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VII Campionat Territorial d'Escacs Actius de Girona (221829)

Posledná aktualizácia 21.07.2019 13:03:59, Creator/Last Upload: Jesús Caballero Maytin

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Konečná tabuľka po 8 kolách

Por.TMenoEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdBody TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Lazaro Pujol Abel2214ESP 25b1 16w1 9b1 8w½ 7b1 4w1 6b1 2w½7443339,5
2Terry Cuellar Luis Antonio2293CUB 31b1 10w1 26b1 14w½ 6b½ 12w1 7b1 1b½6,5423138
3Clot Chico Arnau2176ESP 28b0 52w1 27b1 40w1 8b1 10w½ 19b1 6w16,53526,532,5
4FMCastillo Dalmau Albert2346ESP 23b1 22w1 8b0 16w1 11b1 1b0 17w1 15w1641,52737
5Balague Canadell Jordi2139ESP 47b1 40w1 7b½ 26w1 14b1 6w0 8b½ 10w1637,52934,5
6Parramon Ros Francesc2268ESP 36w1 18b1 21w1 19b1 2w½ 5b1 1w0 3b05,5443140
7Saurina Suner Francesc Xavier2294ESP 27w1 11b1 5w½ 13b1 1w0 21b1 2w0 22b15,543,52739,5
8Diaz Comas Jordi2120ESP 51w1 20b1 4w1 1b½ 3w0 23b1 5w½ 12b½5,5432840
9Catala Ulied Guillem2040ESP 29w1 37b1 1w0 17b0 46w1 16b1 11w½ 20w15,5382435
10AIMBadosa Romanyo Albert1926ESP 59w1 2b0 46w1 44b1 15w1 3b½ 14w1 5b05,536,526,534,5
11Caballero Monteso Ricard1989ESP 49b1 7w0 42b1 41w1 4w0 34b1 9b½ 19w15,535,52432,5
12Cros Garcia Marc2001ESP 58w1 50b1 19b0 28w1 17w1 2b0 27b1 8w½5,534,526,532
13MKFluvia Frigola Joan2110ESP 52b½ 55w1 33b1 7w0 20w½ 22b½ 24w1 23b15,53223,530
14Castrillon Otero Javier2181ESP 46w1 32b1 15w1 2b½ 5w0 18w½ 10b0 28b1538,52635,5
15Castillo Dalmau Arnau2015ESP 63b+ 28w1 14b0 30w1 10b0 40w1 18b1 4b0536,52533
16Casanovas Barniol Gerard1886ESP 44w1 1b0 51w1 4b0 29w1 9w0 30b1 32b1536,52133,5
17Mustelier Perez Jorge Luis1900GER 41b1 19w0 47b1 9w1 12b0 26w1 4b0 27w15362333
18Carranza Font Joan1935ESP 56b1 6w0 31b1 55w1 19w½ 14b½ 15w0 29b153223,530
19Diaz Munoz Sergi2158ESP 39w1 17b1 12w1 6w0 18b½ 20b1 3w0 11b04,541,52637,5
20Olcina Monells Jordi1843ESP 61b1 8w0 35b1 22w1 13b½ 19w0 21w1 9b04,5352334
21Alvarez Martinez Robert Carlos2058ESP 35b1 38w1 6b0 23w½ 43b1 7w0 20b0 42w14,53522,531,5
22Vinas Serra Jaume1984ESP 57w1 4b0 36w1 20b0 28w1 13w½ 42b1 7w04,53521,533
23Filipenko Yan1809RUS 4w0 57b1 50w1 21b½ 42w1 8w0 26b1 13w04,533,521,531,5
24Amich Vidal Pau1829ESP 45b1 26w0 41b0 49w1 30b½ 43w1 13b0 38w14,530,51927,5
25Saborit Verdaguer Roger1741ESP 1w0 44b0 54w1 59b1 26b0 45w½ 43b1 40w14,528,515,526,5
26Bigas Hospital Jordi2104ESP 30w1 24b1 2w0 5b0 25w1 17b0 23w0 44b14382035
27Serrat Juanaola Xavier1809ESP 7b0 49w1 3w0 51b1 48w1 33b1 12w0 17b0435,51932,5
28Verdaguer Planella Pol1729ESP 3w1 15b0 32w1 12b0 22b0 55w1 44b1 14w04351933
29Pales Pi Marta1664SWZ 9b0 60w1 40b0 31w1 16b0 36b1 34w1 18w04331731
30Pino Jacomet Arnau1699ESP 26b0 45w1 34w1 15b0 24w½ 32b½ 16w0 48b143217,529
31Bonilla Rodriguez Javier1782ESP 2w0 59b1 18w0 29b0 53b1 35w0 49b1 41b1430,51428,5
32Esteve Ferrer Pau1922ESP 53b1 14w0 28b0 47w½ 55b1 30w½ 35b1 16w0429,51827,5
33Massaguer Soles Francesc1918ESP 43w½ 54b1 13w0 42b0 47w1 27w0 53b1 37b½428,517,526
34Vidal Palou Jordi1870ESP 55b0 58w1 30b0 35w1 41b1 11w0 29b0 45b1428,51726,5
35Compte Auge Lluis1673ESP 21w0 62b1 20w0 34b0 59w1 31b1 32w0 46b14271526
36Castillo Garrido Alex1774ESP 6b0 56w1 22b0 45w0 49b1 29w0 57b1 50w14271425
37Sole Benegues Jordi1813ESP 60b1 9w0 55b0 56w1 45b½ 42w0 48b1 33w½425,517,523,5
38Sala Huguet Santiago1841ESP 62w1 21b0 44w0 43b0 57w1 51b1 45w1 24b0424,51723,5
39Gascon Martel Alejandro1725ESP 19b0 41w0 53b½ 58w½ 56b1 48w0 55b1 52w142312,521
40Arambulo Urbaneta Henry Jose1868ESP 48w1 5b0 29w1 3b0 44w1 15b0 41w½ 25b03,5351932
41Villalba Pons Guillem1577ESP 17w0 39b1 24w1 11b0 34w0 46b1 40b½ 31w03,533,51730,5
42Roqueta Maffei Oscar Nahuel1823ESP 54w½ 43b1 11w0 33w1 23b0 37b1 22w0 21b03,5331930,5
43Villalba Pons Max1600ESP 33b½ 42w0 52b1 38w1 21w0 24b0 25w0 53b13,5301627,5
44Catalan Monteagudo Elm1574ESP 16b0 25w1 38b1 10w0 40b0 47b1 28w0 26w0333,51630,5
45Li Li Libin1463ESP 24w0 30b0 57w1 36b1 37w½ 25b½ 38b0 34w033114,529
46Vigueras Ruiz Francisco1735ESP 14b0 53w1 10b0 50w1 9b0 41w0 56b1 35w03311428,5
47Romera Fernandez Manel1723ESP 5w0 48b1 17w0 32b½ 33b0 44w0 58b½ 57w1329,511,527,5
48Vives Pararols Arnau1533ESP 40b0 47w0 58b1 52w1 27b0 39b1 37w0 30w0327,51425
49Jimeno San Jose Luis1636ESP 11w0 27b0 61w1 24b0 36w0 54b1 31w0 60b1327,51026,5
50Saborit Codina Jaume1410ESP -1 12w0 23b0 46b0 54w0 62b1 51w1 36b03271326
51Alcaraz Martinez Leandro1708ESP 8b0 61w1 16b0 27w0 60b1 38w0 50b0 55w13261225
52Catala Ulied Carles1707ESP 13w½ 3b0 43w0 48b0 58b1 53w0 54w1 39b02,5301027,5
53Villalba Moreno Oscar Jesus1600ESP 32w0 46b0 39w½ 54b1 31w0 52b1 33w0 43w02,527,51125
54Blanch Gimenez David1445ESP 42b½ 33w0 25b0 53w0 50b1 49w0 52b0 61w12,523,5922,5
55Saurina Colomer Carles1556ESP 34w1 13b0 37w1 18b0 32w0 28b0 39w0 51b0233,51430,5
56Herce Carrera Javier1615ESP 18w0 36b0 62w1 37b0 39w0 59b1 46w0 -0226925
57Canal Sala Pau1625ESP 22b0 23w0 45b0 62w1 38b0 60w1 36w0 47b0226825
58Romero Kovina Daniel1652ESP 12b0 34b0 48w0 39b½ 52w0 61b1 47w½ -02266,525
59Ros Agusti Salvador1606ESP 10b0 31w0 60b1 25w0 35b0 56w0 61b0 62w1224,5723,5
60Masmitja Latorre Maria1440ESP 37w0 29b0 59w0 61b1 51w0 57b0 62w1 49w0220719
61Compte Marti Jordi1524ESP 20w0 51b0 49b0 60w0 62b0 58w0 59w1 54b0120,5219,5
62Vives Faig Miquel1495ESP 38b0 35w0 56b0 57b0 61w1 50w0 60b0 59b0120419
63Torrent Lopez Blai1654ESP 15w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0022021

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Fide Tie-Break
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)