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III Pullman Riga Old Town Hotel Open Blitz Chess 2020

Last update 01.03.2020 15:12:55, Creator/Last Upload: Riga Chess federation

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.Rd10.Rd11.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1GMNeiksans Arturs2614LAT 52w1 26b0 54w1 36b1 19w½ 44b1 16w1 13b0 17b- -0 -05,54967722163
2IMLaurusas Tomas2558LTU 53b1 29w1 15b1 11w1 16b½ 9w1 4b½ 10w1 5b0 13w1 6b08475802473
3GMHellers Ferdinand2553SWE 54w1 28b1 14w0 37b1 20w½ 22b0 48b1 63w1 15b½ 23w0 34b171866712135
4GMStupak Kirill2528BLR 55b1 31w1 17b1 14w½ 10w1 16b1 2w½ 5w0 7b½ 11w1 9b18,5273,5792499
5GMMeshkovs Nikita2497LAT 56w1 30b½ 78w1 22b0 59b1 48w1 20w1 4b1 2w1 12b1 17w19,5167,571,52381
6GMLugovskoy Maxim2465RUS 57b1 33w1 19b1 16w0 21b1 15w1 13b½ 9w0 25b1 7w1 2w18,537075,52432
7GMPultinevicius Paulius2458LTU 58w1 32b1 16w0 38b1 24w1 14b1 10w0 21b1 4w½ 6b0 22w17,5107175,52314
8IMSveshnikov Vladimir2373LAT 59b1 37w1 21b0 39w1 25b0 45w0 78b1 40w½ 44b1 26w1 11b½72164682049
9IMTroyke Christian2366GER 60w1 34b1 24w½ 48b1 22w1 2b0 12w1 6b1 13w½ 17b0 4w07127176,52306
10GMSveshnikov Evgeny2362RUS 61b1 39w1 25b1 21w1 4b0 17w1 7b1 2b0 12w0 35w1 15b18572762383
11IMBerzinsh Roland2358LAT 62w1 36b1 26w1 2b0 44w0 38b1 22w½ 30b1 20w1 4b0 8w½71567,5712228
12FMMustaps Matiss2352LAT 63b1 43w½ 49b1 27w1 14b½ 25w1 9b0 23w1 10b1 5w0 18b07117378,52230
13IMCasper Thomas2318GER 64w1 38b1 48w½ 24b½ 26w1 18b1 6w½ 1w1 9b½ 2b0 19w071370742287
14FMChukavin Kirill2311EST 65b1 45w1 3b1 4b½ 12w½ 7w0 30b½ 27w½ 33b1 43w1 23b071469,575,52247
15FMVas Peter2301SWE 66w1 40b1 2w0 41b1 56w1 6b0 31w1 22b½ 3w½ 32b1 10w07166771,52221
16FMVedrickas Tautvydas2274LTU 67b1 47w1 7b1 6b1 2w½ 4w0 1b0 35w0 51b½ 45w1 37b06337176,52191
17IMAntoms Guntars2234LAT 68w1 42b1 4w0 40b1 63w1 10b0 33w1 24b1 1w+ 9w1 5b0867074,52247
18WFMChernyak Viktoria2217RUS 69b½ 35w½ 51b1 45w1 31b1 13w0 63b0 37w1 34b1 27w1 12w18964692151
19FMSemjonovs Ilja2186LAT 70w1 44b1 6w0 42b1 1b½ 30w½ 35b½ 43w½ 45b1 63w1 13b18766712200
20NMKretainis Kristaps2183LAT 71b1 49w0 53b1 47w1 3b½ 78w1 5b0 44w1 11b0 25w1 35b½72065692098
21MKPein Jonathan2149ENG 72w1 46b1 8w1 10b0 6w0 39b1 34w1 7w0 43b0 30b1 36w171766,571,52193
22NMStepanov Timofej2127LAT 73b1 51w½ 43b1 5w1 9b0 3w1 11b½ 15w½ 35b0 40w1 7b06,52670752217
23WGMBerzina Ilze2121LAT 74w1 48b0 52w1 44b0 50w1 40b1 37w1 12b0 36w1 3b1 14w18864,569,52163
24WFMGorozhankina Julia2108LAT 75b1103w1 9b½ 13w½ 7b0 47w1 45b1 17w0 63b0 49w½ 48b16,5316263,51972
25MKBabrauskas Darius2098LTU 76w1 50b1 10w0 46b1 8w1 12b0 44w½ 26b1 6w0 20b0 63b16,52965,569,52109
26MKAgafonov Yuri Dr2094LAT 77b1 1w1 11b0 49w1 13b0 57w½ 51b1 25w0 48w1 8b0 44w05,55063,5692023
27MKGolubovskis Maksims2092LAT 78w½ 92b1 30w1 12b0 48w0 62b1 57w1 14b½ 42w1 18b0 38w172558,5621996
28FMDzjuba Vsevolod2087LAT 79b1 3w0 59b0 73w1 47b0 65w1 50b1 45w0 54b1 51w1 52b064358,5631816
29MKUrankar Hans-Peter2083GER 80w1 2b0 56w0 72b½ 84w½ 66w1 52b0 70b½ 78w1 58b1 57w16,53254581751
30NMJazdanovs Aleksandrs2078LAT 81b1 5w½ 27b0 58w1 51b1 19b½ 14w½ 11w0 57b1 21w0 49b16,52766,570,52060
31FMLevchenkov Vitaly2062LAT 82w1 4b0 60w1 50b1 18w0 42b1 15b0 47w0 55b1 52w0 51b½5,55163,568,51890
32MKZiogas Modestas2059LTU 83b1 7w0 61b1 59w0 49b1 63w0 53b1 52w1 47b1 15w0 43b17236063,51935
33FMMartinkus Rolandas2045LTU 84w1 6b0 68w1 56b0 52w1 59b1 17b0 49w1 14w0 38b0 53w16376266,51911
34NMBekasovs Rihards2041LAT 85b1 9w0 63b0 75w1 53b1 77w1 21b0 56w1 18w0 42b1 3w063960641918
35WFMSinitsina Anastassia2039EST 86w½ 18b½ 70w1 63b0 60w1 56b1 19w½ 16b1 22w1 10b0 20w½71965,5702042
36MKMelderis Uldis1988LAT 87b1 11w0 65b1 1w0 57b0 67w1 54b1 77w1 23b0 47w1 21b06356367,51915
37MKSinauridze Simons1976LAT 88w1 8b0 72w1 3w0 61b1 91w1 23b0 18b0 56w1 46b1 16w172460632016
38WFMKrumina Linda1928LAT 89b1 13w0 67b1 7w0 66b1 11w0 56b0 71w1 61b1 33w1 27b064159631933
39MKWalther Cliff1913GER 90w1 10b0 74w1 8b0 70w1 21w0 60b½ 42b0 79w1 82b½ 56w164457,561,51819
40MKGudovskis Konstantins1901LAT 91b1 15w0 71b1 17w0 67b1 23w0 59w1 8b½ 58w1 22b0 70w16,53062,565,51948
41MKPavlovs Nikita1900LAT 92w0 86b1 76w1 15w0 77b0 70b0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0210248511491
42WFMVidruska Renate1895LAT 93b1 17w0 73b1 19w0 85b1 31w0 91b1 39w1 27b0 34w0 77b056058,561,51756
43MKGolsta Madara1877LAT 94w1 12b½ 22w0 62b1 78w0 82b1 84w1 19b½ 21w1 14b0 32w06406063,51899
44NMDaudzvardis Janis1875LAT 95b1 19w0 75b1 23w1 11b1 1w0 25b½ 20b0 8w0 77w1 26b16,52866692099
45MKAlainis Artis1854LAT 96w1 14b0 84w1 18b0 92w1 8b1 24w0 28b1 19w0 16b0 74w163862651958
46MKRuotanen Helge1854FIN 97b1 21w0 89b1 25w0 91b0 69w1 77b0 73w1 65b1 37w0 55b056355,5581621
47IMierins Emils Janis1851LAT 98w1 16b0 92w1 20b0 28w1 24b0 70w1 31b1 32w0 36b0 82w164259631887
48NMMaklakova Nellija1850LAT 99b1 23w1 13b½ 9w0 27b1 5b0 3w0 60w1 26b0 84b1 24w05,54867,569,52038
49MKIsakovs Janis1827LAT100w1 20b1 12w0 26b0 32w0 74b1 92w1 33b0 59w1 24b½ 30w05,55260,564,51881
50IGundersen Ingvar1753SWE101b1 25w0103b1 31w0 23b0 71w1 28w0 84b1 77b0 66w1 59b056454,5561638
51IVingris Mikelis1732LAT102w1 22b½ 18w0 82b1 30w0 72b1 26w0 78b1 16w½ 28b0 31w½5,55359,563,51876
52MKKaverins Nikita1726LAT 1b0 77w1 23b0 81w1 33b0 73w1 29w1 32b0 72w1 31b1 28w172262662031
53IJarnstrom Henrik1723FIN 2w0 80b1 20w0 74b1 34w0 76b1 32w0 72b0 89b1 69w1 33b056257611785
54ITer-Avetisjana Agnesa Stepania1717LAT 3b0 79w1 1b0 77w0 83b1 75w1 36w0 76b1 28w0 70b0 78w15655457,51773
55MKVambute Dana1688LAT 4w0 82b½ 86w1 78b0 98w1 84b0 72w½ 75b1 31w0 73b1 46w164651,555,51685
56IKulnev Aleksandr1684RUS 5b0 81w1 29b1 33w1 15b0 35w0 38w1 34b0 37b0 75w1 39b055965691947
57ISpringis Jevgenijs1679LAT 6w0 84b0 94w1 76b1 36w1 26b½ 27b0 82w1 30w0102b1 29b05,55459631782
58MKGolsta Ramona1675LAT 7b0 83w½ 91b1 30b0 82w0 85w1 87b1 89w1 40b0 29w0 65b04,57454571616
59IBogdanovics Kirills1675LAT 8w0 88b1 28w1 32b1 5w0 33w0 40b0 81w1 49b0 72b1 50w163662,566,51940
60MKAlipovs Anatolijs1667LAT 9b0 85w1 31b0 89w1 35b0 81w1 39w½ 48b0 84w0 86b1 79w15,55652,556,51702
61MKBoreisis Vitauts1662LAT 10w0 90b1 32w0 80b1 37w0 92b0 86w1 85b1 38w0 74b0 88w048154,558,51553
62IAndryushin Maxim1659LAT 11b0 87w½ 83b1 43w0 93b1 27w0 89b0 91w1 82b0 67w0 98b03,59350,553,51453
63MKStrods Kristaps Reinis1645LAT 12w0 94b1 34w1 35w1 17b0 32b1 18w1 3b0 24w1 19b0 25w063470,574,52142
64MKPlume Gunars1644LAT 13b0 89w0 87b1 85w0 81b0 97w1 75b0102b0 90w1 88b0 96w14884547,51334
65IVisnevskis Valdis1639LAT 14w0 96b1 36w0 84b0 80w1 28b0 74w1 92b1 46w0 85b1 58w164750531703
66MKBreikss Peteris1636LAT 15b0 91w0 95b1 99w1 38w0 29b0 76w0 90b1 80w1 50b0 85w157146,548,51563
67IPetrovska Arina1634LAT 16w0 98b1 38w0 90b1 40w0 36b0 79w½ 86b1102w0 62b1 84w15,5575255,51614
68IVernuks Vjaceslavs1634LAT 17b0 93w1 33b0 91w0 89b½ 87w0 81b0 97w1 98b1 83w1102b04,5794648,51402
69ILazdina Ingrida1625LAT 18w½ 78b0 82w0 98b½ 90w1 46b0 85w0100b1 76w1 53b0 92w157047,551,51488
70IRizihs Valerijs1614LAT 19b0 95w1 35b0103w1 39b0 41w1 47b0 29w½ 83b1 54w1 40b05,5555657,51754
71WMKDombrovska Stefanija1612LAT 20w0100b1 40w0 92b0 96w1 50b0 88w1 38b0 85w0 80b1 76w156949,552,51534
72ISlobodjans Mitrofans1595LAT 21b0 97w1 37b0 29w½ 87b1 51w0 55b½ 53w1 52b0 59w0 75b156158,5611683
73IKrauze Anda1588LAT 22w0102b1 42w0 28b0100w1 52b0 90w1 46b0 92w1 55w0 89b156753571579
74IZags Tomass1581LAT 23b0 99w1 39b0 53w0 97b1 49w0 65b0 95w1 81b1 61w1 45b056850521587
75IAminovs Maksims1552LAT 24w0104b1 44w0 34b0102w1 54b0 64w1 55w0 91b1 56b0 72w048352,5551520
76IPomahs Ziedonis1530LAT 25b0101w1 41b0 57w0 99b1 53w0 66b1 54w0 69b0 91w1 71b048746,548,51506
77ITolmacevs Artjoms1525LAT 26w0 52b0 96w1 54b1 41w1 34b0 46w1 36b0 50w1 44b0 42w164555,558,51863
78IBirmans Daniels1523LAT 27b½ 69w1 5b0 55w1 43b1 20b0 8w0 51w0 29b0 89w½ 54b048064,568,51828
79IAleidzans Vadims1495LAT 28w0 54b0 98w0100b0104w1 96b1 67b½ 87w1 39b0 93w1 60b04,57547,5501423
80IZakis Zigurds1445LAT 29b0 53w0 97b1 61w0 65b0 89w0103b1 99w1 66b0 71w0 93b148943,5451398
81IBagirov Eldar1435LAT 30w0 56b0100w1 52b0 64w1 60b0 68w1 59b0 74w0 92b0 97w148551,5541483
82IKuznecova Marija1433LAT 31b0 55w½ 69b1 51w0 58b1 43w0 83b1 57b0 62w1 39w½ 47b056653,5571707
83IKuklins Martins1416LAT 32w0 58b½ 62w0104b1 54w0 98b1 82w0 94b1 70w0 68b0 86w03,5944850,51382
84IKarasevics Aleksandrs1414LAT 33b0 57w1 45b0 65w1 29b½ 55w1 43b0 50w0 60b1 48w0 67b04,57358,563,51732
85IVingris Janis1391LAT 34w0 60b0102w1 64b1 42w0 58b0 69b1 61w0 71b1 65w0 66b048451,555,51556
86IValdats Reinis1385LAT 35b½ 41w0 55b0 87w0103b1 93w1 61b0 67w0 95b1 60w0 83b14,5764748,51482
87ICoat Sven1380FRA 36w0 62b½ 64w0 86b1 72w0 68b1 58w0 79b0 88w½100b1 94w½4,5784649,51472
88IStepanovs Dans1373LAT 37b0 59w0 99b0 93w0 95b1103w1 71b0 98w½ 87b½ 64w1 61b157243,5451416
89IKrasilnikovs Aleksandrs1368LAT 38w0 64b1 46w0 60b0 68w½ 80b1 62w1 58b0 53w0 78b½ 73w048647,5511565
90IIKantans Jekabs1359LAT 39b0 61w0101b1 67w0 69b0 99w1 73b0 66w0 64b0103w1104b14914142,51359
91IAdamovics Aleksejs1345LAT 40w0 66b1 58w0 68b1 46w1 37b0 42w0 62b0 75w0 76b0100w039649,5531506
92IKulins Jurgis1342LAT 41b1 27w0 47b0 71w1 45b0 61w1 49b0 65w0 73b0 81w1 69b048254581633
93IBartoss Marjans1337LAT 42w0 68b0104w½ 88b1 62w0 86b0102w0101b1 94w1 79b0 80w03,59543451274
94IRezniks Roberts1282LAT 43b0 63w0 57b0 97w0101b½100b1 96w1 83w0 93b0 99w1 87b½49240,542,51292
95IKalnins Girts1266LAT 44w0 70b0 66w0102b½ 88w0104b1 98w½ 74b0 86w0 97b0103b139746,5481195
96IJansons Kristers Roberts1249LAT 45b0 65w0 77b0101w1 71b0 79w0 94b0103w1 99b1 98w0 64b03984445,51246
97IIMicerevskis Maris1227LAT 46w0 72b0 80w0 94b1 74w0 64b0100w0 68b0 -1 95w1 81b039942,544,51252
98ITolmacevs Romans1210LAT 47b0 67w0 79b1 69w½ 55b0 83w0 95b½ 88b½ 68w0 96b1 62w14,57746,549,51470
99IISinicins Sergejs1185LAT 48w0 74b0 88w1 66b0 76w0 90b0104w1 80b0 96w0 94b0101w0210442441144
100IPavlovs Ostins1179LAT 49b0 71w0 81b0 79w1 73b0 94w0 97b1 69w0104b1 87w0 91b14904345,51336
101IIMieze Natalja1165LAT 50w0 76b0 90w0 96b0 94w½102b0 -1 93w0103b0104w0 99b12,51013637,5990
102IVarpins Kristians1144LAT 51b0 73w0 85b0 95w½ 75b0101w1 93b1 64w1 67b1 57w0 68w15,55844,546,51511
103IIIKantans Ansis1024LAT -1 24b0 50w0 70b0 86w0 88b0 80w0 96b0101w1 90b0 95w0210345,547,51106
104Deshpande Kumar Suresh0LAT -0 75w0 93b½ 83w0 79b0 95w0 99b0 -1100w0101b1 90w02,510036,538,51055

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