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VII Campionat Territorial Escacs Actius de Girona - Figueres (223368)

Dernière mise à jour 18.08.2019 14:16:27, Créateur/Dernière mise à jour: carlesvila

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Grille américaine finale après la ronde 8

RgNomFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts Dep.1  Dep.2  Dep.3 
1FMCuadras Avellana JordiCAT 26b1 7w1 8b1 10w1 3b0 5w1 6w½ 4b16,539,54331
2MKColls Gelaberto EmiliCAT 27w1 15b1 13w½ 4b0 18b1 10w1 3b1 8w16,53639,528
3IMGonzalez Rodriguez Jorge A.COL 20w1 16b1 4w1 9b½ 1w1 6b½ 2w0 14b16404430
4Terry Cuellar Luis AntonioCUB 34b1 18w1 3b0 2w1 10b1 8w1 7b1 1w0638,541,529
5Laborde StephaneFRA 30w1 14b1 9w0 21b1 15w1 1b0 13w1 11b163639,527
6MKSerra Pages JordiCAT 19w1 17b1 11w1 13b½ 9w1 3w½ 1b½ -05,5384230
7Izagirre Alsua AritzESP 31w1 1b0 20w1 25b1 11w1 9b½ 4w0 12w15,535,538,525,5
8Saurina Suner Francesc XavierCAT 22w1 29b1 1w0 14b1 13w1 4b0 19w1 2b053740,526
9MKBanos OscarARG 23b1 28w1 5b1 3w½ 6b0 7w½ 12b0 18w1536,54026
10Alvarez Martinez Robert CarlosCAT 36w1 25b1 16w1 1b0 4w0 2b0 20w1 19b15363924
11FMIbanez Tarradellas EduardoCAT 12b1 24w1 6b0 26w1 7b0 23w1 18b1 5w0534,53825
12Diomine ThierryFRA 11w0 33b1 14w0 16b1 20w1 15b1 9w1 7b0534,53821
13MKFluvia Frigola JoanCAT 43b1 37w1 2b½ 6w½ 8b0 34w1 5b0 21w153333,524,5
14Perez Fonolleras OliverCAT 38b1 5w0 12b1 8w0 26b1 28w1 29b1 3w0532,53523
15Badosa Romanyo AlbertCAT 40b1 2w0 27b1 34w1 5b0 12w0 23b1 22w15323422
16Salinas Tomas DanielCAT 32b1 3w0 10b0 12w0 35b1 37w1 26b1 25w1529,531,518
17Fortea MarcFRA 45b+ 6w0 26b0 36b1 19w0 22b½ 32w1 29w14,5283117,5
18Perez Lopez AlfonsoCAT 33w1 4b0 22w1 19b1 2w0 21b1 11w0 9b043538,522
19Sala Huguet SantiagoCAT 6b0 40w1 28b1 18w0 17b1 24w1 8b0 10w0431,533,520
20Amich Vidal PauCAT 3b0 32w1 7b0 38w1 12b0 31w1 10b0 34w143133,516
21Gutierrez Galindo AngelCAT -0 43w1 35b1 5w0 27b1 18w0 34b1 13b0428,52919
22Romera Fernandez ManelCAT 8b0 38w1 18b0 37w1 24b½ 17w½ 28b1 15b04283017,5
23Bonilla Rodriguez JavierCAT 9w0 31b½ 43w1 30b1 29w½ 11b0 15w0 36b142828,517,5
24Carranza Font JoanCAT 35w1 11b0 30w0 33b1 22w½ 19b0 38w1 28b½42628,517,5
25Muntal Corrales ArnauCAT 39b1 10w0 37b1 7w0 34b0 40w1 27b1 16b04262819
26Serrat Juanaola XavierCAT 1w0 36b1 17w1 11b0 14w0 30b1 16w0 33b½3,532,535,516,5
27Boussely JackFRA 2b0 42w1 15w0 39b1 21w0 33b1 25w0 30b½3,52930,515,5
28Vinolas Anglada LauraCAT 41w1 9b0 19w0 31b1 30w1 14b0 22w0 24w½3,528,53017,5
29Roche Peris EduardCAT 42b1 8w0 34b0 35w1 23b½ 32w1 14w0 17b03,52728,518
30Lopez CharlesFRA 5b0 39w1 24b1 23w0 28b0 26w0 40b1 27w½3,526,528,515,5
31Sillero PierreFRA 7b0 23w½ 32b½ 28w0 38b½ 20b0 -1 41w13,52526,511,5
32Alcaraz Martinez LeandroCAT 16w0 20b0 31w½ 41b1 36w1 29b0 17b0 40w13,524,52613
33Vives Pararols ArnauCAT 18b0 12w0 40b1 24w0 43b1 27w0 41b1 26w½3,523,52412,5
34Pino Jacomet ArnauCAT 4w0 41b1 29w1 15b0 25w1 13b0 21w0 20b033233,517
35Compte Marti JordiCAT 24b0 -1 21w0 29b0 16w0 36b0 43w1 38b1325,52610
36Compte Auge LluisCAT 10b0 26w0 42b1 17w0 32b0 35w1 37b1 23w0324,52611
37Vives Faig MiquelCAT 44b+ 13b0 25w0 22b0 42w1 16b0 36w0 39w½2,526,52812,5
38Blanch Gimenez DavidCAT 14w0 22b0 41w1 20b0 31w½ 42b1 24b0 35w02,52425,511
39Pinol Bosch GerardCAT 25w0 30b0 -1 27w0 40b0 41w0 42w1 37b½2,51920,58,5
40Pinol Bosch BielCAT 15w0 19b0 33w0 43b1 39w1 25b0 30w0 32b0225,5269
41Sola Colom CurialCAT 28b0 34w0 38b0 32w0 -1 39b1 33w0 31b022122,57
42Pinol Romero XavierCAT 29w0 27b0 36w0 -1 37b0 38w0 39b0 43w1218,5196
43Verdaguer Camps RicardCAT 13w0 21b0 23b0 40w0 33w0 -1 35b0 42b0123243
44Canal Morell MiquelCAT 37w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0021220
Canal Sala PauCAT 17w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0021220

Départage 1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Départage 2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Départage 3: Fide Tie-Break