariza Sebastian 86b+ 21b0 38w0 47b0 72w0 76b0 81w1218,52943
74Pastor Ruiz Alejandro 38w0 56b0 45w1 54b0 60w0 77b0 82w1218,52928
75Pastor Martin Victor Javier 37b0 78w1 23b0 68w0 63b0 71b0 85w12182857
76Rivas Gonzalez Rafael 51b0 79w1 41b0 57w0 64b0 73w1 66b02172957
77Fernandez Garcia Jairo 30b0 58w0 57b0 80w0 83b1 74w1 50b02172935
78Segura Vinuesa Alfredo 59w0 75b0 83b1 37w0 80b1 51w0 65w02172849
79Llamas Rodriguez Javier 24w0 76b0 69w0 82b1 65w0 45b0 83w1216,52808
80Millan Parraga Estefania 33w0 54b0 71w0 77b1 78w0 82b1 60w02162882
81Juntilla Oatis Edrick 27w0 44b½ 25b0 60w1 48b0 53w0 73b01,52111058
82Jordan Lopez Angel Etlar 16b0 68w0 64b0 79w0 85b1 80w0 74b01161631
83Garcia Esposito Diego Leandro -0 72b0 78w0 45b0 77w0 85w1 79b0115,51527
84Haehnle De Haro Daniel 13w0 70b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0017,50844
85Abasto Garcia Sergio 34w0 61b0 62w0 65b0 82w0 83b0 75b0016,50142
86Martinez Peran Ivan 73w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0016,505
Moreno Chicano Angel 10b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0016,505
Coromina Martinez David 31w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0016,505
Palma Troya Ignacio Pedro 46w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0016,505

Desempate 1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempate 2: The greater number of victories (variable)
Desempate 3: Recursive Ratingperformance