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III Pullman Riga Old Town Hotel Open Rapid Chess 2020 B-1700

Last update 29.02.2020 18:38:13, Creator/Last Upload: Riga Chess federation

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1MKPlume Gunars1669LAT 22w1 13b0 20w1 21b1 8w½ 14b1 7w1 3b0 10w16,5444,547,51555
2IPomahs Ziedonis1581LAT 23b0 6b1 24w1 15w1 10b0 11w1 3b0 31w+ 12w051343,5471389
3ILazdina Ingrida1574LAT 24w1 14b1 13w0 12b½ 16w1 4b1 2w1 1w1 23b17,5146,5511691
4IZvaunis Maris1479LAT 25b1 15w1 19b1 13w0 11b1 3w0 29b1 7b0 16w16547,5511487
5IJansone Melanija Luize1449LAT 26w1 16b0 28w1 18b1 23w0 8b1 21w1 13b1 7w06842451456
6ILacis Aleksandrs1440LAT 27b½ 2w0 41b1 19w½ 26b1 17w0 24w0 28b0 22w½3,53235,538,51197
7IValdats Reinis1437LAT 28w1 17b1 16w1 23b1 13b1 10w0 1b0 4w1 5b17346,550,51615
8IHemmelis Viesturs1431LAT 29b1 19w0 27b1 17w1 1b½ 5w0 15b0 25w0 20b03,53043,547,51270
9IIPabriks Artis1406LAT 30w1 18b1 21w½ 10b0 14w0 40w½ 11b1 16b0 28w042636,539,51241
10IBirjukovs Anatolijs1405LAT 31b1 21w0 25b1 9w1 2w1 7b1 13b0 23w0 1b051247511429
11IGubanovs Ivo1390LAT 32w1 20b1 23w0 16b1 4w0 2b0 9w0 30b0 34w-33538,5421256
12IMaklakova Naomi1387LAT 33b1 23w0 26b1 3w½ 29b0 25w1 31b½ 15w1 2b16743451420
13IPodojniks Marks Ernests1366LAT 34w1 1w1 3b1 4b1 7w0 23b1 10w1 5w0 24b17249,553,51619
14ISusejs Voldemars1366LAT 35b1 3w0 29b½ 27w1 9b1 1w0 40b0 19w0 32b14,5224144,51281
15IIKrakops Martijs1362LAT 36w1 4b0 30w1 2b0 24w½ 32b1 8w1 12b0 21w15,5103838,51390
16IBartoss Marjans1361LAT 37b1 5w1 7b0 11w0 3b0 26w1 30b1 9w1 4b05144245,51395
17IIJansons Edijs1361LAT 38w1 7w0 40b1 8b0 30w1 6b1 23w0 21b0 31w042539,5431206
18IGogins Deniss1357LAT 39b1 9w0 42b1 5w0 40b0 31w0 26b1 20w0 38b03363537,51052
19ITolmacevs Romans1320LAT 40w1 8b1 4w0 6b½ 21w0 24b0 32w1 14b1 27w½51837,5411340
20IPavlovs Ostins1319LAT 41b1 11w0 1b0 29w0 37w1 28b0 22w1 18b1 8w152033,536,51321
21IVizulis Alfreds1311LAT 42w1 10b1 9b½ 1w0 19b1 29w½ 5b0 17w1 15b05154143,51393
22IKalnins Girts1288LAT 1b0 27w0 37b0 36w1 33b1 30w0 20b0 26w½ 6b½33833,5341106
23IRezniks Roberts1276LAT 2w1 12b1 11b1 7w0 5b1 13w0 17b1 10b1 3w0664750,51564
24IKipluka Anna Krista1274LAT 3b0 34w1 2b0 33w1 15b½ 19w1 6b1 40w1 13w05,5941,543,51375
25IPrudnikovs Stefans1263LAT 4w0 36b1 10w0 32b½ 38w1 12b0 28w1 8b1 40w15,51137,5381306
26IIKantans Jekabs1254LAT 5b0 35w1 12w0 37b1 6w0 16b0 18w0 22b½ 36w13,5333434,51174
27IJansons Kristers Roberts1230LAT 6w½ 22b1 8w0 14b0 32w0 39b1 41w1 29w1 19b½5213133,51284
28IISinicins Sergejs1185LAT 7b0 37w1 5b0 40w0 42b1 20w1 25b0 6w1 9b151739,5421300
29IVarpins Kristians1181LAT 8w0 38b1 14w½ 20b1 12w1 21b½ 4w0 27b0 30w151639,5431343
30IIIPucinskis Mihails1178LAT 9b0 39w1 15b0 42w1 17b0 22b1 16w0 11w1 29b042732,5351218
31ILeja Deivids1169LAT 10w0 40b0 32w½ 39b1 41w1 18b1 12w½ 2b- 17b151934,5371302
32ISharakov Petr1145RUS 11b0 41w½ 31b½ 25w½ 27b1 15w0 19b0 35b1 14w03,53138411153
33IIIMaklakova Dafne992LAT 12w0 42b0 36w1 24b0 22w0 38b1 37w0 39w0 35b02413131,5885
34IIIKantans Ansis1024LAT 13b0 24b0 38w½ 41w0 35b0 36w1 39b1 37w1 11b+4,5243333,51037
35IISolins Martins0LAT 14w0 26b0 39w½ 38b0 34w1 41b0 36b1 32w0 33w13,5342727,51007
36IIZavicka Luize Paula0LAT 15b0 25w0 33b0 22b0 39w0 34b0 35w0 42w½ 26b00,5423032687
37IIIGroma Marta0LAT 16w0 28b0 22w1 26w0 20b0 42w1 33b1 34b0 41w142831331115
38IIISkreitule Undine0LAT 17b0 29w0 34b½ 35w1 25b0 33w0 42b1 41b½ 18w142930,532,51088
39IVBarinov Demiyan0LAT 18w0 30b0 35b½ 31w0 36b1 27w0 34w0 33b1 42b02,54029,530940
40Bulans Lauris0LAT 19b0 31w1 17w0 28b1 18w1 9b½ 14w1 24b0 25b04,52339421300
41Deshpande Kumar Suresh0LAT 20w0 32b½ 6w0 34b1 31b0 35w1 27b0 38w½ 37b033734,5381022
42Severnijs Nikita0LAT 21b0 33w1 18w0 30b0 28w0 37b0 38w0 36b½ 39w12,53929,530948

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Performance (variable with parameter)