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XIV Termo-Eko cup 2019

Last update 18.11.2019 14:23:15, Creator/Last Upload: Riga Chess federation

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Final Ranking crosstable after 9 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1GMLugovskoy Maxim2444RUS 38w1 11b1 7w½ 10b1 2w½ 6b1 9w1 8b½ 4w½749532526
2IMOganian Miran2436RUS 30b1 29w1 12b1 3w1 1b½ 5w½ 8b0 14w½ 7b16,548,553,52454
3IMSveshnikov Vladimir2425LAT 44w1 16b1 23w1 2b0 13w1 9b0 15w½ 17b1 8w16,545,549,52388
4GMHarutjunyan Gevorg2423ARM 56b1 20w1 21b½ 6w0 33b1 22w1 5b1 7w½ 1b½6,545,548,52377
5IMBadelka Olga2405BLR 28w1 17b½ 33w1 14b½ 15w1 2b½ 4w0 22b1 13w16,54549,52394
6FMSemjonovs Ilja2357LAT 25w1 26b½ 17w1 4b1 7w½ 1w0 22b½ 16w1 9b½646,551,52361
7IMPershin Denis2384RUS 50b1 45w1 1b½ 19w1 6b½ 8w½ 21b1 4b½ 2w0646,5502374
8FMJuksta Karolis2310LTU 27w1 21b0 47w1 34b1 16w1 7b½ 2w1 1w½ 3b0646502300
9FMFilipets Egor2331BLR 37w1 23b0 25w1 21w1 24b1 3w1 1b0 13b½ 6w½645492264
10FMChukavin Kirill2347EST 40b1 35w½ 63b1 1w0 31b½ 34w1 16b0 24w1 14b164144,52261
11MKBatashevs Arsens2189LAT 52b1 1w0 18b1 24w0 30b½ 50w1 25b½ 23w1 21b164144,52104
12NMBekasovs Rihards2204LAT 55w1 64b1 2w0 33b½ 28w1 21w0 23b½ 26b1 25w1639402054
13FMStepins Edgars2286LAT 51b1 18w½ 24b½ 20w1 3b0 31w1 29b1 9w½ 5b05,54548,52205
14FMKononenko Dmitry2314UKR 53b1 24w½ 35b1 5w½ 22b0 32w1 18w1 2b½ 10w05,54447,52229
15NMJazdanovs Aleksandrs2284LAT 47w1 33b0 27w1 26b1 5b0 24w1 3b½ 20w½ 16b½5,543,547,52163
16FMKrustkalns Kristaps2188LAT 65b1 3w0 53b1 30w1 8b0 27w1 10w1 6b0 15w½5,543,5452109
17FMSilich Yahor2152BLR 39b1 5w½ 6b0 56w1 18b0 42w1 30b1 3w0 35b15,542452124
18MKSamunenkov Ihor1978UKR 43w1 13b½ 11w0 49b1 17w1 29w½ 14b0 34b1 22w½5,540,5442122
19NMKretainis Kristaps2283LAT 61b1 31w1 7b0 38w½ 23b½ 28w1 21w½ 20b½5,540,5432114
20WFMIlyuchyk Yana2114BLR 58w1 4b0 55w1 13b0 25w½ 38b1 49w1 15b½ 19w½5,538,541,52057
21CMNavumenka Mikhei2017BLR 41b1 8w1 4w½ 9b0 50w1 12b1 7w0 19b½ 11w054649,52212
22MKVorobjov Pavel2281EST 42w1 31b½ 26w½ 23b1 14w1 4b0 6w½ 5w0 18b½545492191
23WFMSinitsina Anastassia2092EST 60b1 9w1 3b0 22w0 47b1 19w½ 12w½ 11b0 40w1543462136
24MKGudovskis Konstantins1999LAT 62w1 14b½ 13w½ 11b1 9w0 15b0 41w1 10b0 39w1542,544,52076
25WCMNurmanova Alua1824KAZ 6b0 60w1 9b0 39w1 20b½ 45w1 11w½ 33b1 12b0542452097
26WFMBalabayeva Xeniya2098KAZ 46b1 6w½ 22b½ 15w0 27b0 47w1 44b1 12w0 43b1539,5431987
27IIvbulis Martins1793LAT 8b0 41w1 15b0 62w1 26w1 16b0 35b½ 32w½ 46b1539,541,51988
28MKZarovs Aleksandrs1875LAT 5b0 46w1 39b½ 45w1 12b0 55w1 19b0 37w1 29b½539422022
29MKZaehringer Daniel2163GER 66w1 2b0 42w1 50b½ 37w1 18b½ 13w0 31b½ 28w½539421995
30MKPavlovs Nikita1943LAT 2w0 49b1 64w1 16b0 11w½ 37b1 17w0 48b½ 41w1539401912
31MKFischer Erik1979GER 57b1 22w½ 19b0 61w1 10w½ 13b0 43b1 29w½ 34w½53840,52040
32MKAlainis Artis2013LAT 49w0 55b0 66w1 59b1 41w1 14b0 40w½ 27b½ 48w1532351763
33MKKlachkou Tsimafei2000BLR 54b1 15w1 5b0 12w½ 4w0 49b0 42b1 25w0 51b14,540,5441947
34FMDzjuba Vsevolod2162LAT 51b1 8w0 44b1 10b0 38w1 18w0 31b½4,539,5432035
35MKRasa Gints2086LAT 36w1 10b½ 14w0 37b0 39w1 40b½ 27w½ 49b1 17w04,538,5421875
36IKastanieda Alla1546PER 35b0 51w0 48b0 46w0 60b1 65w1 57b½ 56w1 50b14,528,5301646
37MKMikelsons Mikelis-Emils1807LAT 9b0 40w1 35w1 29b0 30w0 55b1 28b0 45w½437,540,51952
38MKKurmangaliyeva Liya1976KAZ 1b0 52w1 61b½ 63w1 19b½ 20w0 34b0 39b0 49w143739,51924
39IVingris Mikelis1613LAT 17w0 44b1 28w½ 25b0 35b0 62w½ 52b1 38w1 24b0436,538,51833
40MKAizstrauts Arturs1818LAT 10w0 37b0 54w1 63b1 35w½ 32b½ 46w½ 23b043639,51913
41IStrods Kristaps Reinis1531LAT 21w0 27b0 52b1 51w1 32b0 56w1 24b0 44w1 30b0436391842
42MKPetersons Ojars1689LAT 22b0 65w1 29b0 43w1 17b0 33w0 52w½ 57b1434,5361705
43IITsoy Maxim1343KAZ 18b0 48w1 50b0 42b0 66w+ 51w1 31w0 53b1 26w0434371763
44MKGamsa Mark1918LAT 3b0 39w0 60b1 48w1 34w0 58b1 26w0 41b0 59w1434371762
45MKPogrebnojs Dmitrijs2098LAT 59w1 7b0 49w½ 28b0 61w1 25b0 46b½ 51w½ 37b½43436,51735
46IMucenieks Marks1589LAT 26w0 28b0 62w0 36b1 65w1 53b1 45w½ 40b½ 27w043334,51672
47IViikmaa Karmen1726EST 15b0 54w1 8b0 64w1 23w0 26b0 59w0 62b1 58w1433341759
48IBugaev Anton1659RUS 63w0 43b0 36w1 44b0 62b½ 57w1 50b1 30w½ 32b0432341698
49ITolmacevs Artjoms1484LAT 32b1 30w0 45b½ 18w0 56b1 33w1 20b0 35w0 38b03,538411932
50MKFridensteins-Bridins Atis1869LAT 7w0 58b1 43w1 29w½ 21b0 11b0 48w0 59b1 36w03,537401751
51ITulendinov Dinmukhammed1734KAZ 13w0 36b1 34w0 41b0 59w1 43b0 58w1 45b½ 33w03,533,536,51714
52ITer-Avetisjana Agnesa Stepania1646LAT 11w0 38b0 41w0 58b½ 54w1 61b1 39w0 42b½ 53w½3,53234,51651
53MKKlachkou Platon1793BLR 14w0 59b1 16w0 55b0 57b1 46w0 62b1 43w0 52b½3,531331599
54IStanislavskis Dmitrijs1480LAT 33w0 47b0 58w½ 40b0 52b0 60w0 65b1 61b1 64w13,526271526
55IPiksis Davids1647LAT 12b0 32w1 20b0 53w1 28b0 37w0 58b0 56w½336,539,51771
56NMMaklakova Nellija1898LAT 4w0 66b½ 57w1 17b0 49w0 41b0 61w1 36b0 55b½33335,51601
57IUhanovs Maksims1394LAT 31w0 56b0 66b1 53w0 48b0 36w½ 60b1 42w0331341583
58IFrancs Marats1590LAT 20b0 50w0 54b½ 52w½ 64b1 44w0 51b0 55w1 47b0330,531,51598
59IZujevs Valerijs1586LAT 45b0 53w0 65b1 32w0 51b0 64w1 47b1 50w0 44b0329301600
60IBirmans Daniels1583LAT 23w0 25b0 44w0 65b0 36w0 54b1 64b1 57w0 62w1328,529,51434
61MKNemkovs Vjaceslavs1716LAT 19w0 62b1 38w½ 31b0 45b0 52w0 56b0 54w0 65b12,530,5321586
62IAbdsattar Alisher1405KAZ 24b0 61w0 46b1 27b0 48w½ 39b½ 53w0 47w0 60b0232,5351499
63FMKarayev Assylkhan2237KAZ 48b1 10w0 38b0 40w0 -0 -0 -0 -01,533,5361757
64IPcolkins Nikolajs1371LAT -1 12w0 30b0 47b0 58w0 59b0 60w0 65w½ 54b01,531,5331196
65IIMieze Natalja1005LAT 16w0 42b0 59w0 60w1 46b0 36b0 54w0 64b½ 61w01,530311366
66IMierins Emils Janis1645LAT 29b0 56w½ 32b0 57w0 43b- -0 -0 -0 -00,52728,51545

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Performance (variable with parameter)