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Blackjacks Club Champs 2019

Last update 07.07.2019 16:16:31, Creator/Last Upload: Ricardo Minnaar

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Starting rank

1Baloyi XikombiRSA1881
2Maravanyika CharltonRSA1830
3Kleinsmidt CherwinRSA1828
4Geduld JamieRSA1729
5Pick BjornRSA1713
6Booys LeatinRSA1663
7Brown ShaunRSA1616
8Galant WarrenRSA1616
9Louw LlewellynRSA1600
10Meiring VictorRSA1556
11Kapp EttieneRSA1508
12Jacobs Peter-JohnRSA1504
13Flink AngeloRSA1482
14Koopstadt RudyRSA1447
15Mentoor TheodorRSA1407
16Steenberg StuartRSA1358
17Dittrich Juan-ClaudeRSA1356
18Booysen Don-FredoRSA1311
19Roberts ChristopherRSA1279
20Blankenberg TaylonRSA1255
21Laloo AdrianRSA1200
22Laloo JodyRSA1148
23Visagie CheslinRSA1106
24Cunningham LezerickRSA1104
25Lott NicoleRSA1073
26Price ShaunRSA1036
27Vereen GaryRSA995
28Nel RowanRSA956
29Lentit GershwinRSA922
30Maart GavinRSA911
31Manuel SimoneRSA860
32Swartz LyndonRSA828
33Cloete MorganRSA824
34Solo RichardRSA781
35Bhatch LehanoRSA747
36Swartz ChadwinRSA737
37Pharo KeenanRSA634